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Example sentences for "fir"

Lexicographically close words:
fino; fins; fior; fiord; fiords; fire; firearm; firearms; fireball; fireballs
  1. Away they swung, keeping an eye out on either side of the road for a Christmas tree, but they did not find a fir tall enough to be used for the town's tree.

  2. But before he could reach it a gust of wind seized and whirled it across the opening, flinging it spitefully against a fir tree.

  3. They intended to search the woods for the tallest and straightest fir tree in the township.

  4. An expression of disapprobation fir something deemed to be wrong; imputation of fault; censure.

  5. With much skill, acquired through long practice, he soon fashioned a cosy little nest on one side of the fire, from the richly-scented fir boughs.

  6. Near by stood several fir trees, gaunt and half dead, through whose naked branches the storms had howled for many years.

  7. Ahead lay a clump of thick fir trees, which promised shelter and an abundance of wood.

  8. The fire roared cheerfully, seizing with avidity upon the dry fir sticks.

  9. Together they brought armfuls of the brilliant crimson and purple blooms along the edge of the sands, where forest and barren irregularly met; and with these, fir and spruce boughs, the longer to keep his grave freshly green.

  10. Stern sprang up, a dry flaming branch of resinous fir in his hand.

  11. Such are the Black Hills, as I found them in July; but they wear a different garb when winter sets in, when the broad boughs of the fir tree are bent to the ground by the load of snow, and the dark mountains are whitened with it.

  12. We passed between precipices more than a thousand feet high, sharp and splintering at the tops, their sides beetling over the defile or descending in abrupt declivities, bristling with black fir trees.

  13. Our encampment that afternoon was not far distant from a spur of the Black Hills, whose ridges, bristling with fir trees, rose from the plains a mile or two on our right.

  14. Ich mechte ihm nich beschtrafn fir etwas, was er gar nich tun wollte, sondern ihm dreimal in Tag mit Schaumkuchn fittern un seine eltern Schwestern nich so grob zu ihm schprechn lassn, als wer er ein Monstrem.

  15. Es schteht drinn, wenn Henschen sibn Drachn hat un Karl 2 mal so fil, so hat er 14 un das is doch zu fil fir einen Jungen, hechstens es is sehr windig un di Schnire gehn auseinand.

  16. In very dry and bleak localities, the Scotch fir will probably be more successful up to 900 ft.

  17. Cedar's failure to reappear there after removal is probably because its thin bark and shallow roots allowed its destruction by a fire which was survived by some better protected fir seed trees.

  18. The Douglas fir of the Northwest, more commonly called red or yellow fir, is an excellent illustration.

  19. A valley with healthy fir woods on either side is likely to seed up promptly even if a half mile wide.

  20. It is probably safe to say of mature Pacific coast fir that leaving enough merchantable timber on a cutting area for adequate seeding costs more than to use it and restock.

  21. Certainly if the promise of profit from other species and the difficulty of establishing fir both reach the extreme, protection of the growth already started is the best forestry if it is practicable.

  22. Picking from felled trees is readily carried on except where dense underbrush interferes, as is the case in the ordinary Douglas fir forest.

  23. We have seen that the perpetuation of hemlock is advisable only where fir reproduction is difficult to obtain or will be at too great a sacrifice of valuable existing hemlock.

  24. In such a case it may often be best to utilize a first new crop of hemlock, but on harvesting this a few decades hence to burn clean and start the next rotation with fir only.

  25. Douglas fir is not the only Western tree which usually grows in even-aged stands.

  26. The exceptions to this rule are where the destruction of seed trees has been wide and absolute, where already established competing species are not removed with the original forest, and where the surviving fir is too old to seed.

  27. Passing around a clump of larches they came suddenly into sight of an old gray house with a fir wood rolling down the hillside close behind it.

  28. He stumbled against a fir stump, and the next minute the splashing about his feet warned him that he was entering the water.

  29. When they reached the rutted street, which was bordered on one side by great fir stumps, Drayton glanced at Vane with open admiration.

