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Example sentences for "easilie"

Lexicographically close words:
eases; easeth; easie; easier; easiest; easilier; easily; easiness; easinesse; easing
  1. For who shall beléeue an others promise hereafter, if by mine example he sée the same so easilie by an absolution to be made void.

  2. He wrote likewise to the queene to further that matter, and easilie hereby obteined his desire.

  3. After which, I for my part in the next morning tasted the fruit of their ouernights talke, being then loden with as manie irons as a good asse might not verie easilie haue borne.

  4. The lord de Rambures appointed to resist such violence, was easilie vanquished.

  5. The earles sute was easilie agréed vnto, and an armie roiall appointed with all speed, to inuade England.

  6. At the first, they that were found giltie were easilie fined.

  7. Robert, counselling him to come ouer with an armie in all hast, to take the rule vpon him, which by his practise should easilie be compassed.

  8. Héere Cnute remained certeine daies, both to assemble a greater power, and also to hearken and learne what his enimies ment to doo, the which he easilie vnderstood.

  9. Cnute (as some write) to the intent that Edrike being put in trust with king Edmund, might the more easilie deuise waies how to betraie him.

  10. An Act to amend and consolidate the Public Libraries (Scotland) Acts.

  11. Foreign librarians visiting London almost invariably made for two places; one was the large and handsome room overlooking a stately west-end square, which Mr J.

  12. The battell being once begun, the Galles that looked earst for gold, and not for battell, were easilie ouercome, such as stood to the brunt were slaine, and the rest by flight constreined to depart the citie.

  13. And this diuision being wel vnderstood, will easilie resolue you, what is possible to them to doe.

  14. Paule, to the intent that all men might easilie perceiue, that they vnfeinedlie were dead.

  15. But how well their dooing herein agreeth with the saieng of Peter, & examples of the primitiue church, it may easilie appeere.

  16. Scarba foure miles in length, and one in breadth, verie little inhabited, and thereinto the sea betweene that and the Ile of deere is so swift and violent, that except it be at certeine times, it is not easilie nauigable.

  17. But of what continuance this deuise is like to proue, the time to come shall easilie bewraie.

  18. At what times also they are kept both for spirituall and temporall dealing, the table insuing shall easilie declare.

  19. For Heued or Hed signifieth The chiefe, in the old English language, which in the name of this and manie other townes and villages yet standing in England cannot easilie be forgotten.

  20. The situation of this towne was such, that by reason of waters and marishes, the English armie must needs seuer it selfe into three parts, so that the one could not easilie helpe the other, but either by boats or bridges.

  21. Howbeit, the earle of Champaigne was easilie reduced againe to his former obedience, by the high wisedome and policie of the queene mother, who had the gouernement of hir sonne the yoong king and his realme committed vnto hir.

  22. When he saw that this bait would not take, he onelie demanded a tenth part of all their spirituall liuings for maintenance of the wars against the Saracens, which was easilie granted, as more reasonable than the first.

  23. Which poore abbat was made to beleeue, that he ought to take this dealing to be an act of great courtesie, the earle of Winchester being an earnest meane for him that he might so easilie escape.

  24. So easilie is the mind of man turned to superstition (as saith Polydor.

  25. Danes, so that they were easilie put to flight, of whome (before they could get out of danger) a great number were slaine.

  26. In the 24 yeere of his reigne, this Cuthred fought eftsoones with the Welshmen, and obteined the vpper hand, without anie great losse of his people: for the enimies were easilie put to flight and chased, to their owne destruction.

  27. The Frenchmen within Rochell issued foorth to skirmish with the Englishmen, but they were easilie put to flight, and folowed euen to the bariers of the gates of Rochell.

  28. What number of saincts also haue béene hatched in them I could easilie remember, and beside those 160.

  29. Of the want of our commodities here at home, by their great transportation of them into other countries, I speake not, sith the matter will easilie bewraie it selfe.

  30. Of this riuer the citie and countrie beareth the name, although we now pronounce Hampton for Auondune, which errour is committed also in south Auondune, as we may easilie see.

  31. Whill the said Williame and the Portar talked, and his servandis maid thame to look the work and the workemen, approched Normound Leslye with his company; and becaus thei war in no great nomber, thei easilie gat entress.

  32. Suche as do weall mark the historye and the estait of that people, may easilie see the caus why God wes offended.

  33. Those that staied being y^e greater number required y^e pastor to stay with them; and indeede for other reasons he could not then well goe, and so it was y^e more easilie yeelded unto.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easilie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.