To free the solution from excess of uncombined acid, chalk or powdered limestone is added, whereby the free acid is fixed and a deposit of sulphate of lime formed.
Either sulphate of copper or sulphate of iron may be used, but the former, which produces a pleasing blue-black colour, is to be preferred.
Very dilute solutions of the mineral acids and of common salt and a solution of equal parts of sulphate of copper and sal-ammoniac act similarly.
Ordinary alum, which is a double sulphateof aluminum and potassium, and aluminum sulphate are the chief compounds used for this tan.
The number of formulas for tanning furs by this process is legion, the principle being the same in every instance, and mixtures of salt and alum or aluminumsulphate form the basis of the various tans.
When aluminum sulphate is dissolved in water, a small part of it splits up into a soluble basic salt and an equivalent amount of free acid.
Furs which have been tipped are brushed with a 1-2% solution of copper sulphate and dried.
The sodium chlorate is the oxidizing agent, and the copper sulphate and the vanadate of ammonia are the oxygen carriers.
The copper salts, in this mixture present in two forms, as sulphate in copper vitriol, and as acetate in the verdigris, were important constituents of the dye formula, being essential to the production of the proper shade.
This can be prepared by dissolving iron in crude acetic or pyroligneous acid, or by treating a solution of iron sulphate with calcium pyrolignite.
Gum opium, from which thesulphate of morphine is made, is the dried juice of the poppy, and is obtained principally in the orient.
Water is diamagnetic, sulphate of iron is strongly magnetic.
He then placed a series of pointed pieces of paper, each separate piece being composed of two halves, one of litmus and the other of turmeric paper, and all moistened with sulphate of soda, in the line of the current from the machine.
Sulphate of soda, you know, is a salt compounded of the alkali soda and sulphuric acid.
If a solution of common alum be added to the silver nitrate we get silver sulphate (which is best out of the bath, and it is slightly soluble in the solution), and aluminium nitrate is formed.
This table gives the number of parts of water to one part of copper sulphate necessary to kill the various forms of algæ which are listed.
Effect of Copper Sulphate on Fish Native trout were not injured when the large reservoir at Cambridge, N.
The Copper-sulphate Method Tested Here the copper-sulphate method was put to a practical test.
The injury done by copper sulphate to fish is a more serious matter than was at first supposed.
The publishers are to be congratulated upon the following valuable contribution to the same subject as regards the use of copper sulphate and the concise presentation of plans for mosquito extermination, while the extended work of Dr.
It was found that in practice the copper-sulphate method worked better than in theoretic experimentation; results in large reservoirs were more pronounced than in the laboratory.
In this manner about a hundred pounds of copper sulphate can be distributed in one hour.
Splendid luncheon set out at one end of the shed where we were assembled; bill of fare included crude oil, sulphate of ammonia, various mineral oils, and candles made from paraffin.
If SARK had steeped the seed in sulphate of copper before planting it, this wouldn't have happened.
Sulphate of quinine, or other tonics, with nutritive food, which is easy of digestion, should also be taken in moderate portions at a time.
A few doses of sulphate of quinine or Peruvian bark in its crude state, will restore the system to its natural tone.
Sulphate of copper, sulphuret of zinc, alum, and aluminous slate are found about the cove of Washitau, and the Hot Springs.
Sulphate of Magnesia is found in Kentucky, Indiana, and perhaps other states.
The sulphate is most frequently employed, but the acetate and the tartrate have been recommended on account of their supposed superiority in the formation of solutions that are unirritating and permanent in their character.
For this reason it is generally advisable to combine sulphate of atropia with sulphate of morphia for hypodermic use.
If the blue line gets too low, and if there is in the bottom of the cell a sufficient quantity of sulphate of copper, it may be raised by drawing off a portion of the zinc sulphate with a battery syringe and replacing this with water.
The zinc plate after the cell is in action is immersed in a solution of sulphate of zinc which is formed around it.
The zinc sulphate being colorless, while the copper sulphate is of a dark blue color, the separating line of the two liquids is easily distinguishable.
But in so doing the hydrogen necessarily passes through the solution of sulphate of copper surrounding the copper plate.
