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Example sentences for "diners"

Lexicographically close words:
dine; dined; diner; dinero; dineros; dines; ding; dinged; dingen; dingey
  1. The carver should have plenty of room, however closely the diners are compelled to sit together.

  2. A bill of fare or Menu at large dinner parties, where there are several courses, should be provided neatly inscribed upon small tablets, and distributed about the table, that the diners may know what there is to come.

  3. All the diners under the influence of this assurance stared at one another like conspirators.

  4. In closing his introductory speech President Frank Lawrence said, "We hail him as one who has borne great burdens with manliness and courage, who has emerged from great struggles victorious," and the assembled diners roared out their applause.

  5. He was preceded by a dull speaker, and his heart sank, for it was two o'clock and the diners were weary and sleepy, and the dreary speech had made them unresponsive.

  6. As I have said, the greater part of the diners at the restaurants are single, and seem to have no knowledge of each other.

  7. I hope that it is by a not unnatural progress I pass from speaking of dinners and diners to the kindred subject of the present chapter, and I trust the reader will not disdain the lowly-minded muse that sings this mild domestic lay.

  8. The diners who chose their wine in the latter fashion always gave their orders in a penetrating voice, with a plentiful garnishing of stage directions.

  9. At the further end of the room the diners were still spasmodically applauding in view of an encore.

  10. By this time all the diners had gone except one, a civilian, sitting in the farthest corner of the room.

  11. Before I got to the front door I could tell there was something doing, for the restaurant windows were filled with diners standing on chairs.

  12. The diners rose to their feet in their enthusiasm.

  13. This is the table where diners sat, served by the cooking-maid florid and fat of the dame with the crumpled hat, &c.

  14. This is the gourmand all forlorn, who dreamed of the table where diners sat, served by the cooking-wench florid and fat, &c.

  15. They are as much separate courses as the fish and the meat; and all experienced diners take both.

  16. Diners at other tables caught glimpses of him while they ate.

  17. Foreheads of diners glistening with a fine sweat.

  18. He sighed and watched the eyes of diners look at the walls.

  19. A sprinkling of diners saying, "We eat, but not amid normal surroundings.

  20. To-day it almost always consists of at least two sections, each of ten to twelve heavy steel diners and Pullman sleepers.

  21. The man's bravado was splendid, and even the diners were impressed.

  22. By springtime they are dried and are very filthy, for the diners throw their bones and bits of bread and meat into them, and the dogs and cats roaming about cannot devour all of such refuse.

  23. At the other the diners were silent and unsociable, or the conversation, if any, was so full of 'amercements and feoffments' that a mere countryman would have thought the people were conjuring.

  24. At length the compassion, or perhaps the sense of humour, of certain of the diners was moved by the forlorn situation of the knights in armour, and bumpers of wine were tendered them.

  25. Between every two horses there was placed a carpet-covered block, from which the diners swung into their saddles, where, from little tables placed upon the pommels, they ate their splendid dinner.

  26. With the woolly lambs this band of gastronomers were especially pleased, and it was at the moment when these ridiculous toys were handed round to the well-proportioned diners that our photograph was secured.

  27. When, in the end, the diners pushed their chairs back from the table and passed into another room, it was far past midnight, and the real revelry of the night was at hand.

  28. The crowd is never the same, yet always the same, and all through the year the show goes on, though cold weather drives the diners from the terrace to over-heated and over-lighted rooms.

  29. At the Cafe Paillard one finds the diners of the Madrid a clique aristocratic, mondain, and chiefly French.

  30. The hours go lightly to the accompaniment of music and laughter and the clink of coin, and when, after the dinner, the diners move on to the theatres, no serious drama is likely to claim them.

  31. When the sated diners retire from this gruel, only insignificant leavings remain.

  32. The diners have the same appetite: what one nurseling demands a second must demand, unless we have here a different menu, according to the sexes.

  33. He slunk down to dinner about seven at night; but the yellow coffee-room appalled him, the eyes of the other diners seemed to rest on his with suspicion, and his mind remained upstairs with the Saratoga trunk.

  34. When God Save the King smote the air the growing lethargy of the company of diners vanished, and all joined with a will in the recital of all its verses.

  35. I am going to the 'Diners Out' mit 'em?

  36. Now you remember 'The Diners Out,' Ryan & Bernbaum's production last season?

  37. What I really mean is: You got your choice to go to a popular show like the 'Diners Out' or to a really highgrade show, Mr. Lubliner.

  38. The music clashed inharmoniously, and the murmur of the conversation of other diners grated on their nerves.

  39. Her arms hung limply at her sides, and she gazed with a listless air into space, without seeing any of the diners at the tables.

  40. Could the diners have seen him, they would have known him by his resemblance to the mezzotint portrait that hung on the wall above him.

  41. And so, slowly, calmly, he told to his fellow-diners just what he had told a few hours earlier to those two young men in Salt Cellar.

  42. The flushed faces of the diners grew gradually pale.

  43. My dear," said he to his wife, raising his voice so that diners at nearby tables could not help hearing what he said, "I forgot to tell you that we are expected to dine with the Prince at the Castle.

  44. Smart diners in the immediate neighbourhood appeared to be a trifle shocked.

  45. I wonder if my canny friend, in his humble days as Hugh Fraser, ever assisted at lespelits diners de Trianon here?

  46. Anstruther quaffed a beaker with guileful ideas of detaining his fair neighbor, now ruffling her plumage for departure, for only a sporadic knot of diners here and there lingered at the long table.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diners" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.