She musd be good-nadured, vear always a shmile, No madder of dings did vent wrong; Ven my friends came around for to make me a call, Be ready to sung dem a song.
Und I vas zo oxtonished, Bud de naixt dings vat I hear, Ven dot failer dold me, "Doketor, How long hev you leefed hier?
He grawls der vloor ofer, und drows dings aboudt, Und poots eferyding he can find in his mout; He dumbles der shtairs down, und falls vrom his chair, Und gifes mine Katrina von derrible sckare.
Oh, I is so glad dat into does not mean into at all, but shust close by or near to; for now I can pelief many dings vot I could not pelief pefore.
Dhere vas many qveer dings in dis land of der free I neffer could qvite understand; Der beoples dhey all seem so deefrent to me As dhose in mine own faderland.
Vell, I don't dinks mooch of dem dings, und I don't pelieve averydings; but I dells you somedimes dere is someding in sooch dings ash dose dings.
He runs, und schumps, und schmashes dings In all barts off der house; But vot off dot?
If dey dell her de moon von pig green scheese she swar it ish so; put dese dings dell der druf, und der great laws vork on for efer no matter vat voolish beoples perlieve.
Lots off dings vill dry to bull dis vay and dot vay outen der right orpt, put dond you mind 'em, und shust go right schtrait along und not care.
I gom to dell you gurious dings vat habbened mit a vriend.
He runs, und schumps, und schmashes dings In all barts off der house: But vot off dot?
You'd petter coom down in de wasser, Vere deres heaps of dings to see, Und hafe a shplendid tinner Und drafel along mit me.
Dey called mein frau one blacksmit-schopt; Und such dings I never did see in my life.
Dings for little peebles and dings for big peebles.
Ja, dat is droo,' said the Jewess; 'but dey might let me bring my dings mit me.
He beats her, he binds her, He lays her on a band, And every day he dings her With a bright silver wand.
So long as Dingsis with us, nothing matters," she said.
Two nurses came forward, and Elizabeth watched their bearing towards Dings with jealous eyes.
By that time Dings was happily established in a corner, sitting on the floor with her arms filled, and herself, indeed, for the most part hidden by an unaccustomed wealth of toys.
Dings had dropped her new wealth and was standing with a dubious face.
Next tay to de Cathedral He vent de dings to view, Und found it shoost drei thaler cost To see de sighds all troo.
Allaweil dese dings oonfolded, Dere vas rows of anoder kind, Und drople in de wigwam Enough to trife dem plind.
Dou may'st dake it all in earnest Or pelieve id's only fon; Boot dere's woonderdings has hoppent Fery oft in Luft-ballon.
Ven de horses hafe deir bits on, Und de roats pe vite mit shnow, To vly in a sleigh like blitzen Is de yolliest dings I know.
You know I look so ogly vonce, und now am peautiful, Dot ist de vay dot all dings vork ven folks pe dutiful.
Dis boem was all written in 1869, pefore de wars; und all de dings prophezeit in it coomed to bass.
Boot now de dings is so arrange No poor volk can get in; We Yankees und de Englisch are Pout all ash shbends de tin.
Twas like de sayin dat Heine Hafe no witz in him goot or bad, Boot he only kept sayin witty dings To make beoples pelieve he had.
De key vas in de inside de door, and ven I durns dem round to unlock dem yust, I hears some-dings shoot off on de oder side de door.
To night I vas shtand in front von mine shtore, to talk mit a carman, who have bring some dings to me.
You'd petter come down in de wasser, Vare dere's heaps of dings to see, Und hafe a shplendid dinner, Und trafel along mit me.
He runs und schumps und schmashes dings In all barts off der house; But vot off dot?
Und eef der goot dings of dis vorld I gets rich in, Und frendts all aroundt me dheir glasses schall clink, I schtill vill rememper dot oldt coundtry kitchen, Und dot long-handled dipper dot hangs by der sink.
Und vhere der plaze goes vrom der lamp Vene'er der glim I douse; How gan I all dose dings eggsblain To dot schmall Yawcob Strauss?
It's a sour reek when the gudewifedings the gudeman.
I vos yoost goin' to fill me op mit derdings like a good soldier, Captain," he said in anxiety.
Der is dings to eat in der bantry, and you be damned.
He grawls der vloor over, und drows dings aboudt, Und puts efryding he can find in his mout; He durables der shtairs down, und falls vrom his chair, Und gifes mine Katrina von derrible schare.
How gan I all dese dings eggsblain To dot schmall Yawcob Strauss.
He runs, und schumps, and schmashes dings In all barts off der house.
If I know, I should dake two pig wagon to dem place, all vull of mealies und goot dings, und dell die beebles die diamonds vas here; und vhen dey gom to vind, I should zell mein goot dings und go und vetch zom move.
Und so, bube, you did vind all dose--dose dings in dem gizzard ov dot pirt?
You wait dill I haf finish mein bibe, und we vill all go to vork, und pack dese dings in dem wagon.
Oh, I is so glad dat into does not mean into at all, but shust close py or near to, for now I can pelief many dings vot I could not pelief pefore.
How gan I all dese dings eggsblain To dot schmall Yawcob Strauss?
He runs, und schumps, und schmashes dings In all barts off der house.
He beats her, he binds her, He lays her on a band; And every day he dings her With a bright silver wand.
He beats her, he binds her, He lays her on a band; And every day he dings her With a bright silver wand Like Julian the Roman He's one that fears no man.
By dot time I had learned some dings about der monkey peoples.
But Bertran, he haf killed Bimi mit sooch dings as Gott gif him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.