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Example sentences for "exhaustively"

Lexicographically close words:
exhaust; exhausted; exhausting; exhaustion; exhaustive; exhaustless; exhausts; exhibit; exhibite; exhibited
  1. In all its fulness and clearness, and with all his old freshness, vigour, and intensity of fervour, he now exhaustively discussed this doctrine.

  2. The arguments and counter-arguments, set forth by the combatants at various times in their writings, were now succinctly but exhaustively recapitulated.

  3. The question was exhaustively discussed, in the Congregation of the Holy Office, with Luis de los Infantes, the Roman agent of the Inquisition.

  4. The forced conversion of Jews, so frequent throughout the Middle Ages, gave rise to many nice questions, exhaustively debated by the schoolmen.

  5. Pelikan, Privy Counsel of the government, has exhaustively considered this subject.

  6. The Ephemerides speaks of it, and Rudolph discusses its occurrence exhaustively and tells of the difficulties of such a labor.

  7. There may be every gradation from such students to those who will go completely and exhaustively through the College and who will then go on at one and twenty or two and twenty to equally complete and exhaustive work in the third grade.

  8. Even when these expedients have been exhaustively worked out, they will fall far short of that "abolition of property" which is the crude expression of Socialism.

  9. Van Buren's message to this body was a really statesmanlike document, going exhaustively into the subject of the national finances.

  10. He showed exhaustively the real nature of the original Missouri Compromise, which, as he said, was forced by the South upon the North, and which the South now proposed to repeal, that it might humiliate the North still further.

  11. We could not therefore exhaustively describe them within our limited space of time.

  12. Alcharizi and his Tachkemoni have in modern times been exhaustively criticized, so that there is very little left to be said about him.

  13. This could not be otherwise, since the different Primate forms, especially the fossile forms, are still far from being exhaustively known.

  14. The equipment of the expedition was fully and exhaustively discussed, the details decided upon, and all requisites carefully provided.

  15. The presence in Moscow of the veteran statesman Li Hung-chang on the occasion of the Tsar's Coronation afforded an opportunity for exhaustively discussing the whole problem of the Far East.

  16. We have already discussed so exhaustively the Boxer Settlement and the finance of the Revolutionary period that it is necessary to deal with the first period only.

  17. The author has isolated the more resistant constituents of the cell-membrane by boiling with dilute alkalis, and exhaustively purifying with alcohol and ether.

  18. The product () was exhaustively treated with cuprammonium solution, to which it yielded about 20 p.

  19. Hereupon the perfectly fair question arises whether the alternatives are thus exhaustively stated.

  20. Of course it can never be exhaustively observed.

  21. Such cases, however, do not invalidate the above logical truth that few general terms are exhaustively known in their denotation; for the very fact of assigning limits of time and place impairs the generality of a term.

  22. Causes and Kinds cannot be exhaustively examined: we do not know all planets, all heat, all liquids, all life, etc.

  23. Similarly of any other universal proposition; that it 'goes beyond the evidence' of direct observation plainly follows from the fact that the general terms, of which such propositions consist, are never exhaustively known in their denotation.

  24. The question, much disputed between Germans and Danes, is exhaustively treated by P.

  25. The case attracted the greatest amount of attention, led to international complications, and was not really disposed of until a former President had exhaustively argued the case for the Negroes before the Supreme Court of the United States.

  26. At the Easter family gathering our possible change of residence was exhaustively discussed.

  27. The plan of accommodation on this boat has been explained exhaustively by the author of "The Saône," but I think I may give a few brief indications of the arrangements for readers unacquainted with the book.

  28. Holtzendorff himself is the editor and at the same time a contributor to the work, but there are many other contributors, each of them dealing exhaustively with a different part of the Law of Nations.

  29. The question of recognition of the belligerency of insurgents is exhaustively treated by Westlake, I.

  30. Footnote 533: The matter of collision at sea is exhaustively treated by Prien, "Der Zusammenstoss von Schiffen nach dem Gesetzen des Erdhalls" (2nd ed.

  31. Special subjects assigned to individual men are treated as exhaustively as if investigated by a Royal Commission.

  32. It was thought wise by Mr. Wright, after exhaustively conferring with Mr. Masterson, to call a meeting of the male inhabitants of Dodge.

  33. But the person who used it would doubtless mean to imply that students could be exhaustively divided into the idle and the industrious.

  34. Since things are divided exhaustively into substances and attributes, it follows that any term which is not the name of a thing capable of being conceived to exist by itself, must be an abstract term.

  35. Presently it came to him as visualized print in small head-lines, reproduced to the mind's eye from the Washington newspaper which he had so exhaustively studied.

  36. Between the ebb and flow of applicant musicians he read exhaustively upon the unallied subjects of trombones and high explosives, or talked with his landlady, who proved to be a sociable person, not disinclined to discuss the departed guest.

  37. Men began everywhere to understand that the writings of the classic authors, which had been so exhaustively studied ever since the Renaissance, were no longer capable of affording fresh information.

  38. Maspero has often and exhaustively treated this subject, especially in his numerous lectures at the Collège de France.

  39. The clan has now reached its ninth generation and its present status has been exhaustively studied by A.

  40. The causes of the remarkable failure of college women to marry can not be exhaustively investigated here, but for the purposes of eugenics they may be roughly classified as unavoidable and avoidable.

  41. In analyzing and estimating the Divine knowledge of the human soul, we find, in the first place, that God accurately and exhaustively knows all that man knows of himself.

  42. We come now to the second position: That God accurately and exhaustively knows all that man might, but does not, know of himself.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exhaustively" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    altogether; completely; detail; earnestly; entirely; fully; intensely; largely; length; outright; painstakingly; roundly; thoroughly; totally; unconditionally; wholly