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Example sentences for "diastatic"

Lexicographically close words:
diarrhoeas; diary; dias; diastase; diastasic; diastema; diastole; diastolic; diatement; diathesis
  1. For the valuation of malt the following determinations are usually carried out: Extract per standard quarter, moisture, diastatic activity by the Lintner process, tint, and matters soluble in cold water.

  2. In selecting a barley for the production of highly diastatic malt, the diastatic power of the original raw grain is a factor of great importance.

  3. The malt made for grain distillers, in which a high diastatic activity is required, is manufactured on quite different lines from those above indicated.

  4. For the manufacture of grain spirit a malt of high diastatic activity is required, and this is largely made from a very thin barley shipped from Odessa.

  5. The diastatic enzyme or ferment (see below, under Mashing) of malted barley is present in that material in great excess, and a part of this surplus energy may be usefully employed in converting the starch of unmalted grain into sugar.

  6. The peculiar and very active diastatic ferment of pancreatic juice converts starch into sugar very readily.

  7. The starch of vegetable matter, which has been only slightly acted on up to this time, is now rapidly converted into grape-sugar by a peculiar diastatic ferment more active than any other known ferment.

  8. The saliva no doubt sometimes possesses a feeble diastatic power, although abundant in amount.

  9. The medicinal preparation above mentioned is obtained in this way, and represents a fairly pure form of the diastatic principle.

  10. In forty or fifty hours the content in diastatic material has reached the maximum, and further growth of the fungus is checked by cooling.

  11. The venoms are toxic principles very closely allied to the microbial toxins; like the latter, they form two classes, the one alkaloidal, the other proteid, possessing a true diastatic character.

  12. It would appear that the toxic products we speak of here are thermogenic diastatic substances derived from the white blood corpuscles.

  13. They are, like the diastatic albuminoids, insoluble in strong alcohol, and are precipitated from their solutions on the addition of this reagent.

  14. The name "cytases" or "alexins" has been given to hemolyzing diastatic substances which are found in certain serums.

  15. It is precipitated from its solutions by alcohol, as has been observed also in the case of diastatic solutions.

  16. If the venoms are preserved in a moist condition, they change because they undergo putrefaction, which is generally the case with all diastatic substances, and particularly the toxins.

  17. No such acceleration of autofermentation is effected by the addition of toluene to yeast-juice, and hence the result is not due to an acceleration of the action of the diastatic enzyme on the glycogen.

  18. During autofermentation two other factors are involved, the complex carbohydrates of the juice, including glycogen and dextrins, and the diastatic ferment by which these are converted into fermentable sugars.

  19. Yeast-juice contains glycogen and a diastatic enzyme which converts this into dextrins and finally into sugar.

  20. No special study has been made of the diastatic enzymes which bring about the hydrolysis of these substances.

  21. By the diastatic activity is meant the number of times its (own) weight of maltose a given quantity of extract will produce when allowed to act upon acid-free soluble starch for one hour at a temperature of 40 degrees C.

  22. With a weak flour one must use low diastatic extracts, while with strong flours one may use larger quantities of extracts with a greater diastatic power.

  23. Their reducing-sugar content and diastatic activity were determined.

  24. The eight grams of the lowest diastatic extract (activity 8.

  25. The amounts that can be successfully used depend upon the strength of the flour and the diastatic activity of the extract.

  26. It is also evident that the lowest diastatic extract produced nearly as much sugar as the highest.

  27. This also throws some light upon the fact that the low diastatic extract produced approximately as much sugar as the one having the high activity.

  28. Though there is commonly and perhaps always a horizontal component in diastatic movement, the more easily measured component is vertical, and when referred to a fixed datum (e.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diastatic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    raising; working; yeasty