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Example sentences for "daungerous"

Lexicographically close words:
daulah; daunce; daunced; dauncing; daunger; daungers; daunt; daunted; daunting; dauntless
  1. Yet hath to power no rule and guide himselfe, I know you gentle Ladie and the care, Both of your honour and his graces health, Makes me confused in this daungerous state.

  2. No more, no more, tys daungerous jestinge with edge toole[s], muche more with prynces.

  3. Tys daungerous for your shynns; take heede of my[schief].

  4. And by means of their great feare, oftentimes they fall into great daungerous diseases.

  5. The Grekes calleth Usurie Tokos, that is properlie the trauaile of women of their childe: soche is their Usurie, a daungerous gettyng.

  6. And though he holy were, and vertuous, 515 He was to sinful man nat despitous, Ne of his speche daungerous ne digne, But in his teching discreet and benigne.

  7. I trowe I loved him beste, for that he Was of his love daungerous to me.

  8. And by the greatest and most daungerous hap that can be imagined I am come hither.

  9. And for thestablisshing thereof to make and ordeyn on both sides suche straite lawes ayenst the brekers transgressours and offendours as shalbe to hevye daungerous and weightie for them or any of them to bere suffer and susteyne.

  10. At least wyse if I sawe some hope of health would indure without complaynt thereof: yea, and it were a more daungerous tempest.

  11. It shal be hee, or else I wil dye for it, whych shall haue the recompense of his troubles, and shall feele the caulme of that tempest, whych presently holdeth hym at Anker, amyd the most daungerous rockes that euer were.

  12. And therefore that daungerous seruice by skilful men is specially to be recommended and cherished.

  13. Ah, Adelasia, what happie miserie dost thou finde in this free prison, where pleasure hath no place till the enemies haue disquieted the life, with a Million of painefull aud daungerous trauailes?

  14. And to all souldiers it is very noysome and a daungerous disauantage in the warres or in any particular combat, which being the most comely profession of euery noble young Gentleman, it ought to perswade them greatly from wearing long haire.

  15. The performance of this long and daungerous voiage in so short time we ascribed to Gods deuine and wonderfull prouidence, hauing sailed at the least 8000.

  16. And thus much may suffice concerning our daungerous conflict with that vnfortunate Carack.

  17. In the beginning of the year 1594, After long stormes and tempests sad assay Which hardly I endured hertofore In dread of death and daungerous dismay With which my silly bark was tossed sore, he did 'at length descry the happy shore.

  18. Now was the Prince in daungerous distresse, 2 Wanting his sword, when he on foot should fight: His single speare could doe him small redresse, 4 Against two foes of so exceeding might, The least of which was match for any knight.

  19. For the waltering Seas and troublesome gournement be two things agreeable to beholde, and daungerous to proue.

  20. If sallades be so costly (quod Hircan) and so daungerous in May, I will prouoke appetite with other sawces, or els hunger shall be my chiefest.

  21. Stormes, Tempestes, and Spoutes: and such lyke Meteorologicall effectes, daungerous on Sea.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daungerous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.