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Example sentences for "directly contrary"

  • I doubt, whoever would suit the definition to the persons, must make it directly contrary to what we understood it at the time of the Revolution.

  • If indeed charity were an acquired habit dependent on the power of its subject, it would not necessarily be removed by one mortal sin, for act is directly contrary, not to habit but to act.

  • Very unhappily People have taken the directly contrary Method.

  • This Advice, I am sensible, is directly contrary to the common Practice; notwithstanding which it is founded in Reason, approved by Experience, and absolutely necessary.

  • First, It is directly contrary to experience, and our immediate consciousness.

  • This kind of comparison is directly contrary to sympathy in its operation, as we have observed in treating of com passion and malice.

  • This perverseness of soul, as it is directly contrary to true penitence, and to the appointed way of salvation, so it is very hateful to God.

  • But this is directly contrary to Scripture.

  • My Lords, here is a panegyric; and, directly contrary to the usual mode of other accusers, we begin by producing the panegyrics made upon the person whom we accuse.

  • This is directly contrary to the principles of conquerors.

  • This is directly contrary to financial economy.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "directly contrary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    about two inches long; assistant superintendent; brown bear; class passenger; combined attack; directly after; directly contrary; directly elected; directly opposed; directly opposite; directly proportional; distinguished family; force equal; good citizen; hide himself; large town; many nations; moral sentiment; natives were; noble knight; not found; rather firm; saw that; spiritual preceptor; throw stones; voice from