Soil and the fertilizers which enrich it, the plants which grow on it, and the animals which feed on these, all contain nitrogen or nitrogenous compounds.
Commercial fertilizers generally contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash in amounts varying with the requirements of the soil.
Sometimes, too, they have kept it back by their vis inertia, when its wheels were like to grind the bones of some old canonized error into fertilizers for the soil that yields the bread of life.
In it he recommends, as internal medicines, most of the substances commonly used as fertilizers of the soil.
Satisfying the mineral requirements of the trees by direct application of fertilizers is not in itself sufficient treatment to ensure continued healthy growth; biological factors also play an essential role in promoting soil fertility.
I have a strong impression that most farmers can do better at making and saving fertilizers than by buying them.
Then let its use be there abandoned; but it will still remain true that, in many localities and in countless instances, Gypsum has been fully proved one of the best and cheapest commercial fertilizers known to mankind.
To all which I make answer: No man ever lackedfertilizers who kept his eyes wide open and devoted two months of each Fall and Winter to collecting and preparing them.
Depend on it, no man need lack fertilizers who begins in season and is willing to work for them.
In my judgment, almost any farmer who has cattle, with fit shelter and Winter fodder, can make fertilizers far cheaper than he can buy them.
So many and such various and ingenious devices for pulverizing the earth applying fertilizers to the soil, planting or sowing rapidly, eradicating weeds, economizing labor in harvesting, etc.
Shall cow peas, for example, be classed with corn and oats as agricultural products in one case, while according them a rating with commercial fertilizers in another, inasmuch as they may become an active agent in nitrogenizing soil?
No plant responds more quickly to judicious and generous use of fertilizers than does sugar cane; and, according to the best authorities, no matter how rich the soil may be, it pays to fertilize.
The soil as a rule is a dark grey sandy loam, easily worked at all seasons, and responds quickly to the use of fertilizers and to cultivation.
Generally speaking, however, the use of yard manure supplemented with commercial fertilizerswill be found more scientific and in the end the most economical.
The amount of commercial or natural fertilizers to be purchased is, of course, related to the yard manure which will be produced on the farm; therefore some estimate of the probable amount is desirable.
No satisfactory cropping system can be devised at the present prices of farm products and cost of fertilizers for the production of the ordinary cereals and hay that does not include the production of some legume.
Persons who are unacquainted with the principles controlling the use of commercial fertilizers may, however, be led to believe that the price of the fertilizer is an indication of its value for the production of a given crop.
One may apply fertilizers to buckwheat, give a three months' note for the fertilizer, and pay the note out of the proceeds of the crop.
More fertilizers and other methods of soil improvement are necessary in the case of chestnut soils than in the case of limestone valley soils.
In these cases the cost of the fertilizers necessary to keep the soil in proper condition is small compared with the total return from the crop.
Investigations have shown that one may go farther and say that one of the most ready means of increasing the crop-producing power of the soil is by adding fertilizers to grass land.
The landlord should provide an equitable proportion of the mineral fertilizerswhen such are required.
Assuming a legume in the cropping scheme, the fertility of the soil may be maintained by yard manure alone or by commercial fertilizers alone.
Stable manure is thereby supplied for the field which is to raise maize, while mineral fertilizers may be applied to the fields sown to wheat.
He has a strong motive to confine his culture to a small space, just so long as the amount of produce is in the ratio of the efforts expended, because there is less locomotion of tools and fertilizers and crops.
His cash outlay for thesefertilizers was of course enormous, and has amounted to thousands of dollars per annum.
Phosphates and fertilizers had not been dreamed of.
New fertilizers were introduced and kept for sale in all the country towns, the facility for obtaining them thus inducing a general consumption.
All farm waste should be taken to a remote part of the farm, placed in an open shed or vat with cement floor and screened from flies to form a compost heap for fertilizers for the farm.
All fertilizers should be applied not merely around the base of the trunk, but as far from it as the tree spreads its branches in all directions.
Other potent organic fertilizers include seed meals; pure, dried chicken manure; slaughterhouse wastes; dried kelp and other seaweeds; and fish meal.
And many chemical fertilizers do not provoke acid reactions.
Rodale and Howard loudly and repeatedly contended that chemical fertilizers decimate earthworm populations.
And that is why holistic farmers and gardeners mistakenly criticize chemical fertilizers as being directly destructive of soil microbes.
Making and Using Complete Organic Fertilizer The basic ingredients used for making balanced organic fertilizers can vary and what you decide on will largely depend on where you live.
About 1900, "experts" increasingly encouraged farmers to use chemical fertilizers and to neglect manuring and composting as unprofitable and unnecessary.
