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Example sentences for "dink"

Lexicographically close words:
dings; dingus; dingy; dining; diningroom; dinkey; dinks; dinky; dinna; dinnae
  1. I'll worry this one," said Dink with equal astuteness.

  2. And again he thought of the other self, the boyish, natural self, the Dink Stover who had first come here.

  3. Dink rapped the ashes from his pipe, scratched his head, and said frankly: "Of course I shouldn't have said what I did.

  4. I won't give my word to that or anything else," said Dink defiantly.

  5. Dink gazed up at the high benches, trying to forget the interval of seconds that must be endured.

  6. How's the boy wonder, the only man-eating Dink in captivity?

  7. I've got to be here by seven," said Dink doubtfully.

  8. McCarthy, with his arms around Stover as he had done in the old school days after a grueling football contest, bore Dink up to their rooms with joyful, bearlike hugs.

  9. Climbing wearily into the car to sink gratefully into a seat, Dink suddenly, to his confusion, found himself by the side of Bangs.

  10. Dink was annoyed that he had not made the move himself.

  11. Fine," said Dink mendaciously, secretly pleased at the tribute to his sporting talents before Regan.

  12. And Dink and Joe, looking on his face, realized all at once why a certain gentler side of life was shut out to him, and why he had never gone to the Storys'.

  13. Your dink of a company chartered the boat, and we will not pay such a ridiculous claim.

  14. I don't dink they doos dots," persisted the German, and he proved to be right in his surmise.

  15. I don't dink nodings more," replied Otto, still pouting from the offence given a few minutes previous.

  16. Dot's vot I didn't dink some times ago," maid Otto, meaning a little different from what his words implied.

  17. Now I do nod dink you and der pig bruder vill shdop ferry long at Kopfontein.

  18. But it ist not zo; it is only dot dey are shdupid liddle shildren, und dink of noting bud eat und drink und shleep demselfs as long as ever dey gan; dot is all.

  19. I dink zomdimes ven he ist so shdupid dot it ist all hart bone right froo.

  20. But Miss Dink said-" "I declare to my soul!

  21. When Papa laid Miss Dink on the freshly made bed, she sank down into the feather mattress so far I could hardly see her wrinkled face.

  22. Then they got started telling one another of long-time-ago things, with Miss Dink doing most of the telling.

  23. Finally, she got all the young'uns in place and Miss Dink settled, and she sat down on the front slat of their bench.

  24. Uncle Hiram came the day before yesterday to take Miss Dink back to his house, but she was too bad off.

  25. Everybody had known beforehand that Ward Lawson wouldn't darken the church door or hitch up a wagon so Miss Ophelia, their young'uns, and Miss Dink could attend services.

  26. We'll go by to see sister Dink while we're over that way.

  27. Nearly half of Miss Dink's water had sloshed out of the gourd before I could get it back up to the house, but Miss Dink and Mama didn't seem to notice, or care either.

  28. We can't let old Miss Dink and Ophelia and them nine young'uns suffer!

  29. Mama was there by the buggy, and they were looking at a big, double-barreled shotgun Miss Dink wanted Papa to fix.

  30. Miss Dink started telling about hound dogs stealing goose eggs and about how it's easier to pick a goose than a gander when you're making feather beds.

  31. You've told me ten times how your ma died a-birthin' you and didn't nobody want you, so Miss Dink and her old man taken you and raised you.

  32. She was having to use one hand to lead her two little girls down the aisle and the other to guide Miss Dink along and keep her from bumping against the heater.

  33. Follow the trail now, like Miss Dink said.

  34. Dink had caught him in that manner in days gone by and shaken him and slapped him--even pinched him with those long, strong fingers.

  35. She is safe I believe and she wouldn't ever let Cousin Dink nor anybody know.

  36. I know it as I know that you are an honest, kind girl with more sense in your little finger than Chester Hunt and that wretched Dink have in their whole make-up.

  37. That old Dink wouldn't have let me keep them.

  38. She then sat down by the window and began piecing together the letters Cousin Dink had taken the trouble to tear up.

  39. But there is one thing that is worrying me: why should this Dink have saved all these letters up to this time, and after having saved them so carefully, why now should she have torn them up and evidently attempted to destroy them?

