The Counstable with his[89] fellowe runnes vnto them, to parte them, and in the partinge lyckes a drye blowe or two.
And eek Nero governed alle the poeples that the violent wind Nothus scorkleth, and baketh the brenning sandes by his drye hete; that is to seyn, alle the poeples in the south.
Momia, which is the dryed and embalmed bodies of kynges and princes, whiche of long tyme haue been preserued drye without corruption.
What is meant by the drye se (dry sea) is disputed; but it matters little, for the general idea is clear.
If barne rome will serue, lay thy stoouer vp drye and eche kinde of strawe, by hitselfe let it lie.
They come about April and breed in the broad waters so making their nest on the water that their egges are seldom drye while they are sett on.
A drye and hard dish butt makes an handsome picture.
Tak thereto sugur and boyle thys togedere and dische yt and tak Almandys and wet hem in water of Sugur and drye hem in a panne and plante hem in the mete and serve yt forth.
Take Mustard seed and waishe it & drye it in an ovene, grynde it drye.
Though I be hoor, I fare as dooth a tree That blosmeth er that fruyt y-woxen be; A blosmy tree nis neither drye ne deed.
His sleep, his mete, his drink is him biraft, That lene he wex, and drye as is a shaft.
Wel may men knowe it was no wight but he (390) That kepte peple Ebraik fro hir drenchinge, With drye feet thurgh-out the see passinge.
And there is a Tree of Oke that the Saracens clepen Dirpe, that is of Abraham's Tyme, the which men clepen THE DRYE TREE.
Holy Lond, withe Helpe of Cristene Men, and he schalle do synge a Masse under that Drye Tree, and than the Tree shall wexen grene and bere both Fruyt and Leves.
When dinner was over they did the like with the robes of velvet, after they had put on dresses of the ordinary fashion worn by the rest of the company.
Presence thereof is wytnesse that the grounde is bareyne and drye that it groweth in.
Thai dreȝe him up to the drye (land), and he na dere sufird.
And all fleshe that moved on the erth/ bothe birdes catell and beastes perisshed/ with al that crepte on the erth and all men: so that all that had the breth of liffe in the nostrels of it thorow out all that was on drye lond dyed.
And God sayd/ let the waters that are vnder heaven gather them selves vnto one place/ that the drye londe may appere: And it came so to passe.
And god called the drye lande the erth and the gatheringe togyther of waters called he the see.
Drye and wete ben contrarie, and mowen not acorde, and yet this discordaunce is bounde to acorde by cloudes; for bothe elementes ben colde.
April & breed in the broad waters so making their nest on the water that their egges are seldom drye while they are sett on.
I thought to have mentioned I am bold to giue you this trouble so soone agayne haue you putt in a sea fish calld a bleak [see Note 74] a fish like an herring often taken with us and eat butt a more lanck & thinne & drye fish.
Our mullet is white & imberbis [see Note 63] butt wee haue also a mullis barbatus ruber miniaceus or cinnaberinus somewhat rough & butt drye meat.
And there is a tree of oke, that the Sarazines clepen dirpe, that is of Abrahames tyme, the whiche men clepen the drye tree.
And it is drye and nothing fructuous; because that it hathe no moysture: and therefore is there so meche desart.
And thorghe that Flom passeden the children of Israel, alle drye feet: and thei putten stones there in the myddel place, in tokene of the myracle, that the watre withdrowghe him so.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.