In Italy, the Periwinkle, called by the peasantry fior di morto, or Death's flower, is used to deck their children who die in infancy.
The Indian or Sweet Scabious (Scabiosa atropurpurea) is called by the Italians Fior della Vedova, and by the French Fleur de Veuve, or Widow's Flower.
No, my Fior Angela, I once more say no, as when you made the same request at Santa Maria that lovely evening in May while we were gazing at the setting sun over the cloisters.
Among these were the Buon Gusto, the Fior d'Italia, La Estrella, Campi's and the Gianduja.
An incident that occurred in the old Fior d'Italia well illustrates this spirit of camaraderie, as it shows the good-fellowship that then obtained.
The automobile carried us then over to Broadway and at the Fior d'Italia our table was waiting and here we were served with sand-dabs au gratin, and a small glass of sauterne.
Fior di giaggiolo, gli angeli belli stanno a mille in cielo, ma bello come lui ce n'è uno solo.
Da beò Fhinn bithidh le a neart do chuirmaid Fionn d’a leac, Is fior na briathran gun fhoill a deirsa ruit, a Ghoraidh.
Sgriobh gu fiosach fior eolach, an seanchas ’us an gartha, Na beir duan air bhith shaoghalach ’g a leughadh gu Mac Chailein.
Do shireamar Gleann a Cuaich fa forthais aobhar uasail, Is fior nach d’ fhuaireamar ann madadh, de ’n deanamaid chuilean.
The duet is interrupted by a song of the latter, heard in the distance with harp accompaniment ("Fior di giaggiolo").
The same effect is produced by prefixing fior true, sà r exceeding, &c.
This is the Fior di Virt[u'], whose title-cut of Fra Cherubino da Spoleto gathering flowers in the convent garden shows a great advance on previous Venetian work.
Damocles and the rabbits have nothing whatever to do with the Catechism, and the occurrence of the cut proves that before this date Mischomini must have printed an edition of the Fior di Virt[u'], to which it rightfully belongs.
Among other books in which Florence followed the lead of Venice the 'Meditazioni' of San Bonaventura and the 'Fior di Virtu' are perhaps the most important.
Now, it is a saying that ogni fior non fa frutto--every blossom doth not bear a fruit--but the flowers of Fortune bear fruit enough to make up for the short crop elsewhere.
There are more flowers than florins in Florence now: ogni fior non fa frutto--all flowers do not bear fruit.
Of these we shall find a teeming abundance from which to choose in this Fior del Mondo.
I started on my return journey and along the road I passed several Austrian aviation camps, among them the one in San Fior where the chasing machines were concentrated.
Frequent specimens of a beautiful marble known as Fior di Persico, from the resemblance of the colour of its bright purple veins on a white ground to that of the blossom of the peach, may be found in the Roman churches.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fior" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.