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Example sentences for "foreign capital"

  • An incidental problem that arises in connection with the joint development of the country by public and by private capital is the use of foreign capital.

  • Sun Yat-sen, as stated above, was not hostile to the development of that portion of foreign capital which he regarded as fairly employed in China, and spent a great part of his life in seeking to introduce capital from outside.

  • Sun Yat-sen was opposed to imperialism, but he did not believe that the use of foreign capital at fair rates of interest constituted submission to imperialism.

  • Foreign capital in China was not oppressive because it was capital; it was oppressive because it held a privileged position, and because it was reinforced by political and military sanctions.

  • Growth has been fueled in recent years by the rapid expansion of the oil sector, progress in the construction and financial service industries, and an influx of foreign capital.

  • Administrative and legal barriers are also causing costly delays for foreign investors and are raising similar doubts about Vietnam's ability to maintain the inflow of foreign capital.

  • The Chinese Government declares that China will hereafter provide funds for building railways in South Manchuria; if foreign capital is required, the Chinese Government agrees to negotiate for the loan with Japanese capitalists first.

  • The Chinese Government agrees that China will herself provide funds for building the railways in Eastern Inner Mongolia; if foreign capital is required, she must negotiate with the Japanese Government first.

  • Returning American prosperity, however, combined with complete stagnation abroad, set up another hitherward movement of foreign capital which, during the spring and summer of 1909, attained amazing proportions.

  • Because of the recent advances in the prices of cattle and cheese, the industry has obtained a new impetus as is evinced by the huge investment of foreign capital (mainly English) during recent years.

  • Venezuela as a field for the investment of foreign capital.

  • There are numerous opportunities offered for foreign capital in Venezuela in the exploitation of petroleum.

  • It is this factor which has retarded the industry in the past and which is now responsible for the hesitancy on the part of foreign capital.

  • We know of the hundreds of millions of foreign capital invested.

  • When advantageously exported in a rude state, even by a foreign capital, 156.

  • She sees the advantage of this; and no British minister ever yet did a thing so rash, so inconsiderate, so startling, as to exhibit a groundless feeling of dissatisfaction at the introduction or employment of foreign capital.

  • If the introduction, then, of foreign capital be discountenanced and discouraged, the American moneylender may fix his own rate anywhere from five to twelve per cent.

  • The field of minerals is a vast one, and offers inducement to foreign capital.

  • San Luis Potosi is a state of much promise in minerals and agriculture, but has been kept backward until recently from want of foreign capital to exploit its natural resources.

  • Foreign capital must be invested in Mexico and then protected; immigration must be encouraged, and other material, moral, and intellectual aid of all sorts must be drawn from abroad for the upbuilding of the nation.

  • The United States are still large users of foreign capital, but American investors are not willing to see the return upon their investments reduced to the European level.

  • Nevertheless, it would appear that obviousness of the desirability of foreign capital, from whatever source it comes, is by no means evident to those who are now in charge of the nation's destinies.

  • It points out in its Report that the question which lay in the forefront of its investigations was that of the employment of foreign capital in British industries.

  • For these reasons we are of opinion that in all amendments of the law falling within the scope of our reference, the expediency of the attraction of foreign capital should be steadily borne in mind.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foreign capital" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    danger signal; for thy; foreign articles; foreign bodies; foreign countries; foreign devil; foreign enemy; foreign immigration; foreign influences; foreign lands; foreign languages; foreign matter; foreign minister; foreign missionary; foreign parts; foreign policy; foreign politics; foreign pollen; foreign ports; foreign powers; foreign stamps; foreign states; foreign troops; mortality from; shew them; thank you