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Example sentences for "emeute"

Lexicographically close words:
emesis; emeth; emetic; emetics; emeu; emigrant; emigrants; emigrate; emigrated; emigrates
  1. We must here inform the reader that the cause of the emeute was kept a profound secret between the judicial gentry.

  2. Two days have passed since the emeute at the house of the old hostess.

  3. He is named Planchet, who himself also caused a rising about six weeks ago; but as he was searched for after this emeute he disappeared.

  4. Sir," said Mazarin to him "an emeute is spoken of in Paris.

  5. Let the emeute be within, say a week, after the vote of the plebiscite is taken.

  6. It was less like a popular emeute than a gathering of schoolboys, bent not less on fun than on mischief.

  7. Mauleon which would warrant participation in a popular emeute by the editor of a journal belonging to that mocker of the mob.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emeute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.