The most vast and influential products of mediæval ecclesiasticism are the papacy, monasticism and scholasticism.
He passes at once to Ecclesiasticism and Despotism; but the unprejudiced reader will, I think, see that this statement is supplementary to that.
I answer that the main reason why Ecclesiasticism became so strong was because it sheltered the lower class from the exactions of the Aristocracy.
Not that the man who, in the eighteenth century, laboured more energetically and successfully than any other for the emancipation of the intellect from ecclesiasticism and dogma had foreseen such a result of his labour.
The Concordat prepared the way for the recovery by ecclesiasticism of all its old power.
In it the period of the restoration of ecclesiasticism collects all its powers for a last, decisive battle.
It is the merest ostrich policy for contemporary ecclesiasticism to try to hide its Hexateuchal head--in the hope that the inseparable connection of its body with pre-Abrahamic legends may be overlooked.
The question of "Inspiration" really possesses no interest for those who have cast ecclesiasticism and all its works aside, and have no faith in any source of truth save that which is reached by the patient application of scientific methods.
Ecclesiasticism says: The demonology of the Gospels is an essential part of that account of that spiritual world, the truth of which it declares to be certified by Jesus.
We may be sure, then, that the ideal of ecclesiasticism is not solely responsible for the scientific stasis of the dark age.
The sixteenth-century mind was overmastered by the tenets of ecclesiasticism, and it was a dangerous heresy to doubt that the Hebrew writings, upon which ecclesiasticism based its claim, contained the last word regarding matters of science.
LXV Ecclesiasticism in science is only unfaithfulness to truth.
Lyon] Thus there were two centers where a stand of independence with regard to the Eldership and human ecclesiasticism had been taken.
The saints' possessing the kingdom is the culminating point in this line of prophecy, and means nothing other than the victory over human ecclesiasticism which the saints now possess.
Any man-made system of ecclesiasticism must necessarily be lifeless and powerless, just in proportion as it fails to recognize the personal presence and authority of the Holy Ghost, and sets up its own order and authority.
It was not until he received the experience of perfect holiness and began to teach the truth on the subject that he was made to feel his limitations to human ecclesiasticism and thus discover the pen he was in.
This seems to be as great an offence to ecclesiasticism in this hour and this land of boasted freedom, as it was to Paul in Judea nineteen centuries ago.
Unable to subject the master minds among the nobility to its domination, ecclesiasticism had succeeded in destroying them by augmenting royal prerogatives which it could control with less difficulty.
Students of comparative ecclesiasticism cannot afford to miss witnessing the celebration of the feast in Moscow any more than they can that in Rome.
This is quite natural, for mysticism is the verification of religion by the experimental method, as ecclesiasticism is the verification of religion by the historical method.
Ecclesiasticism is not friendly to literature; but how far Oxford's most loyal son was permeated by ecclesiasticism is a matter of opinion.
To this it may be replied that ecclesiasticismis a weed which grows rapidly when once it has taken root, and that the germs of Gnosticism were in the church from the earliest day.
Those who formed the system of Christian ecclesiasticism never could afford to have a conscience.
IT is impossible to understand modern Christian ecclesiasticism without a careful study of ancient Judaism.
And it is my firm persuasion that in proportion as the profession throws off the thraldom of ecclesiasticism and dogmatism, it increases in power and is sure to recover its ancient superiority.
It was this that he tried to teach in its purity, that he tried to free from the hedges that ecclesiasticism had built around it, this that he endeavoured to raise to a still higher standard.
Yet Jefferson in his time was frequently called an atheist--and merely because men in those days did not distinguish as clearly as we do today between ecclesiasticism and religion, between formulated and essential Christianity.
It represents in antitype the downfall, in the Time of Trouble, of ecclesiasticism pictured first, as two roaring lions which are taken captive; and secondly, as a vine destroyed by fire of internal origin.
Ecclesiasticism has been faithless to Jehovah and will be faithless to its newly acquired philosophy.
One large part of the adherents of ecclesiasticism win die from pestilence and famine.
Ecclesiasticism was to experience prolonged siege by a class symbolized by Ezekiel.
The voice of the spirits was for war by every conceivable means, nation against nation, but destined to effect the desolation of ecclesiasticism as well.
Ecclesiasticism will be smitten down with the stones of hard facts, and be destroyed in the fires of anarchy, "with the fire of God's Jealousy.
The very constitution of ecclesiasticism forbids its ever being other than what the Wall Street Journal denominates, "that international nuisance, the church-state.
They will imagine that the adherents of a Christianity that has failed will turn to philosophy, and that the adherents of philosophy will be increased now that ecclesiasticism is desolated.
Nevertheless, both Romish and Protestant ecclesiasticismdid so.
But the moral order is no more a part of ecclesiasticism than earthquakes are.
He had been separating, unconsciously, ecclesiasticismfrom Christianity.
Will Cain and Caiaphas still have the dominion, and ecclesiasticism be as ready to crucify the Christ on His second coming as it was on His first?
Of protective action of this politic sort, promptly or tardily decided on, the dealings of the Roman ecclesiasticism with many individual saints and prophets yield examples enough for our instruction.
In these lectures, however, as I have already said, the immediate personal experiences will amply fill our time, and we shall hardly consider theology or ecclesiasticism at all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ecclesiasticism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.