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Example sentences for "dinna"

Lexicographically close words:
diningroom; dink; dinkey; dinks; dinky; dinnae; dinnah; dinned; dinneh; dinner
  1. Dinna ye hear me growlin' and grizzlin' and squealin' and skirlin'?

  2. Ye dinna catch me like that," said Davie, chuckling.

  3. Ye're all verra weel in a subordinate position, but dinna ye aspire to more than beseems your abeelities.

  4. Dinna fash yoursel'--she kens that full weel and a thocht or two more.

  5. To her friends who pressed her to stay, she said, "If ye dinna send me back, I'll swim back.

  6. Dinna bother, Janet," she would say quietly, "we needna mind what they do.

  7. Once a missionary spoke to her about one who seemed to have no wish to be a Christian, and she replied, "Dinna gie up hope.

  8. I dinna ken how I'm to do it," she said to a friend.

  9. I dinna deserve anything for doing my duty.

  10. You dinna ken what is behind him and what he has to fight against.

  11. Are ye acquainted familiarly wi' John Balfour o' Burley, and dinna ken that he has had sair and frequent combats to sustain against the Evil One?

  12. I dinna see how that can be, if ye begin by gieing maybe the feck o' twal shillings Scots for your supper; but young folks are aye venturesome, and think to get siller that way.

  13. D'ye think that folk dinna want to see their friends in adversity, ye dour crowdy-eater?

  14. Cuddie; "dinna ye see the folks waiting for me?

  15. Dinna be fleyed, my bonny burdy," she said, addressing the unbonnetted young lady, who was still apparently dozing in the corner.

  16. But, Master William, to tell God's truth, I dinna ken whaur we are.

  17. An' ye dinna seem over thankful for the same.

  18. My sheen's twice the weicht o' yours, and they dinna fit me!

  19. I dinna think it's a sile they care aboot.

  20. I dinna think he had been sair missin ye.

  21. There's something ye want to tell me and dinna like, lassie!

  22. I dinna believe she was a hair waur for ony nonsense ye said til her--shame o' ye as it was!

  23. Ye dinna want to fin' oot 'at ye're naebody in particlar.

  24. I dinna won'er ye was fleyt, Francie,' said Kirsty.

  25. Losh, I dinna ken hoo far it michtna hae gane doon gien I hadna gotten a haud o' 't in time and pu'd it oot!

  26. Dinna toss ower lavishly at first," the smith whispered me nervously, as we followed Jess and Willie into the darkening wynd.

  27. Ye'll be speirin' her sune noo, I dinna doot?

  28. I'm doubting he'll kill me, woman, if you dinna gang awa.

  29. I thocht I heard the minister's death-cry, and may I be struck if I dinna believe now that it was a skirl o' my ain.

  30. I dinna like to prig wi' them to take a roundabout road, and I'm sair fleid a' the Roods will see me.

  31. Dinna think o't," cried the shepherd, taking him by the coat.

  32. I dinna understand what has come ower you," she said.

  33. It's awfu' to have to gang oot among hills and bogs to bide, but it's ten times waur when ye dinna ken what's gaun to come to your bairn.

  34. But ha'e courage, and dinna let us spoil the guid cause by our weak mortal complaining.

  35. I think he was goin' to say something, but I dinna ken what it was he had on his mind.

  36. But I dinna wish to harrow the feelings of those who read more than I need, and I will leave that task to those who saw for themselves with their eyes, when I had but my ears to serve me.

  37. Have a care, sir, that ye dinna tempt an auld mon too far," laughed Cousin Ronald.

  38. I dinna see your honored grandsire, his wife, or my sweet Cousin Elsie, your mither.

  39. I'll maybe get sicht, gien I dinna get word o' him.

  40. Dinna lowse sicht o' him afore I come back wi' the constable.

  41. I dinna doobt ye wad sweir; but what neist?

  42. Ye dinna think Janet an' me wad be twa sic auld fules as pit on oor Sunday claes to sweem in, gien we thoucht to see things as we left them whan we gaed back!

  43. Dinna be fleyt; yer father an' Oscar has him safe eneuch, I s' warran'.

  44. Ye dinna ken her sae weel as I dee, sir," answered Donal.

  45. Tak a dram, an' tak hert, an' dinna fling the calf efter the coo.

  46. Dinna ye ken 'At ye hing ower men Wha haena a sang or a penny to spen'?

  47. Ye dinna ken yersel' hoo bonnie ye are, nor what a subversion you mak i' my hert an' my heid.

  48. I canna--I dinna ken them noo," replied Donal.

  49. And dinna I ken better what's good for ye than ye do yersel'?

  50. Aye speak ceevily o' the deil--ye dinna ken how weel ye may be acquaunt!

  51. Gudesake, Mr Dunshunner, tak care, and dinna say a word aboot huz.

  52. Ye dinna ken what the Clique is, nor whaur it is.

  53. But I dinna care a snuff of tobacco for the haill of the Town-Council, or the Clique.

  54. Come this way, sir, up the stair, and take care ye dinna stumble on that toom cask o' saut.

  55. Hooever, in a short time, the pain she had been suffering was greatly abated, though whether the smoking contributed towards removing it or not, I dinna pretend to say.

  56. I dinna suppose that she believed there was such a word as improvement in the whole Dictionary.

  57. I'se warrant they dinna live on deaf nits, after lying a' day in a dark and damp cave.

  58. As sure as I'm a living man this is beyont my comprehension--I dinna think he can be a'thegither there!

  59. Ye dinna ken, Lewie, how muckle this has raised you even in my mind, whar ye hae aye occupied the highest place.

  60. And besides,' said another old man, 'I dinna believe there's ane now living that kens the lawful mode of following a fray across the Border.

  61. Dinna ye gang there, Sandie, to hear the Campbells come down the glen to cry the coronach over their dead, and them dead and gone themselves these hundred years.

  62. Ye ken the name as weel as any other word ye speak, Sandie, so come away and dinna be wasting your breath with asking idle questions," said Donald, addressing the pony.

  63. Laird's Jock; "See that to me ye dinna lie!

  64. And I have native steads to me, The Newark Lee and Hangingshaw; I have mony steads in the Foreste shaw, But them by name I dinna knaw.

  65. So when you get your dinnas to-day, you may tink on what dat ar dinna come nigh to costin.

  66. I'be done a good deal in de way ob puttin myself out to get a dinna at odd times for you, chil'en; but dis time I almost put myself out ob dis mortial life.

  67. The Egyptian spoke true," they shouted; "dinna heed the minister.

  68. I dinna need to put on a mutch," she answered, with a faint flush of pride.

  69. Ay, I dinna deny but what I would like richt to ken.

  70. I dinna deny but what I made my feet my friend, but it wasna her that blew the horn.

  71. Precentor--Weel, maybe that's ower strong a word, I dinna want to offend ye.

  72. Lord, visit them, an’ dinna spare, For their misdeeds!

  73. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dinna" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dinna believe; dinna like; dinna speak; dinna think; dinna want