  30. Down towards the edge of the fir belt they stand erect, forming small, well-formed trunks, and are associated with the taller two-leafed and mountain pines and the beautiful Williamson spruce.

  31. The next higher is the Fir Zone, made up almost exclusively of two species of silver fir.

  32. He is that most tall fir tree that grows just back of the barn.

  33. Etienne of Blois=, a fir tree in the woods.

  34. And always I have read to this great fir tree the letters I have wrote and put in the big log for the fairies to take to grandmere and grandpere.

  35. And I did go on down our lane until I was come to the tall fir tree, Good King Edward I.

  36. He looks kind looks upon the forest and he does love the grand fir trees that do grow there.

  37. Shelley=, a fir tree growing in the lane.

  38. A little ways we did go, and I remembered how on the borning day of him I did ask that grand fir tree, Good King Edward I, to be his god-father.

  39. Queen Philippa of Hainault=, a fir tree growing by Edward III.

  40. And there was a song in the tall fir tree-tops.

  41. Hugh Capet=, a fir tree growing in the lane.

  42. Saint Louis=, a fir tree growing in the lane.

  43. As I did come back through the near woods, I did stop by some grand fir trees to pray.

  44. Theodore Roosevelt=, a fir tree in the lane.

  45. Edward III=, a fir tree near the singing creek where the willows grow.

  46. Louis VI=, a grand fir tree in the woods.

  47. Michael Angelo Sanzio Raphael=, a grand fir tree with an understanding soul.

  48. By this factory was a thick patch of small fir trees, into which I forced my way and found excellent cover among the dense undergrowth and lower branches of the trees.

  49. A swampy mile or so had now to be covered, and then we got on to the edge of a fir wood, which ran down to a road and railway.

  50. Here, finding excellent cover in a very thick fir plantation, we halted until dark.

  51. For miles we are passing along its shores, which the waters are gently lapping under a leaden sky, and the great mountains covered with fir forests, rise gloomy and forbidding on the further shore, bathed in clouds and mists.

  52. Growing by the side of the line there are gigantic pines, Douglas fir and cedar.

  53. There are other varieties such as maple, birch and poplar, but the spruce fir is the chief growth, as it covers all the land that is not cleared or occupied by water.

  54. Now, as we get lower down, we begin to see some specimens of those splendid fir trees, for which British Columbia is famous.

  55. Many of their castle-like crags are fringed with fir trees, whilst often their sides are deeply terraced to the water's edge, and planted with paddy and sweet potatoes.

  56. Then a change creeps over the mountains, they are all round on their summits and mostly covered entirely with dense fir forests.

  57. They give large sums of money for an old tree, and we were shown a tiny fir in a pot over eighty years old.

  58. The Japanese take great pains with these deformed trees, pruning them back, and picking out the fir needles one by one.

  59. The wall-moss here looks like a fir tree, but it has seed cases, like a poppy, only rather more simple.

  60. At the same moment a blackbird, sitting on a fir tree, began to sing; the horses scudded away as fast as they could, and there was once more silence in the wood.

  61. The dove settled on a fir tree and sung of the joy of Heaven, quite convinced that the man in the hole, who could see neither sky, nor sea, nor meadow, must be longing for Heaven.

  62. From the summit of the mountain came a hallooing and a crashing; stones and gravel rolled down the precipice, and the fir trees in the sacred wood rocked as if a gale were blowing.

  63. Through the thick fir woods, over rough mountain paths, they hastened on till the first streak of dawn gleamed in the eastern sky.

  64. The fruit-trees wore their wreaths of blossoms, and the sunbeams played through the dark fir branches on the roof of the lonely house.

  65. Long their path wound among the snow-clad mountains; then they reached a thick fir wood, in the midst of which stood a little hermit's cottage.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fir" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    color; ebony; jade; oak; pigment; tree; wood

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fire away; fire broke; fired again; fireless cooker; first appearance; first book; first century; first chapter; first down; first dynasty; first glimpse; first half; first letter; first mentioned; first meridian; first night; first novel; first officer; first paper; first part; first play; first position; first reading; first step; first term; first year