The coudières are distinctly beautiful, with radiating flutings upon the butterfly shape, which is folded inwards over the goussets.
A comb, convex in section, runs down the centre of the crown, and radiating flutings are seen to ornament the back.
The Breastplate is short and furnished with goussets sliding upon almayne rivets; a cable pattern appears upon the turned-over edges, and flutings radiate from the waist upwards.
The rich flutings were discarded by reason of their tendency to hold the opponent’s lance and to direct its head towards vulnerable spots.
The peculiar shape of the coudière with its flutings should be noticed.
The chief cause of these disturbances may be ascribed to the fact that the carbon rollers in their journals, rest loose in the flutings of the beam, which is fastened to the sound plate.
A sort of braking contrivance operates on the carbon rollers in such a way as to prevent their journals from lying on the lower points in the flutings of the beams.
On the other hand, the details, not only the mouldings and flutings and channelings, but also the carving in conventionalized leafage, were plainly to be seen and were capable of exciting the most enthusiastic interest.
We found, also, part of a small column of Parian marble, which the intervals of the flutings show to have been of the Ionic or the Corinthian order.
These were fluted, once, and yet, although the stone is about as hard as iron, the flutings are almost worn away.
Twenty to twenty-five ridges run the entire length of the trunk, and these flutings expand as the plant fills with water and contract as it loses its moisture.
They are derived from the reed-like flutings of Babylonia and Assyria, which are to be found as late as the Parthian counterfeit at Tellôh.
Two courses above these flutings there is a course of bricks laid corner-wise so as to constitute a dog-tooth motive.
Round their middle each had a white rope, about as thick as a hand, cutting the flutings of the robe; and where the head disappeared, a white penitent's hood thrown backward.
The flutings went on for three minutes, then were replaced by entirely new sounds.
At that time--when the firstflutings were picked up by a tape recorder on Kalua--the world had settled down to await the logical consequences of its history.
More flutings repeated that the Earth signal was intended for whoever or whatever used flutelike sounds for signaling purposes, and the message came to an end with an arch comment from the university president: "We hope you'll answer!
Here it was distended laterally, and flattened so as to be only one inch thick, the flutings being comparatively distinct.
The narrow plane surface between flutingsof a column.
A narrow flat member; especially, a flat molding separating other moldings; a reglet; also, the space between two flutings in a shaft.
One of the rounded plaits or flutings of such a band.
At last they came to the woods that opened out upon the upper river road, where she had stood the day she had been splashed with mud from Anthony Dexter's wheels, and, at the same instant, had heard the mysterious flutings from afar.
Surely these distant flutings were the pipes o' Pan!
The shallow flutings are continued up to the very top of the shaft, there being concluded by an almost straight line.
The flutings were terminated above and below, before reaching this transverse member, by a semicircle, which agreed with their sectional outline.
One of the cylinders is turned by a winch, and communicates its motion in the opposite direction by means of the flutings working into each other.
The lap proceeds along the table seen beneath the letter c, in its progress to the fluted rollers, which are an inch and one-sixth in diameter, and have 28 flutings in their circumference.
A similar bar is applied beneath the rollers, to keep the flutings clean.
To the dusky flutingsof Secchi's third type four brilliant rays were added.
An equally close examination of the spectrum of Betelgeux showed the predominance in it of the linear absorption of iron;[1430] but its characteristic flutings do not extend to the photographic region.
Arabel meekly followed these, and saved her whole, fresh soul to pour out upon the flutings and finishing.
Stars with fluted spectra indicate the presence of vapours of the metalloids or of compound substances, while the reversed flutings indicate the presence of carbon.
The cooling series is indicated by thicker lines of hydrogen and thinner lines of the metallic elements, through Sirius, to Arcturus and our sun, thence to 19 Piscium, which shows chiefly flutings of carbon, with a few faint metallic lines.
Defn: The narrow plane surface between flutings of a column.
They are forty-eight feet in height and nearly five feet in diameter, while their flutings are nine inches across.
Agnese there are two columns of this marble, the flutings of which are remarkable for their cabled divisions.
Only the upper part is fluted; as the sharp edges of the flutings near the bottom might easily be marred, the divisions of the surface on the lower third of the shaft were left flat.
The ceiling is moulded influtings running up to the crown of the vault; only in the ceiling of the schola do we find raised figures.
The corners are embellished with three-quarter columns, which have Doric flutings and composite capitals.
The columns received a thick coating of stucco, with flutings indicated by incised lines; the lower third of the shaft was painted red, the upper portion being left white.
But a comet is also more or less self-luminous; for, in addition to the continuous spectrum, there are bright flutings and bright lines to which much attention has been given.
Flutings exactly identical with those seen in the spectrum of a comet were obtained by Professor A.
The three ordinary bright flutings were found by Sir William Huggins in 1868 to be identical with the spectrum obtained when an electric spark is passed through olefiant gas, and they are now recognised as due to carbon.
Type N--similar to M, in that both are pronouncedly reddish, but with characteristic flutings probably indicating carbon compounds.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flutings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.