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Example sentences for "flocking"

Lexicographically close words:
flocculi; flock; flocke; flocked; flockes; flocks; flockt; flod; flode; flodes
  1. Crowds came flocking to see the old man, for all had heard of his miracles and of his holiness.

  2. The heathen came flocking from every side to embrace the Faith.

  3. It seems to be the one great unobserved retreat, where all the sons of men may go, may be seen flocking day and night, to get the experiences they would not have, to be ready for those they cannot help having.

  4. Every editor has his herd, is a kind of bell-wether, has a great paper herd flocking at his heels.

  5. If a man is born with the wrong neighbours it brings the right ones flocking to him.

  6. With such divine plenteousness--seeds of the worlds in it--it goes about flocking on the souls of men.

  7. When I looked at a shelf of books I felt the whole world flocking to me.

  8. He finds ancestors and neighbours alike flocking to him--doing his bidding.

  9. The generations keep flocking to him the way they flock to the great sane silent ministries of the sky and of the earth.

  10. I have all but caught myself kidnapping children as I have watched them flocking in the street.

  11. But now, if we hurry, we shall be just in time to see the children flocking in crowds to one of their many playgrounds.

  12. When once it is known, then ore hill and dale, Men will come flocking to taste of our Ale.

  13. And, as Eusebius sums up, "not only those who lived in the same part of the world, but very many others from distant lands, left their country and came flocking to listen to him.

  14. Then a bell rang, and I was hurried forward by the crowd who were flocking on the platform; hurried on toward a train that had come into the station whilst I had been engaged with the housekeeper.

  15. The enemy did not pursue beyond the river, flocking back to the field to collect the plunder, and gather a rich harvest of scalps.

  16. None remained in the lodges but women, children, and old men, who all came flocking out at the sound of his imperious voice.

  17. Messengers hastened out to spread the tidings; and every road and pathway leading into Carlisle was beset with the flying settlers, flocking thither for refuge.

  18. Crossing fresh-water oceans in their birch canoes, and threading the devious windings of solitary streams, they came flocking to the common centre of attraction.

  19. The Poles are flocking hither every day, and the streets are full of their melancholy faces!

  20. Wondering not a little how I came by the honor, I joined the crowd flocking from all parts of the town to see the ceremony.

  21. The whole population of the neighborhood, apprised of the occasion, was gathered on the lawn, or came flocking along the roads.

  22. What these rogues will dou yet I know not, but the contry was flocking to them from all hands.

  23. On the diamond-fields being discovered, diggers came flocking on to the banks of the Vaal, to open up the mines at Hebron and Klip Drift.

  24. Meanwhile, the dormitory-boys were aghast, and as soon as they heard the doctor's retreating footsteps, began flocking in the dark to No.

  25. The news had spread like wildfire to the studies, and the other boys came flocking in during the uproar, to join in it heartily.

  26. They had hardly shaken hands when the rest came flocking in.

  27. The peasantry from far and near came flocking to the aid of the townspeople, and the battle soon became general.

  28. By this time the whole kraal was aroused, and such few as were left in it came flocking out.

  29. On the following day the battle was renewed; the people flocking to the defence of the walls, and the French sharp-shooters being finally driven out from the Pamfili gardens.

  30. Dealers in Banko ware, curious stones from Mino and fans from Nagoya came flocking in, and the evening was passed in bargaining.

  31. The townspeople were flocking back, and had commenced to settle down again, but very few shops were open.

  32. The Arabs, too, came flocking in to beg, nay implore, me to help them out of their difficulties.

  33. Even the lepers began flocking in, in defiance of law and custom, and the authorities were beside themselves with anger and annoyance.

  34. John soon gathered to himself a following, the people flocking to him from all parts of the country, even from Galilee.

  35. He saw Himself acclaimed as the Promised One of Israel, and the multitude flocking to His banners.

  36. Are not your souls as precious as the souls of the people at Suffield,[15] where they are flocking from day to day to Christ?

  37. And you that are young men and young women, will you neglect this precious season that you now enjoy, when so many others of your age are renouncing all youthful vanities and flocking to Christ?

  38. I have seen the great flocking bridges and the roar about St. Paul's in communion with the treetops and with the hedgerows and with the little brooks, all in six seconds, when an engine, with its vision like a cloud of glory swept past.

  39. All o'er the mountains spreads the rumour, Both of his bounty and good humour; So that each shepherdess and swain Comes flocking here to see the Dean.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flocking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.