Rifle practice, of course, could not be indulged in while in these woods, because the noise might attract German attention, but bayonet drills never ceased.
We had life drills two or three times a day all the way across.
Fourteen days in camp each summer, an easy musketry course, and a few drills at headquarters could not develop a soldier fit to meet fully trained troops.
The use of the West London Cricket Ground at Brompton was obtained for the purpose, and the regiment marched there weekly, whilst other battalion drills and “skeleton drills” for officers were held almost daily at Somerset House.
Letters were again allowed, and in spite of drills and parades it was a most restful time by day.
The training was of the very strenuous type--drills before breakfast, attack practice after breakfast, musketry and digging in the afternoon, and route march in the evening.
Battery here, and the three drills we held, weekly, were seasons of delight to a horse-lover like myself.
Broken scales, "five finger exercises," and mechanical drills of every kind, are altogether objectionable.
They now and then devote a part of the lesson time to the muscular drills and exercises; for the rest, an occasional hint or correction regarding the positions of the parts is deemed sufficient.
Muscular drills of about the same type are very widely used.
For the pupil this system, as at present generally taught, consists solely of a series of muscular drills for the tongue, larynx, palate, etc.
In the whole scheme of modern Voice Culture, toneless muscular drills consume only an insignificant proportion of the time devoted to lessons.
Practices vary greatly as to the amount of time and attention devoted to muscular drills of the parts under consideration, and also as to the importance attached to the positions of these parts.
Methods vary greatly as to the length of time devoted to toneless drills in breathing and breath-control.
For each of these groups of muscles Howard devised a system of exercises and drills by which the singer is supposed to bring all the movements involved under direct voluntary control.
As in the "opposed muscular" system, the initial exercises are tonelessdrills in breathing.
Cases are on record of pupils being kept on mechanical drills and elementary exercises for four years, without being allowed to attempt a simple song.
He drills and drills and drills the poor men until they're too tired to stand.
Morning drills occurred of course, and camp duties and divine services; but for all these diversions the army wearied of Mt.
But in the linedrills and in the review tables children must rely upon their own knowledge of the phonetic elements.
As the words in a column are generally in the same phonetic group, column drills tend to fix the principle there presented.
Some passengers did not see any boat drills on the voyage, while others characterized the drills, in effect, as formally superficial.
Due precaution was taken in respect of boat drillswhile in port, and the testimony shows that those drills were both sufficient and efficient.
If you have not water enough or the land does not lie right for flooding, you can grow the sorghum in drills and irrigate by the furrow method, being careful, however, not to let the crop go too far if you desire to feed it as hay.
Sow 40 pounds per acre in drills 3 feet apart, and cultivate as long as you can without injuring the vines too much.
They should be sown in drills and cultivation continued for moisture conservation until the plants cover the ground too much to get the cultivator through.
Still further on rose the uneven outlines of still greater structures as yet unfinished, and the earth seemed, in the cool air, to be baring her ancient bones to his drills and dynamite.
The bulk of the pulp mill loomed darkly into the quiet air, and further up they could hear the rattle of machine drills hammering into the great sandstone ledges.
Within minutes the hole was empty of rock and the pneumatic drills were hammering again.
Pneumatic drills hammered into the congealed lava, cutting holes in which charges would be placed.
Then we have the compressed air transmission of power, which is very largely used for underground engines, and for the working of rock drills in mines and tunnels.
Our new colonel enjoined upon the regiment severedrills and guard duties, while it was tasked severely and laboriously with fatigue duty every day and often far into the night.
It is nothing detrimental to say that perhaps we “smelt the battle afar off,” and anticipated a succession of drills when we were removed from our friends and the pleasant scenes that surrounded us in New Haven.
We here spent the time in brigade drills and the usual picket duties till the 1st of June, when we crossed over to John’s Island.
A species of Dolichos or bean, that had been sown between the drills of the Holcus, or tall millet, was now in flower.
We observed several plots of young wheat rising in drills a few inches above the ground.
This was a romantic skin to the man; and his blue eyes were like the diamond drills they were bringing to Mushrat.
A bed of parsnips should also be prepared in the same way; and another crop of peas of the marrow-fat kind may be planted in drills in the same manner as the former.
In sowing peas and beans, the drills are generally a yard apart, and between them other crops are sometimes sown.
Indeed, with company drills once a week, almost any militia regiment or company can present a finer appearance upon parade than any but two or three “show” companies of regulars.
It will be manned during the Exhibition by officers and men detailed by the Navy Department who will give boat, torpedo, and gun drills and maintain the discipline and mode of life to be observed on the real vessels of the Navy.
Cadet corporals in raincoats darted through the company streets, carrying the cheering word that drills were suspended until change of orders.
The rain continued so long that not only were afternoon drills escaped, but dress parade as well.
Drills are going to be called off, I reckon," murmured Greg, poking his head outside the khaki colored tent after he had put himself in readiness.
There was a screaming hiss from the valves, the atmosphere in that walled-off space became dense, and mechanics attacked with their power drills the door of the projector room.
Axes, chisels, small taps, miners' drills and jumpers to harden and temper, plane irons.
Automobile and other vehicle springs; tools, such as hot and cold chisels, rock drills and shear blades.
The fourth morning brought a rain and no drill, the fifth no rain nor Mrs. Dwight, nor did she again appear at that early hour despite the fact that the drills daily became more dashing and picturesque.
Sandy could not yet take part in the sharp mounted drills that were his father's delight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drills" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.