I kin sojer back at any ole time ter-night, jest so'st the boys kin git their hooks on the dinero in the mornin'.
Saw this yere dinerooff on her somehow; an' make her pull her freight.
Galilee was completely subdued and, whatever events might take place in Judea, those in the north would be unaffected by them.
Well, sirs, Doña Fortuna and Don Dinero were so in love that you never saw one without the other.
On hearing this, the poor man was confounded, and his face became so hot that you might have toasted beans on it; but he took to his heels and ran to tell Don Dinero what had happened, weeping the while with shame and disappointment.
My friend, I am going to do you a favor," said Don Dinero pompously; and he put a dollar in the man's hand.
But Don Dinerowas more proud than the sea and did not lose his presumption.
Doña Fortuna nearly burst herself with laughing, and Don Dinero felt the mustard rising in his nose.
Don Dinero was a big swollen fellow, with a head of Peruvian gold, a belly of Mexican silver, legs of the copper of Segovia, and shoes of paper from the great factory of Madrid.
The bucket follows the rope, and Don Dinerofollowed Doña Fortuna till folks began to talk scandal.
When his wife chucked him under the chin and said it was her turn, and it would soon be seen which had the more power, the petticoats or the breeches, Don Dinero looked more shame-faced than a clown.
I am just |Salgo ahora going out and |mismo y tomaré shall get the |el dinero en casa money at my |de mi banquero.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dinero" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.