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Example sentences for "different individuals"

  • The soundness, as well as other qualities, of sleep, differs greatly in different individuals; and even in the same night, with the same individual in different circumstances.

  • But it is more or less perfect, in different individuals, according to the early education they have received.

  • Why is not the same kind of food adapted to different individuals?

  • In different individuals, and at different periods of life the proportion of fluids and solids varies.

  • The enamel is remarkable for its hardness, and varies somewhat in color with the age, temperament, habits, and manner of living of different individuals.

  • The student of anatomy is perfectly well aware that there is not a single organ of the human body the structure of which does not vary, to a greater or less extent, in different individuals.

  • There is proof that Hunter anatomized at least five hundred different species of animals, exclusive of repeated dissections of different individuals of the same species, besides the dissections of plants to a considerable amount.

  • It even holds good of different individuals in the same period, and in the same country.

  • This right is cherished in varying degrees by different individuals in different ages.

  • That the tendency to be active should vary in different individuals and at different times is, of course, as important a fact as it is a familiar one.

  • These may both be intense and consciously noted, as in the case of long-cherished and deep affections or antipathies to different individuals.

  • The one element, that varies in different individuals, but is constant in each of them, is the natural tendency; it corresponds to the current in the stream, and inevitably asserts itself.

  • The other, of which five composites are exhibited, each deduced from a number of different individuals, varying four to nine, is a face that is weak and certainly not a common English face.

  • The color of its fur varies considerably in different individuals, the general tint being a rich, dark brown.

  • This species varies considerably in color in different individuals, often much resembling the red variety, and again approaching nearer in color to the Black or Silver Fox.

  • The chin and throat are light colored, sometimes white, and this spot varies considerably in size in different individuals, sometimes extending down on the throat to a considerable distance.

  • This is due to the fact that the preliminary trial and the first training test play extremely different roles in the case of different individuals.

  • Three distinct methods of choice were exhibited by different individuals, and to a certain extent by the same individual from time to time.

  • That the selection of the white box occurs in various ways in different individuals, and even in the same individual at different periods in the training process, is the only indication of anything suggestive of implicit reasoning.

  • It is safe to say, then, that under ordinary conditions habit formation in the dancer is conditioned by the use of sight, touch, and smell, but that these senses are of extremely different degrees of importance in different individuals.

  • The period of time necessary for all these changes varies not only in different individuals, but in the same individual in different labours, and in different stages of the same labour.

  • The effect which the disease has on the general organism varies greatly in different individuals.

  • The extent and redness of the eruption varies greatly in different individuals, in some it is very slight and transient while in others there is not a spot as large as a dime which is not covered.

  • The length of time that women feel this gastric irritability varies in different individuals; ordinarily it will cease about the fourth month, sometimes sooner, and it may return again during the last two or three months of gestation.

  • The duration of the first stage varies greatly in different individuals, and comprises a period extending from one to seven days.

  • Is it not because we believe that, greatly as the conceptual and intellectual superstructure may differ in different individuals, the perceptual basis and foundation are practically identical?

  • But if the normal activities were thus caused to vary in different directions in different individuals, the offspring arising from the union of these differing individuals would not inherit the instinct in the same purity.

  • It is seen that the variations at the red end and the violet end are often independent, and that the absolute length of the visible spectrum differs in different individuals.

  • In making their decisions in doubtful cases of this description, we observe great differences in the habits of judging in different individuals.

  • And that character is different according to the predominance, in different individuals, of one group or another, or of any two of them.

  • In general, the proportion between the forehead and the face, is different in different individuals.

  • The ideas of the beautiful vary in different individuals, and in different nations.

  • In different individuals, the differences are still more evident.

  • But those ideas were neither very definite nor worked out in detail, and hence allowed themselves to be handled and fashioned in different ways by different individuals.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "different individuals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    certain members; could name; different authors; different colors; different colour; different colours; different conditions; different countries; different depths; different genera; different habits; different lights; different localities; different plants; different races; different seasons; different size; different sort; different tone; different tribes; different view; different wave; different ways; different writers; little avail; pound sugar