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Example sentences for "decimated"

Lexicographically close words:
decima; decimal; decimals; decimam; decimate; decimating; decimation; decimeter; decimo; decin
  1. Longstreet threw in his last reserve against the triple line which had already decimated his division.

  2. Dismayed and decimated by this fierce and unexpected onslaught, Meade's brigades broke in disorder and fell back to the Richmond road.

  3. A relieving force was sent out to bring in the decimated column, utterly prostrated by the incessant fighting.

  4. The Revolution, decimated in its progress, must one day or other inevitably arrive at a last stage, and he desired it should end in himself.

  5. The clergy was deprived of these endowments in landed estates, which decimated property and population in France.

  6. Yes, if I had had in my hand the arms of the people after the decree against the garrison of Nancy, I would have decimated the deputies who confirmed it.

  7. She saw her faithful friends fall around her wasted by hunger or decimated by sickness.

  8. Having thus decimated the few inhabitants remaining to the town, it became necessary to repeople it.

  9. On two former occasions during the last few years, we have seen the Carthaginian armies decimated by pestilence,—near Agrigentum and near Gela,—previous to this last and worst calamity.

  10. The route from York to Hastings was covered by forced marches, and, with a decimated and wearied army, Harold Godwinson took up his position before the Norman host.

  11. To obviate such a disastrous result Adelwald resolved to reserve his own forces, and leave his allies to deal with Oswy, when he might reasonably hope to secure his kingdom against the decimated army, or armies of the victor.

  12. Knights dashed from point to point along the lines; Northumberland and Trollope closed their decimated ranks, and moved to the attack.

  13. The Kings of Anglia and East Mercia were put to the sword, and their armies decimated and scattered.

  14. In Goldhawk Road a Jäeger battalion contrived to rush the big rampart of paving-stones which had been improvised by the British; but once over, they were decimated by the fire from the houses on either side of the street.

  15. While they ate Enoch asked a question or two about his people, and if the decimated tribe, which had never recovered numerically from a scourge of smallpox, still resided near Lake George.

  16. Forced to retreat after a show of vain success, famine and frost decimated his ranks, and his soldiers’ frozen fingers refused to hold the interdicted arms.

  17. At last, weary, disappointed, pinched with want, and decimated by disease or the arrows of ambushed savages, the troops of Narvaez forced their way back through the jungle to the shore they had left.

  18. It had decimated itself for a question which involved no principle and led to no result, and perhaps the history of the world may be searched in vain for any parallel to a quarrel at once so desperate and so unmeaning.

  19. No wonder that the city is annually decimated by yellow fever; the surprise is that it does not prevail there every month in the year.

  20. Soldiers who have been doing garrison duty are sent inland to fill the decimated ranks of various stations, and room is thus made for the recruits, who are at once put to work, enduring a course of severe discipline and drill.

  21. As malignant as the fever which decimated the province of Gílán, these sudden afflictions continued to lay waste the land.

  22. Their soiled and worn out garments, and their decimated ranks contrasted greatly with our well filled ranks and new clothes.

  23. Everywhere their columns were being swept by musketry and artillery, and decimated by the sabres of the charging cavalry.

  24. He occupied himself in efforts to make his camp as impregnable as that of his foeman, and the two great opponents lay waiting face to face, while famine slowly decimated their ranks.

  25. He entered the narrow pass through which the road ran at that place, and speedily found his ranks decimated by the rifles of Hofer's concealed men.

  26. The former have retained much better their individual character, but they have been partly decimated by the European colonists, and are not very numerous at the present day.

  27. Rio de la Plata, the Chanases, and especially the Querandis, whose bands were decimated at the end of the sixteenth century, after their last attack on Buenos Ayres.

  28. Niue suffered a devastating typhoon in January 2004, which decimated nascent economic programs.

  29. The 1994 genocide decimated Rwanda's fragile economic base, severely impoverished the population, particularly women, and eroded the country's ability to attract private and external investment.

  30. Officers hastily looked over the decimated troops during the brief pause, as they awaited word to advance.

  31. At a certain point, say books on tactics, the remnants of decimated forces must waver, give way and retire.

  32. A dreadful famine prevailed, and the population was decimated by hunger; ten to twelve pounds of corn were sold for a dollar, and the man was fortunate who could buy it at this price.

  33. Is not even a more worthy object the punishment of Abdullah and the delivery of the enslaved and decimated peoples?

  34. The monument we now unveil is to one whose name brings no thoughts of decimated ranks, or of desolated provinces, no memories of beleaguered cities, of starving peoples, or of orphans' tears.

  35. But the troops of Charles the Fifth were decimated by want and sickness while there was an overabundance in the camp of the confederates.

  36. In order to be just they ought to have decimated themselves.

  37. He protected the judges who had formed part of the mixed commission, released the one who had decimated the department of the Var, and dismissed the prefect of Toulouse for having suspended the functions of another in the Haute-Garonne.

  38. The small number of them that will arrive before the Holy City will be still further decimated by the Saracens.

  39. During these internal disturbances that decimated still further the ranks of the remaining communiers, Louis the Lusty was busily engaged gathering his forces.

  40. If hunger, thirst and fatigue decimated the masses, the noble Crusaders, thanks to their wealth, almost always escaped privations.

  41. The musketry and rifles of the Tennessee and Kentucky militia, joining with the fire of the artillery, mowed down whole files of men, and so decimated their ranks as to throw them into a panic of disorder and force a retreat.

  42. So decimated and broken up were their columns that they dared not risk another battle.

  43. The allied powers defeated and decimated the armies of the French Emperor, and forced him to capitulate in his own capital.

  44. His death was followed by the surrender of the decimated band.

  45. They were met by a murderous fire, which almost decimated them, and the same fate befell a squadron of the 1st Dragoon Guards, who charged the enemy's flank.

  46. And the Boers, who were almost taken by surprise, poured murderous volleys into their ranks as they marched in quarter column, and almost decimated them.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "decimated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.