I got na't by sea, I got na't by land, Nor got I it aff a drownd man's hand.
For he has stown seven ladies fair, And drownd them a' in the sea.
I got it not by sea, nor got it by land, Nor got I it on a drownd man's hand.
The miller quickly drew the dam, An there he found a drownd woman.
Vnto their lodgings then his guestes he riddes: 6 Where when all drownd in deadly sleepe he findes, He to his study goes, and there amiddes 8 His Magick bookes and artes of sundry kindes, He seekes out mighty charmes, to trouble sleepy mindes.
Dont tell on me, because it would make you feel bad and father wouldnt like it to get round a child of his had drownd herself and mother would cry.
When you read this I shall be in torment forever, because I am going down to Davis Cove to drownd myself because I am so wicked and nobody loves me.
I told 'er I was coming straight away to drownd myself," pursued Mr. Heard.
How prettily thees trees Bow, as each meant to Consecrate a branch To the drownd lovers!
I am confirm'd that now I am forsaken, But if your passion have not drownd all reason I pray let us part civilly.
Then cheere ye upp, my lord, and cheere upp us, For now our valours are extinguished And all our force lyes drownd in brinish teares, As Jewells in the bottome of the sea.
River That runns beneath your orchard, and ith darke, Their headstrong horses missing the ford overthrew them And, which I cannot without true griefe utter, There drownd them both.
Dey ain't nary river ever been dug deep 'nuff to drownd me in," Red Hoss was replying with drunken boastfulness.
The ladye turnd her round about, Wi mickle mournfu din: 'It fears me sair o Clyde water, That he is drownd therein.
The first step that the captain stept, It took him to the knee, And the next step that the captain stepped They were a' drownd in the sea.
It fears me sair in Clyde Water That he is drownd therein:' O thay ha sent for the king's duckers, To duck for Young Hunting.
O he's na drownd in Clyde Water, He is slain and put therein; The lady that lives in yon castil Slew him and put him in.
Drownd myself I will gladly and willingly afore I marry he!
I would sooner be dead, and drownd myself I will before I marry 'ee, Abram Lestwick!
I'll drownd my troubles in a bottle of wine; I'll drownd them away in a full-flowing bumper And ride through the wild to pass away time.
Come on down into the cellars, and we'll bring up enough port to drowndsorrer an' care all night.
Mr. Brimberly, "we 'ave enough port in our cellars todrownd every sorrer an' care in Noo York City.
An’ when you kin’t manage to drownd ’em you try to kill ’em with rheumatics, and then I hev all the responsibility.
I’m goin’ to drownd myself,†answered her mother, carefully smoothing out her right mitten.
Against their kind the land Rats took the water And swomme in little armies to the house, And, though wedrownd and killed innumerable, Their numbers were like Hydra's heads increasing; Ruine bred more untill our brother died.
Fight, whilst life serves you, we will nere give ore; The grasse greene pavement shall be drownd in blood, And yet Ile wade to kill her in the flood.
Looke in thy soule, and thou shalt beauties find, Like those which drownd Narcissus in the flood: Honour and Pleasure both are in thy mind, And all that in the world is counted good.
Looke in thy soule, and thou shalt beauties find, Like those which drownd Narcissus in the flood: Honour and Pleasure both are in thy mind, And all that in the world is counted Good.
I told him nobody wanted to drownd themselves, but if we did n’t have rain soon we’d have to pump water for the cattle.
He says: ‘The ponds in this country is done got so low a man could n’t drownd himself in one of ’em.
That's 'im that the lady kissed, and that gev me tuppence and threatened to drownd me.
And with a 'umble and contrite 'art do I regret that I did notdrownd you, you young rascal," said Smilash.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drownd" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.