The second half of this book contains numerous hints about how to make potent compost and about how to use complete organic fertilizers in combination with compost to grow the lushest garden imaginable.
Exclusively incorporating pure chicken manure into a vegetable garden also results in rapid humus loss, just as though chemical fertilizers were used.
Notice the powerful emotional loading carried in this brief excerpt from Howard's Soil and Health: "Artificial fertilizers lead to artificial nutrition, artificial animals and finally to artificial men and women.
In my opinion, chemicals are the poorest fertilizers; organic fertilizers are far superior.
If tilling your compost into soil seems to slow the growth of plants, then mulch with it and avoid tilling it in, or adjust the C/N down by adding fertilizers like seed meal when tilling it in.
Both of these chemical fertilizers are made with sulfuric acid and have a powerful acidifying reaction when they dissolve in soil.
Albrecht was willing to consider chemical fertilizers as potentially useful though he did not think chemicals were as sensible as more natural methods.
Samples of thirteen types of fertilizers in common use at the time.
Samples of 22 types of fertilizers in common use at the time.
Furthermore, the lavish use of chemical fertilizers has caused extensive pollution and widespread health problems.
Mining is dominated by the extraction of phosphate, but production has faltered because of reduced worldwide demand for fertilizers in recent years.
He had gone on as before, so far as a shortage of labor, draft animals, and fertilizers permitted.
The shortage of trained farmers, lack of animal-power, and the paucity of fertilizers had done exactly what was to be expected.
Moreover, he observed that the enriching of the soil solution by the addition of artificial fertilizers enabled the plant to produce dry matter with less water.
If so large a reduction could be secured in practice, it would seem to justify the use of commercial fertilizers in years when the dry-farm year opens with little water stored in the soil.
Certain fertilizers have been successfully employed in improving its natural fertility, and when it is partially exhausted by excessive tillage, rest alone will restore it.
In the main, it is of a generous quality, so pertinaciously retaining fertilizers as to withstand the washing of the heaviest rains.
Any addition of fertilizers or lime is immediately effective, and by judicious management the type may be kept in a high state of productiveness.
Effects of fertilizers and rotation on earliness and total yields of tomatoes.
Tomato varieties and fertilizers for the lower Rio Grande valley of Texas.
The tomato responds readily to fertilizers and to moisture, coming quickly into vigorous growth after unfavorable conditions, unless too badly stunted.
In the case of neither dung nor any other nitrogenous fertilizers having been recently applied, there seems no reason for supposing that, even in a wet season, 6 cwt.
It will hold manures and fertilizers incorporated with it longer than any other soil.
If the yield is not heavy, give a dressing of bone or of the basic fertilizers mentioned earlier.
Like onions, they need a high percentage of potash in manures or fertilizers used; this may be given in sulphate of potash.
Between the organic manures, or "natural" manures as they are often called, and fertilizers there is a very important difference which should never be lost sight of.
If, however, the fertilizers and manures described in the following sections are applied as directed, and as mentioned in Chapter VII.
Sowing or planting should follow immediately after plowing, and fertilizers or manures should be applied only immediately before.
If not, manure or fertilizers may be applied, and clover or other green crops turned under during the first two or three years of the trees' growth, as will be described later.
And they have been kept fertile simply by each farmer putting back on the ground every ounce of fertility taken from it, for commercial fertilizers were absolutely unknown until our own generation.
If land is not naturally fertile, mineral fertilizers should be applied.
In the case of one alfalfa field of fifteen years' standing in the east, the fertilizers were applied immediately after the first hay crop of the year was removed.
The necessity of buying plant-food in the form of commercial fertilizers is a mooted question in any naturally fertile agricultural region just so long as crop yields do not drop to a serious extent.
It is believed that the permanence of an alfalfa seeding may be increased by the use of mineral fertilizers in the early spring.
The sources of plant-food that have been described form the great bulk of all fertilizers on the market, and from them may be selected all the materials a farmer needs to use on his land, either singly or home-mixed.
It is the rule that the boundary of profitable use of commercial fertilizers pushes westward from the older and naturally poorer seaboard states about one generation after need shows in the crop yields.
It is concerned with the crops, methods, and fertilizersthat favor the soil.
The question of fertilizers is discussed in Chapter XX.
In this way the physical condition is made excellent, moisture is well held in a dry season, and commercial fertilizers can supplement the plant-food left in the manure.
They won't need any kind of fertilizers in this country for twenty years.
Fertilizers are an absolute necessity, and nitrates, one of the most important of them, can no longer be imported from Chile.
The fertilizers necessary for keeping up the production of the land still available are lacking.
Even the territory still under cultivation cannot be expected to yield large returns, for laborers, tools, and fertilizers are lacking.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fertilizers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.