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Example sentences for "flogging"

Lexicographically close words:
floe; floes; flog; flogged; flogger; floggings; flogs; flom; flood; flooded
  1. Flogging has become a pleasure purchasable in our streets, and inhibition a grown-up habit that children play at.

  2. Yet all these flogging schoolmasters and orphanage fiends and baby farmers are "lovers of children.

  3. This foulness, we can plead, was imposed on us as a necessity by the use of horses and of huge retinues; but flogging has never been so imposed: it has always been a vice, craved for on any pretext by those depraved by it.

  4. The crowd gave way before us, and Ayisha thrust herself this and that way among them, breaking up groups, striking me over the wrist with the stick she had for flogging the camel because I tried to regain the rifle.

  5. Seeing that, Narayan Singh rode after him, flogging furiously, and got well cursed too.

  6. Deaths due to flogging generally ensued some days afterwards, and not always in the station itself where the lash had been applied, but on the way home to the unfortunate's dwelling-place.

  7. He was made prisoner by Normand in January, 1907, and kept chained up for a year by Velarde and others, and then released on condition he joined them, and was first employed in flogging Indians.

  8. Flogging was varied with other tortures designed, like the semi-drownings of Velarde, to just stop short of taking life while inspiring the acute mental fear and inflicting much of the physical agony of death.

  9. After flogging her they cut her throat with machetes and then burnt her up.

  10. The severity of the flogging depends on the amount of rubber the man is short.

  11. An individual who had often taken part in these floggings and who charged himself with two murders of Indians has thus left on record the manner of flogging the Indians at stations where he served.

  12. Well, Miss Sommers herself was good enough to tell me that it would probably mean flogging to death.

  13. Flogging is objectionable because it is ineffectual (as was shown long since), and because it brutalises and degrades those on whom it is inflicted, those who inflict it, and those who come within the radius of its influence.

  14. Flogging has not yet reached among us the extension which it then had in Russia and in Siberia, but its character and influence remain the same, and the warning seems to be still needed.

  15. Even if there were less evidence as to the ineffectual character of flogging as a deterrent, and to its bad influence on the morale of a prison, we cannot afford to flog any human being.

  16. The objections to flogging are by no means of a sentimental character.

  17. It can scarcely be necessary to say that in any effectual treatment flogging can have no part.

  18. The prisoner with the knowledge of a probable flogging on the morrow, instead of giving way to restlessness and anxiety, maintains a calm and stolid behaviour.

  19. It is certainly odd," the sheriff went on, "after what you were telling me about her son pitching into Andrew over flogging this very slave, that she should go and buy his wife.

  20. I did not interfere to prevent his flogging the slave, mother, but to prevent his flogging the slave's wife, which was pure wanton brutality.

  21. However, I hear that he has obeyed your orders, and that there has been no flogging on the estate since I went away.

  22. Under no other than military training, and in no other than the military class, would the atrocities have been possible which used to be perpetrated in the barrack riding-school in the old flogging days.

  23. We were just in time, for no sooner had we disappeared than a body of Manchu cavalry came rapidly past, flogging their ponies, and shouting excitedly to one another as they passed.

  24. Sometimes a body of cavalry, with gaudy banners in the van and the men flogging on their steeds with short whips, have also ridden by escaping from the rout.

  25. There is one good old thoroughbred which remembers a fearful flogging that he received twenty-two years ago; if he hears the voice of the man who lashed him, he sweats profusely, and trembles so much that he is like to fall down.

  26. A heavy flogging always did make him sick, although he was so big and strong.

  27. It was no use of his pleading provocation, he received his flogging within a few hours.

  28. But from the day of his first flogging no word ever escaped his set lips.

  29. But I will let you live, to go to hell in God's own time, you cruel, flogging wretch!

  30. In a tone of utter exasperation he cried, "Tell me at once, I say, or you shall have the severest flogging you ever had in your life!

  31. Nothing would more effectively further the development of education than for all flogging pedagogues to meet this fate.

  32. I do not now refer to the system of flogging employed by miserable people year in and year out at home, or, particularly in schools, that of beating children outrageously, or to the limits of brutality.

  33. Then it was discovered that his father's flogging at home had made him what he was.

  34. The educator to whose mind flogging never presents itself, even as an occasional resource, will naturally direct his whole thought to finding psychological methods of education.

  35. Medical comforts were distributed with great liberality: flogging was wholly disused.

  36. By the first governors it was held a venial offence: before the law provided any specific penalty, it was usually flogging or a penal settlement.

  37. With equal truth it may be said that, without a single exception, flogging makes a good boy bad, and a bad boy worse.

  38. Discipline was severe, and flogging was the penalty for breaking the regulations.

  39. I believe in the Adjutant; the punishment of the guard-room; the stopping of grog; the flogging with cats; and the certainty of these things lasting.

  40. The curtain fell, but the audience could not help hearing what a flogging the boy got.

  41. Forgive my earnestness, but I can't stand flogging in schools.

  42. In April, 1889, the proposed flogging of dangerous criminals excited a good deal of controversy.

  43. Already flogging was only commonly resorted to in the schools for the upper classes, and Punch emphasizes the contrast in his dialogue between the Peer and the Peasant.

  44. One of the greatest initial mistakes made by the novice in salmon-fishing is to continue flogging the water for hours together, without intermission, and regardless of the state of the sky or water.

  45. On the one hand, Titus Oates was subjected to a flogging so severe that it would have killed anyone less hardy than himself.

  46. In =1510= he founded St. Paul's School, that boys might be there taught without being subjected to the brutal flogging which was in those days the lot even of the most diligent of schoolboys.

  47. I know not how it was, but after regarding me for a few moments with angry astonishment, he turned away without any further attempt to fulfil his threat of flogging me.

  48. The punishment of flogging by way of carrying the decrees of the authorities into effect has been more and more frequently adopted of late in Russia, in spite of the fact that corporal punishment was abolished by law thirty years ago.

  49. The most convenient thing for the government would be to kill the non-resistant by flogging him to death or some other means, as was done in former days.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flogging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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