This is essentially a two-fluid cell, for in its action zinc sulphate is formed, and this being lighter than copper sulphate rises to the top of the jar and surrounds the zinc.
As has been stated, these two liquids do not mix readily, but they will eventually mingle unless the action of the cell is sufficient to use up the copper sulphate as speedily as it is dissolved.
A coat of paraffin oil approximately 1/2 inch in thickness (about 6 ounces) gives perfect protection against evaporation and creeping of the zinc sulphate salts.
If the blue line gets too high, it may be lowered by short-circuiting the cell for a time, or by the addition of more sulphate of zinc solution from another battery.
This sulphuric acid, being lighter than the copper sulphate, rises to the surface of the zinc and attacks the zinc, thus forming more sulphate of zinc.
By boiling the paranitroaniline red dyed cotton in a weak bath of copper sulphate a very fine fast brown resembling a cutch brown is produced.
They can be treated with sulphate of copper or peroxide of sodium when they produce good shades.
The two fixing agents here named have been found to be the best, although others, as, for instance, zinc sulphate, chromium fluoride and iron sulphate have been tried.
Uses and Applications of Ferrous Sulphate and Ferric Sulphates.
Bichromate of potash used alone gives a reddish shade of black, sulphate of copper a greenish shade, a mixture of the two gives a greenish shade.
Glauber's salt (crystals) and dye at the boil for one hour; afterwards treat with bichromate of potash and sulphate of copper.
Most of the dyes require the dyed goods to pass through a second bath of some reagent, bichromate of potash, sulphate of copper, etc.
It is an interesting circumstance thus to find the waves of the ocean, sufficiently charged with sulphate of lime, to deposit it on the rocks, against which they dash every tide.
It is chiefly composed of carbonate of lime; when placed in muriatic acid it froths much, leaving a residue of sulphate of lime, and of an oxide of iron, together with a black powder, which is not soluble in heated acids.
In the earthy detritus on several parts of this hill, irregular masses of very impure, crystallisedsulphate of lime occur.
On digestion of its warm aqueous solution with warm dilute sulphuric acid, hydrazine sulphate and oxalic acid are obtained.
Strain both the lime milk and the copper sulphate or bluestone solution through a brass strainer of 18 meshes per inch and dilute each with half the water before mixing together.
The copper sulphate may be either in crystals or pulverized.
However much lime or other fertilizers may be applied to the soil, still great benefit is derived from the use of plaster, (sulphate of lime.
Voltaic action immediately commences, and the copper will continue to be deposited from the solution as long as the supply of fresh crystals of sulphate of copper is continued.
A plan was patented for generating the required voltaic power, free from cost, by applying the residual sulphate of zinc as paint, and an Electric Power and Light Company was formed to carry out the project.
The simplest illustration of electro-metallic deposition is obtained by immersing a silver spoon and a strip of zinc into a solution of sulphate of copper.
It is made in two forms; one known as the Weston normal cell, in which the solution of cadmium sulphate is saturated at all temperatures at which the cell may be used.
The whole vessel must then be filled with the saturated zinc sulphate solution, and the stopper inserted so that it shall just touch it, leaving, however, a small bubble to guard against breakage when the temperature rises.
Both this paste and the zinc amalgam must be covered with a layer of the neutral zinc sulphate crystals 1 cm.
The other, known as the Weston standard cell, in which the cadmium sulphate solution is unsaturated at all temperatures above 4°C.
Sulphate of lead, containing a small portion of silver; 5.
Sulphate of copper, both chrystallized and in solution; 4.
It consists principally of sulphate of soda (Glauber's salts), with varying proportions of common salt.
Superphosphate has proved superior to bonedust or basic slag; sulphate of potash has not increased the yield, while nitrogenous fertilisers, such as dried blood or sulphate of ammonia, have proved either useless or harmful.
What can you say of the use of copper sulphate in the preparation of canned peas?
When water contains a large amount of sodium chloride, sodium sulphate or carbonate, or other alkaline salts, it is termed an "alkali water.
Such a process of purification is to be seen in the addition of alum, sulphate of iron, and calcium hydrate to water.
What change in color did you observe when the ferrous sulphate solution was added to the tea infusion?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sulphate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.