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Example sentences for "expropriation"

Lexicographically close words:
expriment; exprimer; expropriate; expropriated; expropriating; expulsion; expulsions; expulsive; expunge; expunged
  1. The permanent schism between the two races was, indeed, due neither to politics nor to religion, but to the expropriation of the Irish from their land.

  2. But expropriation left the peasants with little solace save religion, and their religion would not be that of their oppressor; to them Protestantism meant plantation.

  3. Expropriation must be a gradual process, a process of economic and political readjustment, accompanied at every step by an explanatory educational advance.

  4. Systematic expropriation of private owners by death-duties and increased taxation.

  5. The revolutionary bourgeoisie has at one place and time proceeded to brutal expropriation without compensation, at another to the buying out of feudal servitudes.

  6. Without consideration and mercilessly, they have resorted to laws for the expropriation of land, the Koreans concerned being compelled to part with their family property almost for nothing.

  7. The determination to plant as many Japanese on Korean soil as possible involved the expropriation of Korean interests and the harsh treatment of many small Korean landowners and tenants.

  8. The power thus conferred of temporary expropriation was not always exercised considerately.

  9. It defined collective ownership of production, stated that the regime held the power to nationalize any and all enterprises, and declared that private property was subject to restrictions and expropriation by the state.

  10. The decree also directed the chief prosecutor's office to increase control over the expropriation of farmland for construction and other nonagricultural purposes and to impose severe penalties on violators of the land protection law.

  11. The decision neither implies compensation to the Bahá’í Community for the loss of the sacred buildings, nor does it expressly provide for the expropriation of the property by the State.

  12. It is not at all proved that this expropriation helps to secure the hedonistic maximum.

  13. But, on the other hand, there is an expropriation of the kind which Marx condemns.

  14. If the Roman legists had seen this analogy, they undoubtedly would have hesitated less over the question of expropriation for the sake of public utility.

  15. The valuation was reached by expropriation proceedings.

  16. Expropriation of waste lands declared as of public interest is provided, if owners object to enforced reforestation.

  17. As a rule the administration has been able to avoid expropriation and secure the territories by voluntary sale at less than $10 per acre.

  18. The reboisement law of 1882 authorizes the administration to acquire by expropriation mountain forests or mountain slopes needed for reforestation for the sake of safeguarding them and preventing torrential damage.

  19. Such must be managed under plans provided by the Forest Service, and in case of refusal on the part of owners expropriation proceedings are provided, but the money for taking advantage of this provision would probably not be in the Treasury.

  20. Why is it that the development does not, as in the case of the maritime states, open out into the capitalistic expropriation of slave labor?

  21. The free peasantry of Germany were put through the process of expropriation and declassification at least three times.

  22. Complete extermination or expropriation is the only successful method of conquest.

  23. And war between two over-peopled countries, for both of which more elbow-room is a vital necessity, must be a war of complete expropriation or extermination.

  24. As a general principle, we must condemn the expropriation of any nation which is in effective occupation of the soil.

  25. Neither could he agree to the principle of expropriation of land belonging to whites in order to increase the size of the native reserves.

  26. In order to make this expropriation sure, an effort is made to burn his title-deeds; his chateau, twice attacked in the night, is saved only by the National Guard of Ussel.

  27. Expropriation can only be undertaken in the common interest and in virtue of a law.

  28. The Realm, in acquiring the railways, shall acquire all rights of expropriation and all sovereign prerogatives in connection with the railway system.

  29. What is the law of expropriation on the ground of public utility, which everybody favors, and which is even thought too lenient?

  30. Henceforth, the promptness of expropriation will save him from total ruin.

  31. Dufaure moved to renew the expropriation bill, on the ground of public utility.

  32. But, it is said, expropriation on the ground of public utility is only an exception which confirms the principle, and bears testimony in favor of the right.

  33. In England it is the product of three centuries of economic expropriation of the old forms of production, or of the old proprietorship, to speak the language of the jurists.

  34. The Report then proceeds to point out very clearly, the all-important fact which arises from the expropriation of the native from the land.

  35. But never before has there been such a mixture of wholesale expropriation and wholesale massacre all done under an odious guise of philanthropy and with the lowest commercial motives as a reason.

  36. Expropriation is possible under Canadian law only for treason.

  37. The idea that expropriation is behind exclusion could be entertained only by an Oriental mind.

  38. Many of the Canadians now denouncing the Hindu made money selling them real estate in Vancouver, and expropriation is behind the idea of exclusion.

  39. Numbers of the farmers, impelled by an insane lust for the soil, and willing to show what beasts they could become, tried to escape expropriation by withdrawing from any and all market-dealing.

  40. The expropriation of the farmers that took place at this time would also have swelled our vote had it not been for the brief and futile rise of the Grange Party.

  41. Of course, here and there, farmers, and even whole communities of farmers, escaped expropriation by virtue of exceptional conditions.

  42. Its aim can be only the complete emancipation of the proletariat through the violent expropriation of the capitalist class.

  43. For only a revolution would permit the productive class to seize the political power and to use it for the economic expropriation of capitalistic France and for the nationalization or socialization of the productive forces.

  44. This expropriation is accomplished by the action of the immanent laws of capitalist production itself, by the centralisation of capital.

  45. We knew nothing of that process of expropriation and the exploitation of labor which is giving the world the Servile State.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "expropriation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    annexation; attachment; dispossession; distress; eviction; execution; foreclosure; impressment; levy; nationalization