He swings Typhoon wide into the homestretch, landing him in the best and dryest path.
Nearing the first quarter the wrap on Azra is slackened a little and, though all go wide at the turn to seek the dryest going, Clayton takes ground by passing nearest the rail.
The land was a low wet prairie, scarcely affording good walking in the dryest summer weather, while at other seasons it was absolutely impassable.
This seemed to be the dryest year in the history of this country and the farther along we went the more complaints we heard.
He said he had driven this road many times and this was the dryest time of all, and we had no reason to doubt his word.
They have had no rain here in months, and we go back to our wagon feeling that it is the dryest looking country we have ever seen, and that there must be something wrong with the people.
Desgenais especially, habitually the coldest and dryest of men, was inexplicable on such occasions; he delivered himself of such extraordinary sentiments that he might have been a poet in delirium.
The doctor says he must take no champagne, or only the dryest of the dry.
It is the dryest village I ever saw; and I don't believe there is anything like a fountain within a mile.
The water in the lake is not good, but drinkable, and will be abundant except in the very dryest part of the summer.
But ere he curled himself up to sleep in thedryest corner of the cave, he burst into a laugh.
He simply remarked in his dryest tone, "You'd better try it," and for some reason or other the man did not.
She hasn't come down to see her father, I should imagine," remarked Talbot, in his dryest tone.
It would have been impossible to him to give more than the dryest outline of it in that room.
After the prayer they resumed their seats by the fire, which they left at intervals only to get something from the boat or to bring the dryest wood that they could find for the replenishing of the fire.
The Spanish leader sat on a little heap of boughs on the highest and dryest spot in the camp, and all who approached him did so with every sign of respect--if they spoke it was hat in hand.
The largest and dryest they could find they carried into the village, and piled them up in a heap and set them on fire.
Have the milk closet on the coolest side of the house, or in the dryest and coolest part of the cellar, and with a window in it covered with wire-net or slats.
Obtain the dryest chloride of lime that can be bought, and for strong fabrics dissolve four table-spoonfuls in a half a pint of water.
The period of the annual overflow turns it into a turbid, sluggish lake, the roads being then deeply buried under water; but even in the dryest seasons the greater portion of the swamp is a bottomless slime of mud and putrefying vegetation.
It's the dryest spell Creech ever had," replied the other.
It's been the longest, dryest spell I ever lived through.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dryest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.