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Example sentences for "great banquet"

  • On the Twelfth Night following there was a play, and then a goodly mask, and afterwards a great banquet.

  • The maskers danced, after which the ladies plucked away their visors, so that they were all known; and the sports were concluded with a great banquet.

  • Whereat Tsar Afor was glad at heart, and ordered a great banquet to be prepared for the bold and fair Prince Astrach; so there was great feasting, and the betrothal took place with all solemnity.

  • The Tsar again ordered a great banquet to be prepared; and the Princess Lotao went to her husband and tried to awaken him, but all in vain.

  • At the end of this time, Prince Astrach reminded Tsar Afor of his marriage contract with the Tsarevna Osida; and Tsar Afor ordered a great banquet to be made, and bade his daughter prepare for the wedding.

  • The next day the king invited all the nobles and princes of his realm to a great banquet.

  • He told her, however, that the king's son was to be married the next day, and that there was to be a great banquet, and she must go into the kitchen and wash the dishes.

  • The usual reception followed together with a great banquet.

  • In the evening the Prince of Wales presided at a great banquet of four hundred and fifty guests, with galleries thronged with ladies.

  • Then came a great banquet given by the Prince to the generals and officers and a ball at Selinghur in those "marble halls of dazzling light" which have been so often described.

  • One day Zurdoki gave a great banquet at the castle, on which occasion he brought out all his silver plate to make a goodly show, and invited the whole of the civic notabilities.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great banquet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    great amount; great antiquity; great artists; great assistance; great bunch; great deal too much; great fight; great harm; great light; great mistake; great moment; great nation; great national; great nobleman; great point; great rejoicing; great service; great store; great strength; great style; great tribulation; great triumph; great weight; great wonder; greater quantity; will glory