If the garden-cultivator is to be used, leave a space about eighteen inches wide between the rows to work in.
If a dry spell comes along make use of the cultivator daily until the drought is broken.
Where the garden-cultivator is used there will be very little work to do with the hoe, as this implement stirs the soil and uproots weeds at the same time.
If a garden-cultivator is used--and this should be done whenever possible--plan for rows that will enable you to run it the entire length of the garden without turning.
Set the plants in rows three feet apart, to allow the use of the cultivator between them.
When the beds have been made some days, the cultivator spawns them, having of course ascertained beforehand that the heat is genial and suitable.
The chief advantage the cultivator here has is the facility of taking his manure or anything else in or out in carts, as easily as if the beds were made in the open air.
That surely is difficulty enough for a cultivator to begin with!
Above the cultivator stands the thegn or the cniht, who himself is a tenant under the bishop and who owes to the bishop services that are neither very light nor very definite.
Either the small tenement of the cultivator or the big tenement of his lord must have been taken as the typical 'manse,' the typical 'land of one householder.
But even the poor Indian cultivator has his joys beneath the clouds of Revenue Boards and Famine Commissions.
God is ever with the cultivator in all the manifold sights and sounds of this marvellous world of His.
Day, with its fierce glories, brings the throbbing silence of intense life, and under flickering shade, amid the soft pulsations of Nature, the cultivator lives his daydream.
He shows that a small proprietor is not so efficient a cultivatorof the soil as a tenant, in which doctrine Arthur Young had preceded him.
The agricultural interests will find themselves deprived, in February next, of all protection; and the British cultivatorexposed to the competition, without any shield save a nominal duty of 1s.
From this time onwards very little shading will be needed, the object of the cultivator being to harden the growth already made.
In the disk cultivator revolving disks take the place of tines.
How the cultivator of the soil operates his farm is--under the aegis of St. Private Property--his own business.
Instead of the condition of the cultivator being improved, it declines.
The question is otherwise with the cultivator of the soil.
The cultivator should aim to keep the variety as pure as possible by selecting slender and small-sized but well-filled ears for seed, and in no case to plant such as may have yellow or any foreign sort intermixed.
With one good cutting the cultivator should be satisfied, and should avoid the practice of covering and cutting a second time.
Boston, whose integrity as a merchant, and whose skill as a practical vegetable cultivator and horticulturist, will be long remembered.
Only one of the sorts should be cultivated, unless there is sufficient territory to enable the cultivator to allow a large distance between the fields where the different varieties are grown.
He had land enough to satisfy any ordinary cultivator of that period, and a comfortable house in which dwelt with him wife and child, to cheer him by their presence.
That cultivator was asked about the road by a certain wandering hermit, who had come that way, but did not hear what he said, being wholly occupied with his song.
Then the cultivator came to the conclusion that it was a donkey, and returning, killed with an arrow the foolish animal, which had made an enemy with its own voice.
And the cultivator answered him--'Sit here in the shade, and listen while I tell you a tale.
I have told you of the man who burnt aloes-wood, now hear the tale of the cultivator of sesame.
And while I was departing, I beheld a cultivator in the middle of a field, who had furrowed the earth with his plough, singing.
He told me he was a cultivator whose farm lay far up on the hillside.
It is as a cultivator a formidable competitor of the guano, and is esteemed by scientific men to be much more valuable.
The cultivator in Canada stands in very different circumstances from either the proprietor or farmer in Britain.
Let your hearts reflect the glories of the Sun of Truth in their many colors to gladden the eye of the divine Cultivator Who has nourished them.
A true cultivatorchanges this forest and jungle into a garden, training its trees to bring forth fruit and causing flowers to grow in place of thorns and thistles.
The egoism of the cultivator and the cupidity of dealers are not restrained by fear and delinquents escape too frequently from the legal penalty.
Penalty of death against the cultivator who does not bring his grain weekly to market.
The cultivator indemnifies himself at the expense of private persons.
Situation of the shop-keeper, cultivator and laborer.
The inhabitant of the banks of the Elbe is connected with the cultivator of Suabia only in speaking nearly the same language, which, it must be admitted, is rather an unpolished and coarse one.
These limits are set by the nature of the soil and the climate, but the cultivator can attain any level he likes between them simply by changing his mode of husbandry.
The best patent cultivator could not root out this main article of their creed.
Now it is not impossible that the laws which preserve the supply of vegetable nutrition in the soil, are too stringent for the requirements of an unusual and excessive vegetation, such as the cultivator must promote.
On such strong land as that of Mr. Lawes, we ought to plow the land in the autumn and again in the spring, or at least stir up the land thoroughly with a two or three-horse cultivator or gang-plow.
Our climate, in this country, is so favorable for killing weeds, that the plow and the cultivator will probably be a more economical means of making our land clean, than the liberal use of expensive manures.
Start the cultivator as soon as the rows can be distinguished, and repeat every week or ten days until there is danger of disturbing the roots.