The ethmoid frequently appears on the dorsal surface between the frontals.
Pertaining to, or in the region of, the ethmoid bone.
Defn: The median vertical plate, or median element, of the ethmoid bone.
Defn: Near or beside theethmoid bone or cartilage; -- applied especially to a pair of bones in the nasal region of some fishes, and to the ethmoturbinals in some higher animals.
A bone, or one of a pair of bones, beneath theethmoid region of the skull, forming a part a part of the partition between the nostrils in man and other mammals.
Defn: Of or pertaining to the middle of the ethmoid region or ethmoid bone.
Defn: Above, or on the dorsal side of, the ethmoidbone or cartilage.
Defn: Pertaining to the region of the vomer and the base of the ethmoid in the skull.
Above, or on the dorsal side of, the ethmoid bone or cartilage.
Pertaining to the region of the vomer and the base of the ethmoid in the skull.
Of or pertaining to the middle of the ethmoidregion or ethmoid bone.
Near or beside the ethmoid bone or cartilage; -- applied especially to a pair of bones in the nasal region of some fishes, and to the ethmoturbinals in some higher animals.
The median vertical plate, or median element, of the ethmoid bone.
Polypoid masses of the ethmoid may project through the posterior cavity and are removed in the same way.
The removal of polypoid ethmoid can thus be completely carried out.
It not uncommonly ceases to secrete after the ethmoid has been cleared.
As the ethmoid is diseased in nearly all cases it should be cleared away at previous sittings, under cocaine or chloroform (see p.
In the latter direction it can be extended if the ethmoidal region is chiefly affected, and if the ethmoidonly requires exposing the incision is placed lower down.
With this method I have removed at one sitting a mass of diseased ethmoid which weighed four ounces.
The former are introduced vertically, so that one blade passes between the ethmoid and the septum and the other passes under cover of the middle turbinal.
By insinuating them carefully, and gradually working them upwards and outwards, a large mass of tissue or carious ethmoid can be grasped, twisted off, and shaken from the forceps into the vessel of water.
The ethmoid region, if diseased, is next treated (see p.
The ethmoid should be attended to in all cases of suppuration in the frontal sinus.
The ethmoid is so frequently affected that it should always be carefully explored, and treated either before or at the time of the operation upon the maxillary sinus.
Whenever the ethmoid is diseased, as it often is in maxillary sinusitis, that part of it which bounds the inner antral walls should be punched away.
It will generally be found in the lower meatus, at the junction of the quadrilateral cartilage and ethmoid with the superior maxillary crest and vomer.
The cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone through which this nerve passes.
These cavities are bounded superiorly by the sphenoid and ethmoid bones; inferiorly, by the hard palate.
A plate of the ethmoid bone, through which the olfactory nerve passes to the nose.
The cranial nerves are thus arranged in pairs: The first pair are the olfactory nerves, which pass down through the ethmoid bone into the nasal cavities, and are spread over the inner surface of the nose.
The ethmoid bone is situated between the bones of the cranium and those of the face, just at the root of the nose.
The ethmoid is an exceedingly light, spongy bone, which is situated at the anterior part of the base of the cranium.
These gases may be removed by inserting a trocar inside the head at the inner angle of the eye or in the nose through the turbinated process of the ethmoid bone.
Behind, it articulates dorsally with the basi-occipital and dorsolaterally with the pro-otics and opisthotics, in front it articulates dorsally with the lateral ethmoid and ventrally with the vomer.
There is a median unpaired ethmoid whose dorsal end appears at the surface wedged in between the frontals and parietals.
The upper tooth structures are attached respectively to the ethmoid or vomerine region of the skull, and to the palato-pterygoids.
In front of these there are a pair of small conical vomerine teeth loosely attached to the ethmoid cartilage.
He describes very fully the bones of the head, including the perforated plate of the ethmoid bone, the sutures, the teeth, and the skeletal bones generally.
The ethmoid bone of the horse or the ox may be removed from its situation with little injury; but that of the dog can scarcely be meddled with without fracture.
The inflammation at the same time seizes on the membranes of the nostrils, and those lining the bones of the nose, particularly the nasal portion of the ethmoid bone.
Below it are the two turbinated bones; but they are reduced to insignificance by the bulk of the ethmoid bone.
The region of the trabeculae in front of the brain is the ethmoid region.
In most types however it becomes more closely united with the ethmoid region and the accessory parts belonging to it.
The region of the cartilage forming the anterior boundary of the cranial cavity is known as the lateral ethmoid region, and it is always perforated for the passage of the olfactory nerves.
The front part of the cartilaginous cranium is ossified by a complete ring of bone--the sphenethmoid bone--which embraces part of the ethmoid region, and of the orbitosphenoid and presphenoid regions.
Na) a capsule open below, and continuous with the ethmoid region of the trabeculae.
The first nerve is the olfactory lobe, which sends numerous filaments through the ethmoid bone to the olfactory organ.
The multicavernous ethmoid bone is the lung in the nose, the two nostrils being the stigmata or foremost openings of the trachea.
The nasal vertebra consists of the vomer, the ethmoid and the two nasal bones.
When compound, there may be bleeding from the pharynx or nose from tearing of the periosteum and mucous membrane related to the basi-sphenoid and ethmoid respectively.
Sometimes the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid is implicated, and the fracture in this way comes to involve the base of the skull.
The eyeball is liable to be displaced upward, and if the ethmoid cells are invaded, it is also pushed outward; the palate may be depressed and the cheek projected (Figs.
The ethmoid is fully ossified, extends anteriorly between the nasals, and laterally is separated by a suture from the nasals if the latter are fully ossified.
The proportion of the length of the skull anterior to the bony part of the ethmoid in S.
The ethmoid is large; the distance between the anterior end of the ethmoid and the anterior edge of the premaxillary varies between 15 and 20 per cent of the total length of the skull.
The ethmoid is large and completely ossified; the margins are smooth.
A small, oval foramen involves the posterior part of the ethmoid and anterior portion of frontoparietals; continued ossification in older specimens fills in the foramen, thereby resulting in a solidly roofed cranium.
The bony part of the ethmoid terminates near the anterior edge of the orbits and does not extend anteriorly between the nasals; the entire anterior margin of the ethmoid is separated from the nasals by cartilage.
The ethmoid is fully ossified, but does not extend anteriorly between the nasals.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ethmoid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.