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Example sentences for "exemplifies"

Lexicographically close words:
exemples; exempli; exemplification; exemplifications; exemplified; exemplify; exemplifying; exemplo; exemplum; exempt
  1. The reason given for sacrificing goats to Dionysus exemplifies a myth of the latter sort.

  2. Whether Michael Angelo studied proportion or not, his practice exemplifies Dürer's meaning splendidly.

  3. I give it here, as it exemplifies the difficulty of getting good tea in America, which so many English appreciate, and because large numbers here now are interested in the tea industry of Hindustan.

  4. Truly the policy figured is a strange one and exemplifies exactly the best way "not to do it.

  5. This location of the monarchy in Tara from time immemorial, like the assumed existence of such a monarchy, exemplifies a very common tendency, the tendency to project the known present into the unknown past.

  6. This instance, by the way, further exemplifies the unity still subsisting at that time between the different branches of the Connacht dynasty.

  7. It exemplifies the work in which Hawthorne was the pioneer--that of building a story about a situation.

  8. That which possesses or exemplifies characteristic qualities; the representative.

  9. One who exemplifies by following a pattern.

  10. It exemplifies his manner of strongly contrasting positive black with pure white; and the natural attitudes of the women afford a tolerably fair specimen of his talents as a designer.

  11. Fan-Crest; and it exemplifies the practice sometimes adopted of charging armorial insignia upon Crests of this fan form.

  12. Mr. Laing’s Collection, exemplifies in a singular and interesting manner the early use of a differenced Label.

  13. This slight incident well exemplifies the simplicity of this singular people.

  14. This removal commenced, we are told, shortly after the first settlement, and well exemplifies the arbitrary character of the Western waters.

  15. Caroline, however, exemplifies in combination certain old adages to the effect that there is "No will, no wit like a woman's.

  16. No book (it would seem in consequence) exemplifies the mania for annotation and "justification" more extensively.

  17. One peculiar example, whereby Sokrates exemplifies the false persuasion of knowledge where men have no real knowledge, is borrowed from the fear of death.

  18. The reasoning ascribed to the Platonic Sokrates in the Hippias Minor exemplifies this one-sided view.

  19. In Cyropaedia he explains and exemplifies the divine gift of ruling over cheerful subordinates: in Hieron, the torment of governing the disaffected and refractory.

  20. Though he exemplifies and attests, as a witness, the theorising negative vein, the cross-examining Elenchus of Sokrates it is the preceptorial vein which he appropriates to himself and expands in its bearing on practical conduct.

  21. Indeed, this very word "own," which so long ago in our own tongue took to itself the symbol of possession, well exemplifies his dependent state.

  22. This eventual residuum exemplifies the Franciscan notion of pure substance, for it is a thing delightfully devoid of any attributes whatever.

  23. Your every act of assertion displays the genuineness of the appeal and exemplifies the absolute rational necessity of asserting that the appeal is made to an insight that is itself real.

  24. It seems strange that he should have felt even a momentary hesitation upon the subject, but it exemplifies the frequent state of our minds respecting anticipated blessings.

  25. This solemn address to Heaven exemplifies some of the essential qualities of genuine prayer.

  26. Mors media est, which exactly corresponds with the sentiment in this passage, and exemplifies the same use of longus.

  27. He fortifies his argument, according to his wont, by a historical catalogue, which exemplifies the harshness that, except in philosophical digressions, rarely leaves his style.

  28. The next simile exemplifies the use of hyperbole at its happiest, an ornament, by the way, to which Statius is specially prone.

  29. That this was one Russian form of roof, the illustration of the Belvedere of the Terem exemplifies (see page 117), where the curve is purposely exaggerated for the purpose of decorative effect.

  30. Each industrial art exemplifies the effects of movements which are severally definite; and which are definitely arranged in simultaneous and successive order.

  31. A superior sub-kingdom, as the Mollusca, still better exemplifies this contrast.

  32. His bookkeeping best exemplifies the principle at large.

  33. It is the plane, however, that best exemplifies the progress of tool design.

  34. It is not merely fanciful to say that Hawke stands for and embodies the spirit of the new age, while Rodney rather exemplifies and develops the form in which that spirit needed ultimately to cloth itself in order to perfect its working.

  35. Thus Bacon,[32] in speaking of the Idola or Fallacies arising from notions temere et inaequaliter a rebus abstractae, exemplifies them by the notion of Humidum or Wet, so familiar in the physics of antiquity and of the middle ages.

  36. This instance exemplifies in a very interesting manner the twofold operation on the effect, arising from the continuance of the cause, and from its progressive change.

  37. The last remark exemplifies a rule of terminology, which is of great importance, and which has hardly yet been recognised as a rule, but by a few thinkers of the present century.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exemplifies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.