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Example sentences for "fine gentleman"

  • I can't bear to think that the property should fall into the hands of a fine gentleman, who will let things go to rack and ruin, instead of keeping them up as I do.

  • A most modish person, grown, she says, a fine gentleman.

  • Such excess was in that age regarded, even by grave men, as the most venial of all peccadilloes, and was so far from being a mark of ill-breeding that it was almost essential to the character of a fine gentleman.

  • In a few years he returned to his country a fine gentleman and a Papist.

  • Honeycomb was complaining to me yesterday, that the Conversation of the Town is so altered of late Years, that a fine Gentleman is at a loss for Matter to start Discourse, as well as unable to fall in with the Talk he generally meets with.

  • It would have been a jest, some time since, for a man to have asserted that anything witty could be said in praise of a married state, or that Devotion and Virtue were any way necessary to the character of a Fine Gentleman.

  • But, indeed, there is hardly a Play one can go to, but the Hero or fine Gentleman of it struts off upon the same account, and leaves us to consider what good Office he has put us to, or to employ our selves as we please.

  • He was a rude, uncouth outlaw, he said, and knew none of the arts and speeches of a fine gentleman.

  • The Don's second in command, fine gentleman as he was, had little power to deal with a rabble that was fighting for dear life.

  • All the way he talking very ingenuously, and I find him a fine gentleman, and one that loves to live nobly and neatly, as I perceive by his discourse of his house, pictures, and horses.

  • Lord Sunderland was a great master of this court tune, as Roger North calls it; and Titus Oates affected it in the hope of passing for a fine gentleman.

  • Not less courageously died Christopher Balttiscombe, a young Templar of good family and fortune, who, at Dorchester, an agreeable provincial town proud of its taste and refinement, was regarded by all as the model of a fine gentleman.

  • Soon after the restoration, the young favourite, who had learned in France the exercises then considered necessary to a fine gentleman, made his appearance at Whitehall.

  • Lord was a little troubled at, but he seems to be a fine gentleman, and at night did play his part exceeding well at first sight.

  • Mr. Seymour, a fine gentleman: where admirable good discourse of all sorts, pleasant and serious.

  • He was not very finely dressed; but there was a style about his London-made riding suit which his country clothes had lacked, and the peruke upon his head gave him the air of a fine gentleman.

  • I am also a fine gentleman," said the collar.

  • All that I have is a fine gentleman, a boot-jack, and a hair-comb.

  • There was once a fine gentleman, all of whose moveables were a bootjack and a hair-comb: but he had the finest false collars in the world; and it is about one of these collars that we are now to hear a story.

  • Thinks himself a fine gentleman, it's plain," he muttered.

  • We'll have some more talk afore long, my fine gentleman," he was saying.

  • You will think of me, my fine gentleman, and no mistake.

  • There was something there which seemed familiar, but she had never known such a fine gentleman as this.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fine gentleman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fine appearance; fine black; fine blue; fine bread; fine cloth; fine colander; fine condition; fine copy; fine effect; fine fellow; fine portrait; fine ripe; fine rose; fine sight; fine sugar; fine thing; fine trees; fine twined; fine voice; fine white; fine wire; fine work; fine writing; finely chopped; seven ounces; the face