How for the defauteof exercise of armes the gret nombre of Romains were scomfited by men of Cartage.
And it is to suppose that it is rather in defaute of exercising of armes left this .
How Lucius Paulus, a cenatoure, in defaute that his hoste wolde not doo by counceile, he was slayne in bataile.
And no man may dwelle there in that desert, fordefaute of watre.
And also whan it waxethe lytylle, it is dere tyme in that contree: for defaute of moysture.
In that lond of Job, there nys no defaute of no thing, that is nedefulle to mannes body.
Egypt is a long contree; but it is streyt, that is to seye narow; for thei may not enlargen it toward the desert, for defaute of watre.
The houndes had overshote hem alle, And were on a defaute y-falle; Therwith the hunte wonder faste 385 Blew a forloyn at the laste.
My good, myn harm, lyth hool in me; 4585 In Love may no defaute be; For trewe Love ne failid never man.
Yelverton sayth it shall not breke thorf his defaute yf ye wyll n[ot] .
Caleyse sworn contrary to the Kyngs well, and for defauteof there wages; and that Qwen Marget was redy at Boleyn with myche sylver to paye the soudyers, in cas they wold geve here entresse.
And if men lyvede as mesure wolde, Sholde nevere moore be defaute Amonges cristene creatures, If Cristes wordes ben trewe.
For I woot wel, be thow went, Thei wol werche ful ille; For meschief it maketh Thei be so meke nouthe, And for defaute of hire foode 4210 This folk is at my wille.
Ac be nevere moore the firste 6780 Defaute to blame; Though thow se yvel, seye it noght first, Be sory it nere amended.
But to putte ony defaute or failinge in god, is blasphemy.
Ther is no man may saye in other wyse 15 That god him-self ne hath the right declared; Wherof the land is boun to thy servyse, Which for defaute of helpe hath longe cared.
Hector of Troye, in whom no defaute might be founde, yet is he reproved that he ne hadde with manhode nat suffred the warre begonne, ne Paris to have went in-to Grece, by whom gan al the sorowe.
Frere, canst thou assigne ony defaute in Christes rule of the gospell, with the whiche he taught al men sikerly to be saved, if they kepte it to hir endinge?
For hir deeth shal alwey liven, and hir ende shal everemo biginne, and hir defaute shal nat faille.
Covered with the derknesse of deeth': that is to seyn, that he that is in helle shal have defaute of the sighte of god; for certes, the sighte of god is the lyf perdurable.
And if ther be any thing that displese hem, I preye hem also that they arrette it to the defaute of myn unconninge, and nat to my wil, that wolde ful fayn have seyd bettre if I hadde had conninge.
And more-over, the miseise of helle shal been in defaute of mete and drinke.
Another defaute is this, that men doon deedly sinne after that they han received baptisme.
And therfore hath this wyse worthy knight, To live in ese, suffrance hir bihight, (60) And she to him ful wisly gan to swere That never sholde ther be defaute in here.
She wente he[rh] ner[rh] to here more, Thay wailed for defauteof mete.
To murthir men̄ for defaute of mete, It is grete shame tille a kinge; 1640 For every man most nedes ete, Or ellis may he do no thinge.
And for ther is so greet diversitee In English and in wryting of our tonge, So preye I god that noon miswryte thee, 1795 Ne thee mismetre for defaute of tonge.
But yif so be that thilke thinges ne mowen nat performen that they bi-heten, and that ther be defaute of manye goodes, sheweth it nat thanne cleerly that fals beautee of blisfulnesse is knowen and ateint in 15 thilke thinges?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "defaute" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.