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Example sentences for "concerninge"

Lexicographically close words:
concerne; concerned; concernes; concerneth; concerning; concernment; concernments; concerns; concernyng; concernynge
  1. The wyse answere of Haniball to kynge Antiochus concerninge his ryche army.

  2. The wyse answere of Hanibal to kynge Antiochus, concerninge his ryche armye.

  3. The Uplandisshe mans answere, concerninge the steple and pulpit.

  4. Some again extollinge sportes & revells, others mainely disallowinge them, all of them drawinge some conclusion concerninge the like or dislike of the government newly begune, and like for a little space to continue amongst them.

  5. As concerninge this place / we must consider the mynde and purpose of Paule.

  6. Of the Iues]] As concerninge the Iues / there be certayn reasons why they are to be borne withall and suffered.

  7. Endorsed) Concerninge one Paris that caried faukes to Gravelyng and others.

  8. An Harborovve for faithfull and trewe subiectes, agaynst the late blowne Blaste, concerninge the Gouernmente of VVemen wherin he confuted all such reasons as a straunger of late made in that behalfe, with a breife exhortation to Obedience.

  9. But nether of both can be done, except the conscience of the offenders be accused and conuicted of transgression.

  10. For the causes be so manifest, that they can not be hid.

  11. Here was a question moved concerninge takynge in certeyne into the Assystaunce But the howsse would not consent to the takinge in of any more for that there were alredye xxviij pˀsones.

  12. A Copie~ of an order of Courte set downe the daye and yere hereaft{r} expressed concerninge the place of this Company in all assemblies of the Companyes of this Cytie.

  13. An order concerninge the Secound govˀnors receiptes and payments.

  14. These are the wordes of Gonsaluo de Ouiedo in his summarye of the Weste Indies, translated into Italian, concerninge him, fo.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "concerninge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.