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Example sentences for "distally"

Lexicographically close words:
distaff; distaffe; distaffs; distained; distal; distance; distanced; distances; distancia; distancing
  1. The exopodites in Triarthrus consist of a proximal shaft, succeeded by numerous short segments, and ending distally in a long, grooved, somewhat spatula-shaped segment.

  2. Inner side of hind coxae distally with a comb of minute teeth; falx present.

  3. The belly extends approximately one-fourth of the way down the crus and gives rise to the tendon of insertion which passes distally and superficially through the posterior edge of the tibial cartilage.

  4. The belly is long and slender and terminates distally in a slender tendon which passes distally along the posterior surfaces of the first metatarsal and the first digit.

  5. The tendon continues distally along the tarsometatarsus and the posterior surface of digit IV.

  6. The tendon passes distally over the surface of the second trochlea, and its insertion is sheathlike on the posterior surface of the first phalanx, and on the proximal end of the second.

  7. The ligament continues distally in two parts; one part inserts on the medial surface of the pars media of the m.

  8. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over toes onto antipalmar faces of feet and wrists and on medial sides of hind legs over antiplantar faces of toes.

  9. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over feet, on medial sides of hind limbs over antiplantar faces of toes and over proximal two-thirds of ventral side of tail.

  10. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over toes onto antipalmar faces of feet and wrists, on medial sides of hind limbs over antiplantar faces of toes and sometimes tarsal region.

  11. Color of underparts extends distally on posterior sides of forelegs over toes onto antipalmar faces of feet and usually all of wrists, on medial side of hind legs typically only to knee but sometimes to ankle.

  12. This nerve then extends distally into the proximal part of the shank and there has a nonmuscular termination.

  13. The main trunk of the nerve then extends distally through the thigh deep to M.

  14. II; near the distal end of the tarsometatarsus a narrow but strong vinculum extends from the lateral edge of the tendon somewhat distally to the lateral edge of the tendon of M.

  15. Beginning at the middle of this canal and extending distally at a right angle to it is the intertrochlear canal, which opens via the terminal foramen into the intertrochlear notch between the trochleae for digits III and IV.

  16. III, but farther distally becomes medial and then superficial to the latter and lateral to the tendon of M.

  17. The innervation was found in only one leg, in which the twig arises more distally than in T.

  18. IV and then passes distally along the anterolateral borders of the latter and the lateral head of M.

  19. III, and extends distally giving off twigs to each of the three heads of M.

  20. II and farther distally becomes lateral and finally deep to the latter; the tendon is ossified for most of the length of the tarsometatarsus.

  21. A longitudinal groove is visible grossly on the lateral surface of the main trunk, except at the proximal end; distally a second groove is visible posterior to the first one (fig.

  22. The humerus has no foramen, and both humerus and femur are unique in that they are distally terminated by concave surfaces instead of by convex condyles.

  23. The fibula is sometimes distinct, sometimes fused distally with the tibia, thus differing from that of a Carnivore.

  24. Thus in the Ichthyotomi, while the pectoral fins are archipterygia similar to those of Ceratodus, the pelvic fins consist of an axis bearing rays on the postaxial side only, and prolonged distally into a clasper.

  25. Each fin-ray forms a delicate, nearly straight, bony rod which becomes thickened and bifurcated at its proximal or vertebral end, while distally it is transversely jointed and flexible, frequently also becoming more or less flattened.

  26. A, 11) is a short flattened bone, the others are all elongated and cylindrical, and are terminated proximally by slightly concave surfaces, and distally by slightly convex ones.

  27. In most Rodents as in the Beaver the fibula is distinct, sometimes as in the Hares it is united distally with the tibia.

  28. The ribs are short imperfectly ossified structures, bifid at their proximal end where they articulate with the transverse processes, and tipped both proximally and distally with cartilage.

  29. The bone is terminated distally by the =trochlea=, consisting of three partially distinct convex surfaces which articulate with the bones of the fore-arm.

  30. It articulates distally with the intermedium (lunar) and the ulnare (cuneiform) bones of the carpus.

  31. It articulates with the fibula, the tibiale-centrale, and distally with a bone representing the fourth and fifth tarsalia, and with the fifth metatarsal.

  32. It consists of a short metatarsal and one or two phalanges, and is terminated distally by a horny covering of epidermal origin.

  33. Aristiforms on outer thighs: Gray basally, blackening distally toward tip; some differentiated with Cinnamon-Buff tip.

  34. The aristiforms have the bases whitish or grayish and the amount of pigment gradually increases distally to a dark brown or blackish shade.

  35. In the neuropodia of the anterior region the postsetal processes are broad, distally rounded, thick lips which are prominent; in the posterior region these become narrowly conical, elongate, distally pointed processes.

  36. These are narrowly triangular, distally pointed, with the presetal lobes thicker and more conical and decidedly longer than the postsetal.

  37. Antennae, tentacular cirri and notocirri banded at base and distally with black.

  38. The neuropodium is distally narrowed instead of broad, the head is differently formed, and various other differences are present throughout.

  39. Palpi fused at base as usual; narrower distally than in pigmentata.

  40. Other tentacular cirri subcylindric, reduced distally to a pointed tip, that of I about half as long as the dorsals of II and III.

  41. The short, distally rounded notocirri are attached at the base of the parapodia above in the angle between the latter and the body wall.

  42. In the middle region they are cylindrical, distally rounded, and transparent, and at most do not surpass the distal end of the parapodium, most of these being obviously shorter than this in the preserved specimen.

  43. Neurocirri slender, subcylindric, somewhat conical distally or sometimes a little clavate, surpassing end of parapodium.

  44. Paired anterior prolongations of the prostomium very long, as long as the median length of the prostomium back to level of posterior eyes, distally clavate.

  45. In the type-skull of europaeus the mesirostral ossification appears to be higher at the proximal end than the premaxillae, and distally extends to the end of the beak.

  46. First lumbar: Similar to last thoracic, but transverse process expanded distally and slightly directed forward; a little longer than centrum; anterior and posterior edges emarginate proximally.

  47. The exoccipital is larger and broader distally below, and its external surface is plane or concave, rather than convex, as in arnuxii.

  48. Rostrum pointed, much broader distally than it is deep.

  49. It ends distally in a rounded aperture 6 mm.

  50. The ulna is much broader distally and its whole shape is different.

  51. It ends distally at the same point with the vomer.

  52. The short limb is narrow but does not taper distally as in Eozapus.

  53. The bases of the guard hairs are grayish, and the amount of pigment gradually increases distally to a dark brownish or blackish shade.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "distally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.