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Example sentences for "declinature"

Lexicographically close words:
declension; declensions; declinable; declination; declinations; decline; declined; declines; declineth; declining
  1. Mr. David said, My declinature answers to that.

  2. The Ameer replied to the notice that a mission was about to proceed to Cabul by a courteous declinature to receive an Envoy, assigning several specious reasons.

  3. The declinature is corrected and all ready.

  4. If a declinature is necessary, let it be in the form of a recognition of the honor conveyed in the invitation, and genuine regret at the impossibility of accepting it.

  5. But the acceptance or declinature of an invitation, and the answer to a business communication, should be sent with as little delay as possible.

  6. It is next in importance as a function, and the acceptance or declinature of a letter requesting that one should attend it must be promptly despatched.

  7. As with teas, so with evening receptions, a declinature must be sent in the shape of a card delivered on the day of the function.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "declinature" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abnegation; declension; declination; declining; denial; deprivation; disagreement; disclaimer; disobedience; dissent; nay; negation; negative; recantation; rejection; repudiation; retention