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Example sentences for "disharmonic"

Lexicographically close words:
disgusting; disgustingly; disgusts; dish; dishabille; disharmonies; disharmony; dishcloth; dishclout; dishearten
  1. Thus, an intermediary between the two disharmonic forms is made, and by such an arrangement a single functional individual is produced from pieces of three different species.

  2. Voechting distinguishes as harmonic or disharmonic the modes of union between twig and stem, according to whether or no they reach the formation of functional unity.

  3. These disharmonic shadows flitting in the room made a stir like the rubbing of dry straw or the hum of bees among clover stalks.

  4. Hundreds of times he had been baffled by the hedge round that disharmonic nature.

  5. In that dim continual journey she was like a disharmonic spirit traversing the air above where its body lies.

  6. If they succeed in the end to do what they wished for, soon their disharmonic structure will make them build other action models which are not suitable to external reality and the cycle restarts.

  7. We already defined the disharmonic person as the person who builds and activates ZAMs without taking in account too much the predictions of the ZMs.

  8. Also the restricted area neighboring the Vezere valley, where the supposed descendants of the disharmonic type of the Cro-Magnons are still to be found.

  9. In the disharmonic proportions of the face, that is, the combination of broad cheek-bones and narrow skull, they resemble the Eskimo.

  10. The people of Trysil, on the Scandinavian peninsula, are characterized as having disharmonic features, possibly representing an outcrop of the Cro-Magnon type.

  11. The probability of direct descent becomes stronger when we consider the disharmonic low-skulled shape of the Cro-Magnon head and the remarkable elongation of the skull at the back.

  12. Among the five adult purely dolichocephalic skulls the face is not in the least of the broad or disharmonic Cro-Magnon type, but is in proportion with the cranium, and is thus truly harmonic.

  13. Nature brooks no delay, and the disharmonic organism must attune itself or perish.

  14. It does, however, conform to the dictates of nature, which decree that what is attuned shall live while the disharmonic and degenerate shall pass away.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disharmonic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cracked; discordant; dissonant; flat; grating; harsh; inharmonious; off; raucous; rude; sharp; shrill; sour; strident; tuneless; unmelodious; unmusical