Ammoniated tincture of valerian, six drachms; camphor mixture, seven ounces; a fourth part three times a day; in spasmodic and hysterical disorders.
Add six drachms of tincture of myrrh to seven ounces of infusion of linseed, and then add one drachm of diluted sulphuric acid.
Give six or seven ounces at each meal and six meals in twenty-four hours.
The baby should have three meals in twenty-four hours of six orseven ounces at each meal, if bottle-fed.
Milk, six to seven ounces, diluted with two or three ounces of barley or oatmeal gruel, and taken from a cup after thirteen months.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seven ounces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.