Fourthlie, where the earle of Arundell alledged his charters of pardon, the same might not be allowed.
He was condemned to die at Pomfret, and was drawen from thence through euerie good towne, [Sidenote: He is executed at Lōdon.
And it standeth by naturall reason, that an oare séemeth to be broken in the water: and a tower foure cornered, a farre off sheweth to be rounde.
Whosoeuer dare flatly deny these manifold and agréeable testimonies of the olde and new writers, he séemeth vnworthie in my iudgement, of any credit, whatsoeuer he say.
Then the noyse increaseth & draweth neare, and séemeth sometimes to be without the porch, sometimes within.
The number séemeth more héere than there, for where all the Mountaynes are replenished with Ceder trées, it is a small matter.
Then (said he) I am of yeares sufficient to gouerne mine owne house and familie, and also my kingdome: for it séemeth aginst reason that the state of the meanest person within my kingdome should be better than mine.
Our number is not much lesse in horssemen, and in footmen we excéed them.
This tale I rehearse, not for anie credit I thinke it woorthie of, but onelie for that it séemeth to note the place where the yoong prince innocentlie lost his life.
This séemeth dissonant from the report of Fabian deriued out of Gagwine.
Lambert séemeth to be of the opinion, that the leets of our time wherein these pledges be yet called Franci plegij of the word Free burgh) doo yeeld some shadow of that politike institution of Alfred.
There is a well in Darbieshire called Tideswell (so named of the word tide, or to ebbe and flow) whose water often séemeth to rise and fall, as the sea which is fortie miles from it dooth vsuallie accustome to ebbe and flow.
It séemeth in some mens iudgements to part Northwales and Westwales in sunder, and the same which in Latine hight Deuus, in Welsh or British Difi or Dewie, whereof the Latine doth séeme to fetch his sound.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.