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Example sentences for "entertaine"

Lexicographically close words:
enterprizes; enterprizing; enters; entertain; entertaind; entertained; entertainement; entertainer; entertainers; entertaines
  1. The Guest that wee are to entertaine doth fill all places with her divine vertues, as the Sunne fills the World with the light of his beames.

  2. Madame, to shew the smoothnesse of my vaine, Neither that I would haue you entertaine The time in reading me, which you would spend In faire discourse with some knowne honest friend, I write not to you.

  3. Betweene extremities, hee made a right aduenture, putting all to God and good fortune, and which was worst refused not to entertaine euery person and meanes whatsoeuer, to furnish out this expedition, the successe whereof hath bene declared.

  4. Then heauen set ope thy euerlasting gates, To entertaine my vowes of thankes and praise.

  5. This Sunne, this Moone, these Starres, and this disposition, is the very same which your forefathers enjoyed, and which shall also entertaine your posteritie.

  6. There were also joyned unto him two of his countrimen, but not so learned; whose charge was to attend, and now and then to play with me; and all these together did never entertaine me with other than the Latine tongue.

  7. I play the noble huswife with the time, to entertaine it so merrily with a foole Clo.

  8. Let my presumption not prouoke thy wrath, For I am sorry, that with reuerence I did not entertaine thee as thou art Talb.

  9. See, your Guests approach, Addresse your selfe to entertaine them sprightly, And let's be red with mirth Shep.

  10. Ile be at Charges for a Looking-glasse, And entertaine a score or two of Taylors, To study fashions to adorne my body: Since I am crept in fauour with my selfe, I will maintaine it with some little cost.

  11. Pray entertaine them, giue them guide to vs.

  12. Because I would be sure to haue all well, To entertaine your Highnesse, and your Empresse Tam.

  13. Vntill I know this sure vncertaintie, Ile entertaine the free'd fallacie Luc.

  14. Leaue off discourse of disabilitie: Sweet Lady, entertaine him for your Seruant Pro.

  15. So, now dismisse your Army when ye please: Hang vp your Ensignes, let your Drummes be still, For heere we entertaine a solemne peace.

  16. O Noble English, that could entertaine With halfe their Forces, the full pride of France, And let another halfe stand laughing by, All out of worke, and cold for action Bish.

  17. I am thy love, Whom sweetly thou wert wont to entertaine With lookes, with vowes of love, with amorous kisses.

  18. O blame not, Hardenbergh, for thou dost know How sharpe my heart was set to entertaine The Lord of this Ambassage lovingly.

  19. Why if any true Courtly dame had had but this new fashioned sute, to entertaine anything indifferently stuffed, why you should have had her more respective by farre.

  20. But I pray tell me, Lady Penelope, how entertaine you the love of my Cosen sir Gyles Goosecappe.

  21. Those chast desires, that noble minde of yours, And that chiefe part whence all your honor springs, A grace to entertaine the greatest kings.

  22. And for the same respect are also fittest for the pretie amourets in Court to entertaine their seruants and the time withall, their delicate wits requiring some commendable exercise to keepe them from idlenesse.

  23. The King was willing to entertaine them, because they brought with them both industrie and trades; because they made the Countrey both populous and rich.

  24. Nouember towards euening, with a prosperous gale arriued in England; where great preparation was made to entertaine him with many well deuised honours.

  25. Lastly, hee went himselfe with a mighty armie into Scotland, where hee made wide waste, and in Lothiam found King Malcolme, prepared both in force and resolution to entertaine him with battell.

  26. The people were nothing curious to examine titles; but as men broken with long bondage, did easily entertaine the first pretender.

  27. I pray thee tell me, Dost never search thy thoughts, what my designe Might be to entertaine thee and thy brother?

  28. Wee came to entertaine him, sir, for honour.

  29. Sir John tooke great delight in this place, and was wont to say (before the troubles) that he would build there a retiring-place to entertaine his muses; but the warres forced him to sell that as well as the rest.

  30. Yt was neuer my chaunce to see the Contreye yet: and therfore I pray you take so muche paine as to tell in what sorte they entertaine a straunger with them.

  31. I promise you faithfullye wee had notable good chere there, in so much that I wonder how they can entertaine their guestes so good cheape as they doe.

  32. I entertaine no other thought, my wife, And my opinion's sound of your behaviour.

  33. Good maister Barnes, this entertaine of yours, So full of courtesie and rich delight, Makes me misdoubt my poore ability In quittance of this friendly courtesie.

  34. Well, my lad, since thou art so impornate, I am content to entertaine thee, not as a servant, but a copartner in my journey.

  35. But put the case he were gone, wouldst thou entertaine any of us two?

  36. The Gates of great men stand more wide To entertaine a foole then Cresus armes To hug the Golden God; and faster bard Against necessitie then Dives entrance At Olympus gate.

  37. The more the pitty; would the hart of man Were not so open wide to entertaine The harmfull baites of selfe-devouring sinne!

  38. From hence they passed into an other stately court, being about 6 score in bredth, and some 10 score yards long, with many trees in it: where all the court was with great pompe set in order to entertaine our ambassador.

  39. And as before at his landing, so now at his taking boat, the ship discharged all her great ordinance, where arriuing, he likewise had a great banquet prepared to entertaine those which came to bring him home.

  40. But dare you, Knowing the daughter vicious, entertaine Affection to the mother?

  41. I shall want language, but not a friendly hart to entertaine you and your noble kinsman.

  42. Thomas, pray entertaine this footman in the butterie; let him drinke and refresh himselfe, and set the cold chine of Beefe before him: he has ranne hard.

  43. Mounsier Device, I must entreat a Courtesie; you have wit, and I would have a Masque to entertaine my new father-in-law Sir Walter Littleland.

  44. But language is to narrow to expresse What I expect, tis fitt my soule retire Till she present her selfe; and, if it can Measure my hop'd for ioyes with thought, prepare To entertaine the happines.

  45. I shall leave her joyes without any bound to entertaine me if I first beat this foolish rivall of mine and present her with his sword.

  46. I pray, sir, be your selfe and let your Judgement Entertaine reason: From whom came this Letter?

  47. Sir Francis, I am sorrie the violence of my affaires wonot let me entertaine you to my wishes.

  48. We beseech your Excellencies To pardon us; our duties are not wanting, Nor dare we entertaine a thought to crosse ye: We are placed here on Commaund.

  49. Mistris, it is: sweet Lady, entertaine him To be my fellow-seruant to your Ladiship Sil.

  50. They are welcome, but Pray entertaine them a small time, lest I Be unprovided.

  51. Canst thou Dwell in my armes to night, shall we change kisses, And entertaine the silent houres with pleasure?

  52. Now entertaine coniecture of a time, When creeping Murmure and the poring Darke Fills the wide Vessell of the Vniuerse.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "entertaine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.