Each sight and sound has its element of terror: auxerat hora metus, iam se vertentis Olympi ut faciem raptosque simul montesque locosque ex oculis circumque graves videre tenebras.
Well," the critic continues, "if they cannot act effectively, why does Euripides put them in a position in which we instinctively clamour for effective action and they are absurd if they do not act?
It is meant as a foundation to build upon, and every scene that follows will be higher, swifter, more intense.
It is this use of lyrics that enables the Greek playwright to treat freely scenes of horror and yet never lose the prevailing atmosphere of high beauty.
The first and most normal effect is to use the Chorus for "relief"; to bring in, as it were, the ideal world to heal the wounds of the real.
When a traveller wants to ask his way; when the hero or heroine announces some resolve, or gives some direction, the Leader is there to make the necessary response.
Howbeit, the discreete and worthy citizens Sir Edward Osborne and M.
Stizen, and dined at Prisena, and so that night to Clusen.
The 24 our Ambassadour went to the Court, whose entertainement with the order therof followeth.
The 11 day of April the shippe came to the Key of the Custome house.
The captaine Simon Bagnese, successour to the captaine Dauid Noce.
The 8th Room (now used as a passage) is a chapel, containing a lovely fresco, by Pinturicchio, of the Madonna and Child with Angels.
The 4th Room contains the Fasti Consulares, tables found near the temple of Minerva Chalcidica, and inscribed with the names of public officers from Romulus to Augustus.
Balbina, whose fortress-like church stands on the Pseudo-Aventine.
Sabba, which is supposed to mark the site of the Porta Randusculana of the walls of Servius Tullius.
Arpino and Andrea Sacchi are buried in this church.
This expression by a grain of Mustard-seed, will not seem so strange unto you, who well consider it.
Imagine not that he who findeth Riches findeth Happiness; he that findeth Happiness is he that findeth God.
That it is simply the least of Seeds, you cannot apprehend, if you have beheld the Seeds of Rapunculus, Marjorane, Tobacco, and the smallest Seed of Lunaria.
Flax was also an early Plant, as may be illustrated from the neighbour Country of Canaan.
But these and the like are to be look'd upon, not pursued, odd works might be made by such ways; and for your recreation I propose these few lines unto you, Arcu paratur quod arcui sufficit.
A Draught of all sorts of Sistrums, Crotaloes, Cymbals, Tympans, etc.
Yt hath also divers goodly havens to harborowe yn, and greate stoare of tymber for buildinge of shippes.
These are the wordes of Gonsaluo de Ouiedo in his summarye of the Weste Indies, translated into Italian, concerninge him, fo.
They laied wagers with suche as with one thruste of a sworde, woulde paunche or bowell a man in the middest, or with one blowe of a sworde most readily and moste deliverly cut of his heade, or that woulde best perce his entralls at one stroke.
Spaniarde, Portingale, nor any Christian man, but onely the Caribes, Indians, and sauages.