  40. We don't know how to very well because we were not born that way, but Cousin Dink has taught us right smart.

  41. A man like this Chester Hunt and a woman like this Dink person are often capable of any crime to attain their ends.

  42. This Cousin Dink is the limit for selfishness and impertinence.

  43. I'm sure glad you didn't never let Cousin Dink know we had her picture, hers and Daddy's.

  44. Polly has had a little trouble with her throat lately but the doctor assured Cousin Dink it was not infectious.

  45. Polly thought they had been with Cousin Dink for about a year.

  46. Wouldn't some of these society girls throw fits if they knew about this Dink person?

  47. Maybe she knows ol' Cousin Dink is gone off an' lef' us.

  48. Dink made a dive for him but Polly grabbed her skirt and the moment's delay gave Peter a good start.

  49. I get weekly reports from her and she says they are thriving--" "And where does this Cousin Dink live?

  50. My lord is a fine soldier--none would deny it--for all he dink little of de rules of war.

  51. Dis man dink he have only a woman to deal wid; well, he zall be undeceive.

  52. Perhaps, dink he, he may find yet anoder rich man who will buy de secret.

  53. I have no kith nor kin, nor like to have; de pay for dragoons is little enough; I add a hundred guilders a month; dat will suffice, dink you?

  54. Und den outshpoke de maiden, Vot hadn't got nodings on, "I ton't dink mooch of beebles Dat goes mit demselfs alone.

  55. From the cook-tent, where old Hinky-Dink grumbled at the frying pan, the appetizing odor of frying fish assailed the football captain, softening his wrath.

  56. Und den outshpoke de maiden Vot hadn't got nodings on: "I tont dink mooch of beoplesh Dat goes mit demselfs alone.

  57. Well, den, I will dry and dink so, and be petter asht de greatest shentlemans of dem all.

  58. Would der State, dink you, pass a law dat might inquire into de demandts dat are made against der batroons, vhen der tratesmen sent in deir bills?

  59. I dink me I half a rifer floating mine packpone town alretty!

  60. I dink me you vos left der Hall for goot, yah!

  61. I dink me dere vos a mistake py dot," said the German boy.

  62. Dey bury der oldt man undt der boy side py side der next day, undt I leave dot part of der country; undt since den I nefer see a lighdthouse budt I dink of oldt man Abbott undt der homevard bound son he never saw.

  63. Vell, ve cooked our supper undt ate idt vhile der sea oudtside kept rising undt der windt hadt a sordt of a moan in idt dot made you dink of somepody in bain.

  64. Ach, yes, undt to dink of vot vos to happen dot night!

  65. Mr. Abbott,' I saidt, 'I dink you hadt bedder dake your coffee undt go to bedt.

  66. I began to dink dot der oldt man hadt gone crazy, as lighdt keepers sometimes do.

  67. Dink Bynum, where are the keys to that jail?

  68. It was Dink Bynum, the deputy jailer, who had admitted them and in the absence of his superior he was in charge solely.

  69. As the old judge, with Jeff in his wake, emerged from the shadows of the tall hallway into the blinding glare of the portico they met Dink Bynum, the deputy jailer, just diving in.

  70. Jeff magically materialized himself out of nowhere, but of Dink Bynum there was no sign.

  71. His pudgy fingers closed round the heavy handful of blued steel that Dink Bynum passed over and he shoved it out of sight.

  72. Engleesh voman on der virst vloor dink she know a petter vay off going to heafen; und she dalk her reeleegious schargou to me, ven she know notting at all put vat der briests dell her.

  73. You make me dink off der heafenly podies--you make order put no noise.

  74. You may dink vat you please and say vat you please, Miss Schoslin.

  75. Vell, py shiminy crickets, off you dink you can scare Adam Litzburgh, poys, you haf anudder guess goming.

  76. If you dink I can dot blunge make vidoudt upsetting mineself, you haf anudder guess coming.

  77. I dinks dot he look like he vill pe friends mit me, und so I yust hold out mine hand und call him; put pefore I could take hold mit him, I dink I step on von of dem musherooms mit der awful smell.

  78. I dink me I must pe going to die right avay qvick.

  79. I dink me he preak off some dot thorn in der pone.

  80. I dink I vos keep out of sight bis he vos cool off, and den--Mine gracious, Bumpkin, var did you come from?

  81. I dink me you vos mine pest friend, next to Pawnee Prown, ain't it?

  82. And I vos dink dot ist der trail," put in Humpendinck.

  83. Yes, Parney, I dink ve petter go to New York.

  84. Don't forget that we'll be up against Dink Wilsey again," said Gif.

  85. Dink Wilsey was still in good form, although the strain was evidently telling upon him.

  86. And believe me, it's something to hold down a school like Hixley with such a pitcher as Dink Wilsey.

  87. It's too bad we couldn't finish it," remarked Jack, as he shook hands with Dink Wilsey.

  88. Leedle Dutch baby, I dink me proud Ober your fader can schquall dot loud Ven he vas leedle Dutch baby like you Und yoost don't gare, like he alvays do--!

  89. Vel, you are der queerest Yankee in Chicago, you are; I dink you are 'bout haf Sherman.

  90. I haf reason to dink dot you haf no moneys.

  91. I dink you vos--" At this point Hans stopped short.

  92. I dink dis horse vants to let himself out a leetle," said he.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dink" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.