They feared Edward who was the right heir, on account of the decimation of the Normans, and the murder of his brother Alvred; and at last they agreed to make Hardekenut king of England.
At present polygyny prevails, professedly and evidently because of the preponderance of females due to the decimation of warriors in battle; but both custom and tradition tell of former monogamy, with a suggestion of polyandry.
The division of labor which affects proprietary interests is undoubtedly affected in turn by the militant habit of the tribe and by the frequent decimation of the warriors.
Cromwell's Decimation Tax of 1655, and virtually the whole machinery of the Major-Generalships.
For what was ship-money, a general burthen, by the side of the present decimation of a single class, whose offence had long been expiated by a composition and defaced by an act of indemnity?
It may be fair towards Cromwell to give his own apology for the decimation of the royalists, in a declaration, published 1655.
Probably there was some clause in this renewing the decimation of the royalists.
Decimation is always an objectionable mode of punishment.
From this time forth the hares that were white in winter would not be subjected to a greater decimation by foxes, &c.
The repetition of this process is causing the decimation of the Armenian people in a surer and much more efficacious manner than any massacres.
Followed by decimation of tribes by toleration of the whisky trade and the conveyance of loathsome disease.
But then, it may be said, too, that he has more reasons than the average white man to be fond of Negroes, since it was a Negro regiment that saved the Rough Riders from decimation at San Juan Hill.
Decimation of the ranks of the men is noticed in Vol.
There was no escape from political ruin but by the inundation of fertile fields, the destruction to an unprecedented degree of private property, and the decimation of the male part of the population.
The supposed decimationof the Moas by severe winters has been already discussed, and the extermination of the great auk in European waters was indirectly due to natural causes.
During the daily decimation of the people's lives, he thought a daily decimation of their industry possible.
With this last great shock, thedecimation of the tribes, upon him, Clark visibly declined.