William said againe he had done nothing but he would answere to it, whose purpose was to haue the spoyle deuided to the behoofe of the whole armie.
Mans age deuided here ye haue, By prentiships, from birth to his graue.
And when she perceiued her selfe alone fully possessed with that whiche before was deuided betwene them bothe, shee determined to obserue the same vntill death had made an ende of her fatall dayes.
This Epithalamie was deuided by breaches into three partes to serue for three seuerall fits or times to be song.
Being departed out of the port as aforesaide, the Spaniards deuided themselues into two shippes, to wit, the two friers and Michael de Loarcha, Omoncon and three other captaines in one shipp.
In the morning I deuided the company three and three to goe euery way to see what foode they could find to sustaine thenselues, and appointed them to meete there all againe at noone with such foode as they could get.
The father shalbe deuided against the sonne / and the sonne against the father.
The Russe reporteth that foure brethren, Trubor, Rurico, Sinees, and Variuus deuided among them the North parts of the country.
Next under the Voiauod and his Lieutenant general are foure other that haue the marshalling of the whole army deuided among them, and may be called the marshals of the field.
But that if the Emperor haue sufficient in wages, the roomes being full so farre as the land doeth extend already, they are many times deferred, and haue nothing allowed them, except some one portion of the land be deuided into two.
The worke of Pomponius Mela, The Cosmographer, concerninge the Situation of the world, wherein euery parte, is deuided by it selfe in most perfect manner, as appeareth in the Table at the ende of the booke.
The Right Excellent and famous Historye, of Promos and Cassandra: Deuided into two Commicall Discourses.
Deuided into nine Bookes, entituled with the names of the nine Muses.
Deuided into three seuerall Volumes, according to the positions of the Regions, whereunto they were directed.
And as the boke is deuided into twenty partes called Passus: so is the Summary diuided, for euery parte hys summarie, rehearsynge the matters spoken of in euery parte, euen in suche order as they stande there.
And as I deuided the Necromancers, into two sorts, learned and vnlearned; so must I denie them in other two, riche and of better accompt, poore and of basser degree.
The Duke apprehending the aduantage, came vpon them with a furious charge, being now deuidedfrom the chiefe of the Armie; and either slew them or tooke them prisoners, in the plaine view of their King.
But who would euer thynck (my Lady deare) that a Lyght Opinion could so soone haue deuided your good iudgement, to condempn your Knight before you had heard what he was able to say, for himself?
Ah Fayre amonges the Fayrest, truely the fearefull Beast which with the bloudy Hare Houndes was torne in pieces, is not more Martired, than my heart deuided in Opinions vppon thyne Affection.
The answere within few dayes after came from Weopomeiok, which was deuided into two parts.
All the mill that he found among his company came but to two mens burdens, which he deuided equally among them.
He deuided the Citie among the Conquerors, hauing first taken out places for Churches, market places, townehouse, and other necessarie plottes to builde houses, profitable for the common weale.
This treasure was deuided among the Souldiers, but not all: euery man was payde accordyng to his office.
Of these newcome men, he tooke into his owne host thirtie thousande, and deuided the residue equally among the other Captaynes.
That night Cortes himselfe was scoute, not bycause he was more whole than his fellowes, but like a good Captayne, he deuided the trauayle & paynes equally, euen as their hurte and damage was come.
The host (as is declared) was deuided into foure parts, their instrumentes of warre were hunters hornes, and drummes called attabals made like a caldron and couered with vellam.
On Whitsonday, all the Spanyardes came into the fielde, whereas Cortes made thrée chiefe Captaynes among whome he deuided his whole army.
Cortes deuided his men, caused his horses to be trimmed, and planted his ordinaunce at his dore, making himselfe as strong as though he had bene in campe and néere his enimies.
He deuided likewise all his army into thrée companies, bycause they had thre ways to enter into the citie.
Thei deuided the yere into two and fiuetie wekes, and xii.
Thus were wee deuided into sondry squadrons, but to what ende it was so done, it is to me, and many others vnknowne.
If a right line be deuided by chaunce, as it maye happen, the square that is made of the whole line, and one of the partes of it which soeuer it be, shal be equall to that square that is made of the ij.
B, is deuided againe into two partes in D, so that the meaninge of the Theoreme, is that the square of D.
Howbeit, it is not so to be vnderstand, but one of them may be deuided into ij.
If a right line be deuided into two equall partes, and one of these .
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deuided" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.