Gravina's idea was nothing but the old one of a reserve of superfluous ships after equalising the line, as provided by the old English Fighting Instructions and recommended by Morogues.
However, it is highly proper to execute every kind of beam that can be devised for the purpose of equalising the power.
I have shown the equalising beam,” said he, “to no person whatever.
He was also finishing his plan of the new equalising beam, and the double expansion engine, which he requested might be proceeded with at once.
He was also busy inventing a new method of an equalising beam, by causing the gudgeon to change its place; and another by means of a roller acting upon a curve in the nature of the working gear.
Footnote 5: For equalisingthe County and the Borough franchise.
Footnote 20: In pursuance of the policy of free trade, the Ministry introduced and passed a Bill reducing the duties on foreign slave-grown sugar, with the ultimate intention of equalising them with those on Colonial produce.
The equalising power of Black's P-Q4 in all KP openings where White has played P-Q4 can be noticed in many variations.
KtxQ, White is so much ahead with his development that Black's chance of equalising the game would seem questionable.
The husbandry could not be very energetic and lucrative under such pressure, and a powerful consideration which kept the system working, against convenience and interest, was its equalising and as it were communal tendency.
The communal principle with its equalising tendency remained still as the efficient force regulating the whole, and strong enough to subject even the lord and the freeholders to its customary influence.
The vapour thus produced has also a very great effect in equalising temperature; but this also is a point which will come better under our next chapter on the atmosphere.
The constant and equable trade-winds have a very important function in initiating those far-reaching ocean-currents which are of the greatest importance in equalising temperature.
The "Colt" generator made by this firm comprises a carbide hopper mounted above a generating tank containing water, and an equalising bell gasholder mounted above a seal-pot having a vent-pipe C communicating with the outer air.
The generating plant made by this firm, using granulated carbide, comprises an equalising gasholder E alongside a generating tank B, which is surmounted by a closed carbide receptacle A and a distributing appliance.
A tappet on the bell of an equalising gasholder depresses a lever which causes water to flow into a funnel, the outlet of which leads to a generating chamber containing carbide.
The apparatus made by this firm consists of an equalising gasholder with bell D and tank E, a water-tank O, and two drawer generators C situated in the base of the gasholder tank.
The "Acetylite" generator made by this firm consists of an equalising gasholder and one or more generating tanks placed alongside it.
The "Photolithe" generating plant made by this firm comprises an equalising bell gasholder A in the tank O, alongside a generating tank B which is surmounted by a carbide storage receptacle divided into a number of compartments.
The "Dargue" acetylene generator made by this firm comprises anequalising bell gasholder B floating in a water-tank A, which is deeper than is necessary to submerge the bell of the gasholder.
Moyes and Sons now make it also with a detached equalising gasholder connected with the generator by a pipe in which is inserted a lever cock actuated automatically through a lever and cords by a weight above the bell of the gasholder.
This plant consists of the generators A, the washer B, the equalising gasholder C, the purifier D, and the water-tank E.
The "A" type of generator made by this firm comprises an equalising bell gasholder, round the bell of which are arranged a series of buckets which are charged with carbide.
This plant comprises the generators A, the washer B, the equalising gasholder C, the purifier D, and the water-tank E.
The immediate effect of equalising property, then, would be an increase of population.
This was an expedient which had been already applied in mechanics for the purpose of equalising a varying power.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equalising" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.