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Example sentences for "flogger"

Lexicographically close words:
flodes; floe; floes; flog; flogged; flogging; floggings; flogs; flom; flood
  1. He wanted to put it into me when ready, but aunt said that as flogger she had herself become greatly excited, and must have it herself.

  2. Tempest was a mighty flogger of lads at Mountagu College.

  3. And your childish hatred of your gaoler and flogger is nothing to his adult hatred of you; for he is a slave forced to endure your society for his daily bread.

  4. The flogger then, grabbing at one end of the board with his strong hands, swung it two or three times over his head, and gave a tremendous whack on the man's thighs, causing them to bleed.

  5. Is the flogger or executioner of Abisinia under Agüero.

  6. One flogger told me the weapon he used was 'as thick as your thumb.

  7. Hence if a flogger is angry when I accuse him of being a Sadist, I guess that he is a Sadist.

  8. It is generally stated that the flogger is a sexual pervert, a Sadist, and undoubtedly there are pathological cases where men find sexual gratification in inflicting or in watching the infliction of pain.

  9. If the accused flogger is shocked or indignant at the idea I should be inclined to think that the accusation was a just one.

  10. The operator doing the stippling must hurry his work with the flogger or stippler (see Fig.

  11. It is not a very difficult operation, but one minute of actual work with the flogger will teach more to the student as to how it should be done than an hour of description will.

  12. Included in as stippling must be added the check roller work, as this may be done in such a way as to replace the stippling done with the flogger for certain woods, in the graining of some peculiar specimen of quartered oak especially.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flogger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.