Dante yields no point as a dialectician and subtle thinker to Guido Cavalcanti.
Guido Cavalcanti, the leader of the group which culminates in Dante, won his fame by verse that savors more of the dialectician than the singer.
Possibly when reading the Scito te ipsum one is conscious of a dialectician drawing distinctions, rather than of a moralist searching the heart of the matter.
Abaelard was a reasoner, more specifically speaking, a dialectician according to the ways of Aristotelian logic.
Men of an opposite cast of mind foresaw the outcome of this rationalization of dogma more surely than the subtle dialectician for whom this process was both peremptory and proper.
Our dialectician had absorbed more of Plato, through turbid patristic channels and the current translation of the Timaeus.
II The greatest dialectician of the early twelfth century felt no problems put him by the physical world.
Nor is he who knows his own mind forbidden to change it; the dialectician has nothing to do with future possibilities or with the opinion of anyone but the man addressed.
The mathematical dialectician has no such serious dangers to face.
The liberal dialectician has the gift of conversation; he does not pretend to legislate from the throne of Jehovah about the course of affairs, but asks the ingenuous heart to speak for itself, guiding and checking it only in its own interest.
The dialectician feels a logical reluctance to compromise, and the fervent monk cannot willingly write down half measures.
In like manner, the names constructed by the lawgiver must be appreciated by the man who is qualified by training or study to use names skilfully: that is, by the dialectician or philosopher, competent to ask and answer questions.
The Name-Giver must provide names such as can be used with effect by the dialectician or philosopher: who is the sole competent judge whether the names have genuine rectitude or not.
Dialectic and cross-examination are necessary 34 The Dialectician and Cross-Examiner is the only man who can really teach.
Now both these processes, definition and division, are familiar to the true dialectician or philosopher: but they are not less essential in rhetoric also, if the process is performed with genuine art.
Side-note: The Dialectician and Cross-Examiner is the only man who can really teach.
Indeed the main characteristic of the dialectician is to be apt at universal premisses, and apt at special exceptions.
The Sophist, as Aristotle describes him, is only the Dialectician looked at on the unfavourable side and painted by an enemy.
According to Aristotle himself, therefore, theDialectician is agonistic and eristic, just as much as the Sophist.
What helps are available to give to the dialectician a ready and abundant command of syllogisms?
From any one of these sources the dialectician may borrow premisses for syllogizing.
But, if the distinction of purpose and procedure, between the Dialectician and the Sophist, is thus undefined and unsatisfactory, still more unsatisfactory is the distinction of subject-matter.
The unfair Dialectician is a Dialectician still; all his purposes remain the same, though the means whereby he pursues them are altered.
It is these opinions or beliefs that the rhetorician and the dialectician attack and defend; bringing out all the arguments available for or against each.
That all of them belong in this special way to the First Philosopher, we may farther see by the fact that all of them are handled by the Dialectician and the Sophist, who assume an attitude counterfeiting the Philosopher.
We are not to suppose that the legislator is performing any extraordinary function; he is merely the Eponymus of the State, who prescribes rules for the dialectician and for all other artists.
He is the poet or maker of words, as in civilised ages the dialectician is the definer or distinguisher of them.
It is a work not of chance, but of art; the dialectician is the artificer of words, and the legislator gives authority to them.
For the philosopher or dialectician is also the only true king or statesman.
A subtle dialectician and warm partizan of the sect of the Nominalists, he substituted his own opinions for the teaching of the Church; and ended by falling into the gravest errors on the sacred mystery of the Trinity.
Augustin, who was at heart a mystic, but also a dialectician extremely fond of showy discussions, found in Carthage a lively summary of the religions and philosophies of his day.
But so great was the reputation of Augustin as an orator and dialectician that the holy man dared not try a fall with such a vigorous jouster.
He busied himself also with a thorough study of their doctrines, the better to refute them: in him the dialectician never slept.
It was only at the third that the presbyter Malchion, a practised dialectician and formerly a rhetorician, succeeded in unmasking him at a public disputation.
Afterwards he entered the school of William of Champeaux at Paris, the most celebrated dialectician of his times.
And do you also agree, I said, in describing the dialectician as one who attains a conception of the essence of each thing?
The dialectician is as much above the mathematician as the mathematician is above the ordinary man.
To him who is not a dialectician life is but a sleepy dream; and many a man is in his grave before his is well waked up.
On the other hand, the business of the dialectician is, not to establish any foreknown conclusion, but to find out which among all supposable conclusions are untenable, and which is the most tenable or best.
Zeno, the better dialectician of the two, retorted upon the advocates of absolute plurality and discontinuousness, showing that their doctrine led to consequences not less absurd and contradictory than the Ens unum of Parmenides.
It was doubtless a point on which the Dialecticianmight find much to say on either side.
He here admits that the only difference between the Dialectician and the Sophist lies in their purposes--that the mental activity employed by both is the same.
The Rhetor accuses the Dialectician of departing from the conditions of reality--of breaking up the integrity of those concretes, which occur in nature each as continuous and indivisible wholes.
The subject is thus brought before us on all its sides, and the reader is familiarised with what a dialectician might say, whether capable of being refuted or not.
He was a powerful debater, but his victories were those of a dialectician rather than a convincing reasoner, and in him depth of insight and conviction were ill replaced by the controversial violence characteristic of the age.
Nowhere, indeed, is it so clear that the great dialectician had not really a historical mind than precisely in his treatment of the history of Jesus.
Not being able to make my dialectician answer kindly to interrogatories, I must get on without him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dialectician" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: grammarian; lexicographer; linguist; philologist; philosopher; sophist; thinker