But to know, who has most knowledge of the Publique affaires, is yet harder; and they that know them, need them a great deale the lesse.
The Eleventh Equity Also "If a man be trusted to judge between man and man," it is a precept of the Law of Nature, "that he deale Equally between them.
But when fortune once began to smile, no man was more sharpe, hard to deale with, nor more redie to breake his promise and faith.
But that thou shalt deale with me and the contre where thou art a straunger/ acordynge vnto the kyndnesse that I haue shewed the.
And the man bowed himselfe and worshipped the LORde and sayde: blessed be the LORde God of my master Abraham which ceasseth not todeale mercyfully and truly with my master/ And hath brought me the waye to my masters brothers house.
Although, in respect of his doings, it were a greatedeale Inferiour to his.
For, the hoggshead was able to holde & receive a great deale more, then his companion and hee were able to take: if y^t may get any praise.
The infection is great, and hardly will you get a sound bodie to deale vpon: you are my Countreyman, therefore I come to you first.
Detestable, detestable, that the flesh and the deuill shoulde deale by their factors.
It is a likely matter that such a man as Zacharie should make a prison of his house, and deale in matters of state.
For the Pope and his pontificalibus I will not deale with, onely I will dilate vnto you what hapned whiles I was in Rome.
What is heere but wee maye read in bookes and a great deale more too, without stirring our feete out of a warme studie.
To dispatch me presently is no reuenge, it wil soone be forgotten: let me dye a lingring death, it will be remembred a great deale longer.
At noon to dinner, and then to the office again, where mighty business, doing a great deale till midnight and then home to supper and to bed.
At night spent a good deale of time with my wife and Mercer teaching them a song, and so after supper to bed.
Thence home and to the office, where late writing letters and leaving a great deale to do on Monday, I home to supper and to bed.
However, I do see that I must be grown richer than I was by a good deale last month.
We made mighty much of them, and she talks mightily of her fear of the sicknesse, and so a deale of tittle tattle and I left them and to my office where late, and so home to supper and to bed.
I sat again, and had a great deale done, but, whatever the matter is, I do not fancy that it has the ayre of my face, though it will be a very fine picture.
After this Harold sonne to Earle Goodwine passed the Seas into Normandie, to deale for the discharge of his brother Wolnoth and Hacon his nephew, who had bene deliuered for hostages to the Duke.
In which regard, (because the lesse doeth alwayes accrue to the greater) they thought it more aduantageable to deale with a Prince of an inferiour state, then with a Prince of a state superiour or equal.
Assuredly, the Duke before the battaile encouraged his men, for that they should deale with enemies who had no shot.
But as I said in the beginning, we will not deale alike seuerely with all.
From hence proceedeth this slander, against our whole Nation: dissembling in the meane time with what honestie certaine Germans, making yerely voyages into Island, deale with our men.
If Children to Parents would dutifull be, If Servants with Masters would deale faithfully, If Gallants poore Tradesmen would honestly pay, Then might they have Comfort to sing, Care away.
To most rare Phisicke I invite you all; Come neere and harken what I have to sell, And deale with mee all those that are not well.
There is a greate deale of Confusion and difference betweene the late and ancient Geographers about the distinction and diuers reckonings of the Climats.
In my opinion," he adds, "it is but a dull and wearisome thing for a man to take a greatdeale of paines, in learning to pronounce what he understandeth not.
It becomes my fortune to deale thus in single money; and I may hit better with this hail-shot of little Letters (because they may come thick) then with great bullets; and trouble my friends lesse.
Now will I speake of the maner which the Chineans doe obserue in doing of iustice, that it be knowen how farre these Gentiles do herein exceed many Christians, that be more bounden then they todeale iustly and in trueth.
All sortes of spices be garbled after the bargaine is made, and they be Moores which you deale withall, which be good people and not ill disposed.
If at any time this countrey might be ioyned in league with the kingdome of Portugale, in such wise that free accesse were had todeale with the people there, they might all be soone conuerted.
It is a world to see how great these cities are, and the cause is, for that the houses are built euen, as I haue said, and do take a great deale of roome.
Att last they contrived some deale boords to make shipps with large bottoms, which was the cause of our destruction sooner then was expected.
The 5th had allready performed 2 voyages with a greate deale of successe.
That vexed us most that we had given away most of our merchandises & swapped a great deale for Castors.
There weare above 600 men in a fort, with a great deale of baggage on their shoulders, and did draw it upon light slids made very neatly.
Wee lost our second voyage, for the order was given to late for the fitting another ship, which cost a great deale of money to noe purpose.
Feasts were made & dames with guifts came of each side, with a great deale of mirth.
The day before I see the shallup going full salle towards the fort, whether I was also going myself by land with one Englishman in whom I put a great dealeof confidence, having no body else with me.
The snow was taken away, and the earth covered with deale tree bows.
The Rivers weare frozen, which made us crosse with a great deale of ease.
The feast of the dead consumed a greatdeale of it.
There are banks of sand 5 or 6 leagues from the waterside, where such an infinite deale of fish that scarcely we are able to draw out our nett.
Or if your curtesye would not deale so roughly with youre bounden creditoure, yet for duty sake I must acquite and content that which hath so long ben due.
Wherof vppon a day being demaunded the question, she answered: "I gyue my body to prynces and noble Barons, that they may deale with mee lyke Gentlemen.
Yet, by mine honor, I will deale in this, As secretly and iustlie, as your soule Should with your bodie Leon.
Come, 'tis no matter, Do not you meddle, let me deale in this Pri.
At the Duke of Albemarle's I overheard some examinations of the late plot that is discoursed of and a great deale of do there is about it.
July 16th, my mynde was somewhat bent to dealewith my alchimicall exercises.
As Milles, to Saw great and very long Deale bordes, no man being by.
Looke in * Vitruuius, whether I deale sincerely for your behoufe, or no.
And yet you will finde it strange to dealethus generally with Arithmeticall figures: and, that for Battayle ray.
And then, to thinges Elementall, turning your practise: you may deale for the proportion of the Elementes, in the thinges Compounded.
Vexed with these things, but eased in mind by my ridding of a greatdeale of business from the office, I late home to supper and to bed.
I must invite them to Foxhall, to Spring Gardens, though I had freshly received minutes of a great deale of extraordinary business.
Coventry, whom I have at distinct times heard the same thing come from with a great deale of grief and trouble.
I dined with him with a great deale of company, and much merry discourse.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deale" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.