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Example sentences for "stay longer"

  • I hardly think it worth while for me to return to the island, this summer;--that is, unless you conclude to stay longer than a week from this time.

  • If you wish to stay longer at the lakes, however, I shall be quite happy to come back.

  • Emma's comforts and hopes were most agreeably carried on, by Harriet's being to stay longer; her fortnight was likely to be a month at least.

  • I think, Emma, I shall try and persuade her to stay longer with us.

  • I durst not reply, not daring to stay longer, but betook my self to my own Chamber, possest with fear and shame, I nothing but tost and tumbled all that night, taking not the least rest.

  • All that I heard was that his friend had pressed him to stay longer, and that he had agreed to do so.

  • In every new sheet the patient can stay longer; in the last sheet he becomes more quiet than before, usually falls asleep, and awakes in a profuse perspiration, which carries off the alarming symptoms.

  • In a thick wet-sheet the patient will be better cooled than in a thin sheet, and he will be able to stay longer in it before changing.

  • To this the prisoners answered with the tale of their mutinies, adding that their Captain would not stay longer in those parts now that his company had been routed.

  • Captain Rause was angry that the raid had not been more successful, and felt that it was useless to stay longer in those seas, now that the Spaniards knew that they were on the coast.

  • It was not convenient to stay longer there," says Dampier.

  • It was plainly foolish to stay longer, for at any time a force might attack him (by sea) from Lima or (by land) from Porto Bello.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stay longer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    considered the; directed against; from the; its author; lower away; merely formal; other terms; rule never; seems reasonable; servant came; shall love; stay away; stay behind; stay here; stay home; stay longer; stay right; stay till; stay where; stayed right; stayed till; tartaric acid; twenty dollars; watched them; white ground; work upon