They that were sent, did so earnestlie and prudentlie applie their businesse, that they brought all things to passe at their owne desires.
The king thus being earnestlie bent to make commoditie of those things, for the which he might get any monie at all, [Sidenote: The citizens of London present monie to the King.
But the prince in no wise cold be brought to any such vnreasonable conditions, and so the cardinall could not make them freends, although he trauelled earnestlie betwixt them all that daie.
This duke of Gelderland named Reginald had married the ladie Isabell sister of king Edward, and therefore in fauour of the king his brother in law, trauelled most earnestlie to procure him all the freends within the empire that he could make.
This matter hindered sore the sute of king Edward, dailie suing to the duke for aid at his hands, the more earnestlie indeed, bicause of such promises as by letters were made vnto him out of England, from his assured freends there.
God gladlie and orderlie for conscience sake, not coldlie, and somtyme for maner sake, you carie all the Courte with yow, and the whole Realme beside, earnestlie and orderlie to do the same.
Yet all men couet to haue their children speake latin: and so do I verie earnestlie too.
A childe of this nature, will earnestlie loue learnyng, gladlie labor for learning, willinglie learne of other, boldlie aske any doute.
This separation continued all the life time of the archbishop Lambert, although he trauelled earnestlie to mainteine his prerogatiue.
The Eternall move your heart earnestlie to considder, how fearfull a thing it is ever to have God to be [ane] ennemye.
And in this case I wold earnestlie pray your Majestie to tack good advisement, and that your Grace should lett the Papistis understand, that thair attemptatis will not be suffered unpunissed.
In like maner, pope Urban calling a councell at Clermont in Auuergne, exhorted the christian princes so earnestlie to make a iourneie into the holie land, [Sidenote: The iournie into the holie land.
The bishops would faine haue persuaded Anselme to haue shewed himselfe comformable to the kings pleasure, and therefore tooke paines with him earnestlie in that behalfe, but all would not serue.
The French councell weied nothing at all these offers, and would not so much as once vouchsafe to giue an answer to the English ambassadors earnestlie requiring the same.
By this meanes, when manie were returned, he being on the one side earnestlie prouoked, and on [Sidenote: Theodosius requireth to haue Ciuilis sent to him.
Afterwards also Maximus was earnestlie requested to come to an enteruiew with the same Valentinian, who promised him not onelie a safe conduct, but also manie other beneficiall good turnes beside.
Wherevpon she earnestlie trauelled in treatie of a peace betwixt hir brother and king Egelred: which being brought to passe chieflie by hir sute, she was contented to become an hostage for performance thereof (as before is recited.
His wyfe came befor ye session and earnestlie desyrit it, being in great necessitie.
George Davidsone, schoolmaister, earnestliedesyrit somqt for his support out of the penalties, seing he had few bairnis in the school.
The quilk day Mr James Macqueine, schoolmaister, desyritearnestlie some support, that he micht pass to ye Northe, seing thair was few or na bairns at the schoole.
But I wouldeearnestlie know when he appeares to them in Prison, what formes vses he then to take?
He travailled nocht the less earnestlie in the Quene Regentis affares, and could nott be perswaded bot that sche ment sincerlie, and that sche wold promote the religioun to the uttermost of her power.
This answer receaved, war send agane the Lord Lyndesay and Laird of Wauchtoun,[830] who earnestlie requeasted us to concord, and that we wold nocht be the occasioun that innocent bloode should be sched.
And becaus I am able to susteane ma nor ane of thame, I will requeist your Lordschip earnestlie to provid me sic a man as yo wrait; "for the harvist is great, and thare ar few lauboraris.
Thei of the place, but especiallie Maister Henry Balnaves and Johne Rowght, preachear, perceaving the manor of his doctrin, begane earnestlieto travaill with him, that he wold tack the preaching place upoun him.
Furthermore the nuncio earnestlie besought the king of aid in the popes behalfe against the French king, if (as he threatned to doo) he should inuade him in Italie with open force.
And therefore sir Iohn Bushie earnestlie requested in name of the communaltie that the same might likewise be reuoked.
He inueied so earnestlie against the abuses and heinous crimes which the friers, sometimes his brethren, vsed to put in practise, that it was an horror to heare.
When he came to the Tower hill, the noble men that were about him, mooued him right earnestlie to acknowledge his treason against the king.
The king verie earnestlieprocured all things to be made readie for the warre, meaning to passe the next summer ouer into France, to recouer his right by force, which by no other meane he saw how to obteine.
And after this, he himselfe sent for him, and right earnestlie exhorted him, and louinglie admonished him to reconcile himselfe to God and to his lawes.
For there was nothing with the Britains but slaughter, fire, gallowes, and such like, so earnestlie were they set on reuenge.
By this meanes, when manie were returned, he being on the one side earnestlie prouoked, and [Sidenote: Theodosius requireth to haue Ciuilis sent to him.
Insteade of which, found them earnestlie engaged on the never-ending Topick of Cavaliers and Roundheads.
Earnestlie did I pray it might be the latter, and conduce to his healing.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earnestlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.