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Example sentences for "deceased person"

  • The day on which Mass is said yearly for the soul of a deceased person; the commemoration of some sacred event, as the dedication of a church or the consecration of a pope.

  • A Mass for a deceased person or for some special object, said daily for a year or on the anniversary day.

  • The management of an estate of a deceased person by an executor, the strictly corresponding term execution not being in use.

  • Generally, the manifestations are attributed to a deceased person, known or unknown to the sitters.

  • The medium, of whom I spoke a little while ago, has several times had the impression that a deceased person unknown to him, but known to me, entered his bedroom.

  • As previously indicated, this intelligence, as a rule, claims to be the soul of a deceased person.

  • Once Mr. Oldfield so terrified a native by shouting out the name of a deceased person, that the man fairly took to his heels and did not venture to show himself again for several days.

  • A framework of wood or metal placed over the coffin or tomb of a deceased person, and covered with a pall; also, a temporary canopy bearing wax lights and set up in a church, under which the coffin was placed during the funeral ceremonies.

  • The disembodied soul; the soul or spirit of a deceased person; a spirit appearing after death; an apparition; a specter.

  • Australian natives believe that a deceased person is malevolent for a long time after death, and the more nearly related the more he is feared.

  • At the earlier stages of civilisation the property of a deceased person is not in every case subject to this rule.

  • It was contended that the principle on which hearsay evidence is admitted would extend to anything written by a deceased person.

  • They thus become analogous to words spoken—to representations made and conversations held—by a deceased person, the proper object of hearsay evidence.

  • As to other writings of a deceased person, such as letters, I do not say these may not become admissible as evidence by reason of death, though during life they could not be used.

  • Law), a stranger who intermeddles without authority in the distribution of the estate of a deceased person.

  • I conjecture that a current of influence may be started by a deceased person, which, however, only becomes strong enough to be perceptible to its object when reinforced by some vivid current of emotion arising in living minds.

  • Briefly, then, the popular view regards a "ghost" as a deceased person permitted by Providence to hold communication with survivors.

  • In other cases the "psychical invasion" of the spirit either of a living or of a deceased person seems to set up a variety of sleep-waking states--both in agent and percipient.

  • In the second place, we have no warrant for the assumption that the phantom seen, even though it be somehow caused by a deceased person, is that deceased person, in any ordinary sense of the word.

  • Once Mr. Oldfield so terrified a native by shouting out the name of a deceased person, that the man fairly took to his heels and did not venture to shew himself again for several days.

  • Amongst the Wintun, also of California, if some one in a group of merry talkers inadvertently mentions the name of a deceased person, "straightway there falls upon all an awful silence.

  • A bill for a physician’s services constitutes a claim against the estate of a deceased person, like any other debt.

  • In the works of the early dramatists, and by some writers of fiction, it has been stated, or implied, that the body of a deceased person could be seized and detained to compel the payment of his debts.

  • A very much higher legacy duty might be charged in the case of large sums passing on death to persons other than the widow, direct descendants, or other near relatives of a deceased person.

  • The death duties, especially where a deceased person leaves a large family, already cause much hardship.

  • The Letters, as will be seen from the Preface, were published as the work of a deceased person.

  • When I projected the translation of the book, I believed it to be, what the title announces, The Letters of a deceased Person.

  • The laws enjoin the most scrupulous fulfilment of such dispositions of a deceased person; however extravagant they may be, they must be executed.

  • Long possession which has begun to run in favour of a deceased person continues to run on in favour of his heir or praetorian successor, even though he knows that the land belongs to another person.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deceased person" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    considerable size; deceased person; deceased persons; deceased wife; desist from; different order; directly contrary; free acid; grows rapidly; holy friar; ironical smile; laughing matter; less quantity; many thousand; might have been expected; ninth parallel; our constitution; over yonder; stay longer; terrible fright; twenty acres; vain have; various species; vessel containing